Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

“Wh……What are you saying? You… . . I don’t understand what you are saying . ”

After finally opening her mouth a boring answer comes out .

“I’m inviting you to join my group . What’s hard to understand about that?”

“I’m not on about that . I’m a group leader . ”

“Quit then . ”


Sasha’s mouth falls open again and she looks at me in amazement .

“Stop saying such foolish things . I have no reason to quit being a group leader . ”

“If you join my group you can patch up your relationship with Misha . ”

Did my words irritate her? Sasha starts glaring at me .

“I have never thought of that doll as my younger sister . ”

Making a parting remark Sasha returns to her seat .

“…… . I’m sorry…… . ” Misha murmured next to me .

“You do not need to apologise . It was that fellow that picked a fight with me . ”

*Furufuru* Misha shakes her head .

“…… . . Sasha is a good person… . . ”

Are you defending her because she’s your older sister or do you really think that? It’s hard to judge due to Misha’s deadpan expression .

“…… . . It’s my fault……”

Fumu . Even after being called a trash doll, Misha doesn’t seem to hate her sister .

“Well then, let me correct myself . I was suddenly attacked by though I’m perfectly fine . That is not your fault . ”

Misha stared at me .

“… . . Gentle……”

I admit I am a little worried .

“What did she mean by doll?”

“……………… . . ”

Misha closes her mouth and doesn’t answer .

“…… . . I can’t say………”

You don’t want to tell me?

Whatever . Whether Misha is a doll or not is irrelevant . She is still my friend .

“It’s fine . I’m not particularly interested . ”

Misha smiled a relieved smile .

“…… . Nn………”

Signalling a fresh start a sharp clap rang out suddenly .

“Okay then . It seems that the groups have been decided . I’ll continue with my explanation so everyone please return to your seats . ”

At the sound of Emilia’s voice, all the students return to their seats .

“From this point on I will be teaching you all magic and we will be starting with Demon King Army . This magic is especially suited for warfare so in 1 week there will be a test . All groups will fight each other so please study hard for it . ”

Emilia begins by explaining the test to us .

When fighting in a group, Demon King Army raises your overall fighting ability .

It’s a bit of strange magic though . Depending on the user and their subordinates it has 7 and changes .

Demon King (King)

Castle Lord (Guardian)

Sorcerer (Mage)

Therapist (Healer)

Summoner (Summoner)

Demon Swordsman (Cavalier)

Shaman (Shaman)

Each of these 7 bestows a particular trait . For example, the Castle Lord (Guardian) excels in building castles and dungeons, barriers and anti-magic walls . Reinforcement magic is bestowed .

On the other hand weapon magic and attack magic is forcibly weakened .

As long as the cla.s.s characteristic is adhered to, the general magic power of your group will improve .

The caster of the spell will always be the Demon King (King) and supply the magic effects to their subordinates . It’s also possible to supply magic power as well .

Naturally, if the Demon King (King) dies or runs out of magic power then the spell is cancelled and the magic effect disappears .

“I’ll now judge if the team leaders can use this magic . ”

If the team leaders can’t use this magic then their members will have chosen poorly .

In order, each team leader cast Demon King Army . None of them failed or seemed to have a particular problem .

If I’m honest, in an actual war none of these fellows would be usable . Only Sasha performed well casting a very stable spell . I guess that’s why she’s one of the chaos generation .

“Very good . I’ll now give a detailed explanation of the spell . First off—–”

Emilia restarts the cla.s.s, however, because this is the magic that I developed I already know it all .

Also, she makes mistakes in her grand explanation but if I pointed them out it would be never-ending . Let’s just ignore it .

I started to feel sleepy from such a boring lesson and before I noticed it I had nodded off .

While my consciousness was absent the cla.s.s bell rang and the lesson ended .

“Misha . ”

A harsh voice caresses my ear . It’s Sasha .

“Will you tell him?”

Is this about me?

“… . . Wake up… . . ?”

“No need . ”

I thought they’d start talking but there’s nothing but silence for some reason .

“Nee . Why are you with him?”

After a brief pause Misha says

“……Friend… . . ”

“I see . Is it fun?”

“…… . Nn…… . . ”

“I see, Hmph . Good for you . ”

Sasha’s words are stinging but she also seems to be happy somehow .

Misha said that she did not know if they were on good terms or not . She doesn’t seem to hate Sasha and that remark about her being a trash doll . Are there some circ.u.mstances behind it?

Well, they are sisters . Quarrelling is inevitable .

“And? What’s your business?”


Sasha jumped back surprised .

“Don’t get up so suddenly! I was surprised . ”

“Couldn’t you tell from my magic power flow that I was awake? You truly are a pitiable person . ”

Sasha starts glaring at me again .

“So? What do you want?”

appear in Sasha’s eyes .

By choice, changes in your emotions along with intensity can cause demon eyes to appear .

In other words, it’s not always controllable .

Although she can’t control it her are beautiful and that beauty is a manifestation of her talent .

“Let’s fight . ”

It was an unexpected proposal .

2000 years ago those with the courage to say that to me in such a dignified manner were rare amongst both the humans and mazoku .

“With me? What type of game is it?”

*Kuukuu* I laugh . No matter the game I don’t feel like losing at all .

“Emilia-sensei said so right? In one week we will be tested by fighting each other . How about the loser has to do what the winner asks?”

I see .

“Most amusing . ”

“If you win I’ll step down as team leader and join your group . ”

“What if you win?”

Sasha smiles and says

“I get you . ”

“You want me to join your team?”

“No . You will cut all ties with that doll over there and become my thing . You will offer your absolute obedience to what I say . I won’t permit any back talk . ”

With a prideful look, Sasha looks down on her sister .

“Misha, remember this . All of your things are mine . Even your friends . I will not give anything to you at all . Such an interesting toy is wasted on you . ”

Yare yare . I don’t know where these spiteful remarks to Misha are coming from, also, Why am I being treated like a toy?

“Whatever . I’m fine with that . ”

“Oh? You agreed very easily . Is that okay?”

“Well, I’m going to win anyway so yeah . ”

Sasha glares at me some more .

“I was careless earlier . Wash your neck and wait a week .

Sasha left with a flutter of her skirt .

“When she joins us you can make up . ”

Misha’s eyes blinked in surprise .

“…………So you invited Sasha………”

“It might be unwanted interference . ”

Misha shakes her head and smiles faintly .

“…… . . Thank you…… . . ”

It felt like Misha wanted to be friends with Sasha . Was I right?

Well, one way or the other it will work out .

“Don’t worry . I’ll do my best against the other teams next week .

*Kokuri* Misha nods .

“………I’ll do my best……”