Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

“Well then Misha . ”

I turn round by the altar and Misha walks over to me .

“Are you going to tell me?”

She quietly watches me .

“…… . About Sasha……?”

“About you . ”

Misha falls into her usual deadpan silence when I say that .

“…… . . Want to know……?”

“Because you’re my friend . ”

Misha looks down slightly .

“You don’t want to say?”

Misha shakes her head .

“Want to say . ”

“You change your mind?”

*Kokuri* Misha nods .

“…… . . Arnos is my friend . Is kind… . . ”

“I see . ”

“……Nn…… . ”

Misha looked at me with her usual eyes devoid of feelings .

“…… . . At midnight on my 15th birthday, I’ll disappear…… . . ”

She delivered her confession in an indifferent tone .

“This related to you being a magic doll?”

It’s not a particularly surprising story from a technique like this .

“Magic doll is not correct . ”

Was it a metaphor then?

“Misha Necron does not exist . ”

Fumu . I see . Was it such a thing?

I can see most of the circ.u.mstances now going by what I’ve heard so far .

“In other words, you are originally Sasha?”

When I said it Misha blinked at me in surprise .

“…… . How can you know that…… . ?”

“It’s almost impossible to cancel any contract made by Contract unless the difference in magic power is enormous . Yours and Sasha’s magic power levels are very similar yet she cancelled the contract . ”

One of the few methods did come to mind .

“However, if you and Sasha are the same person then only one of you needs to cancel it since in effect you signed the contract with just one person . ”

“……Arnos is smart…… . ”

It’s not something worthy of being praised . I guess the people of this time don’t know that there is magic to split a person into two people .

“It’s similar to a magic called Soul Fission . The body and soul are divided but they gradually return to their single original form . ”

Misha nods .

“I’m a simulated personality created by magic . I don’t originally exist . I’ll return to Sasha on my 15th birthday . That’s why that girl called me a magic doll . ”

Because she’s a temporary life she’s a magic doll huh?

That explains the same magic power and why Misha is in white clothes despite the fact she has the same blood . They always knew she’d disappear .

“Is this the work of Aivis Necron?”

Misha is surprised again .

Looks like I’m right .

“……How… . . ?”

“Soul Fission is not a simple magic . In this age, it has really limited use . Also, the success rate dramatically drops if it’s not cast on a fetus . You carry Aivis’ blood . It’s not a big leap to suspect him . ”

And he has a reason .

and fusion magic together have a purpose . Fusion magic can fuse together two magics but it has a flaw due to it’s limited fusion time . ”

Even the fusion magic I improved still has a limited duration .

“However, it’s a different story if you originally divide one thing into two . Using the power of Misha and Sasha who will return to one person Aivis came up with a way of eliminating the duration defect of fusion magic . ”

Use to divide then use fusion magic to amplify the magic power . The original magic power will increase many tens if not hundreds of times and because it was originally the same thing it will permanently fuse together and never separate again .

I must admit even I find it quite an absurd thing to do . The complexity of the method, the difficulty of the magic and the risk to Sasha are all enormous .

Even if she survived the fusion could her body withstand the power? Even if it did, would her mind survive?

Well, even if Aivis is rotting he’s still a mazoku I produced directly . It will probably be fine .

“There are other possibilities I thought about but how’d I do?”

Misha nods . Guess I was right after all .

“Separation Fusion Reincarnation

“That the magic cast on Sasha?”

Misha nods again .

It’s a magic made by combining fusion magic and . It must have been developed to produce a stronger mazoku . This is probably the reason that he started studying fusion magic .

“That’s why you said we can’t meet on your birthday . ”

Misha nods .

“… . . I’m sorry… . . ”

“Why are you apologising?”

“… . . I was silent……”

“Don’t worry about it . When you want to say something you should just say it . ”

Misha looked down and muttered .

“I wanted to spend the time normally . ” She says while raising her gaze to meet mine before continuing .

“Since I was born my fate was decided . I’ll disappear and only Sasha will remain . Even so, those 15 years would be pretty good I thought . ”

Even compared to the short lives of humans her life is too short . For mazoku it’s a life so short it will be an instant .

“With only that much time I wanted memories but no mazoku would talk to me . Half a Necron . I’m not supposed to exist . Even in the school, it was the same . ”

Fumu . Certainly, I’ve never seen Misha talking to another mazoku . Even Emilia will only do businesslike exchanges .

“I thought so . ”

Misha’s eyes are strong and stare straight at me .

“Arnos spoke to me and became my friend . You took me to your house and your parents happily spoke to me . ”

Misha laughs .

It was trivial but Misha cherishes those memories so much .

“A miracle happened in my life . ”

A girl I spoke to on a whim considers it a miracle . What kind of past have you walked until now? It’s easy to imagine .

This age is certainly peaceful but it’s still not without tragedies .

“Arnos . ”

Misha calls me .

“Thank you for calling my name . I was happy . ”

The thing I wanted to say tomorrow has arrived . I gently place my hand on the head of Misha who’s saying such a silly thing .

“What’s wrong?”

“Are you happy? Are you really satisfied?”

Misha nods .

“I’m not afraid because I never existed from the beginning . ”

Yare yare . This is quite the problem .

“You are here and you are my first friend . You didn’t think I was going to let my friend die did you?”

Misha’s eyes rounded but she immediately shook her head .

“……Impossible even for Arnos…… I do not exist from the beginning . I’m only returning to the original . I’m not dying, I’m disappearing . I cannot revive . ”

Resurrection . If the soul survives the death then by looking into the abyss at the origin of the soul they can be revived, however, the origin of Misha is Sasha . After Misha disappears, even if I use the origin of Misha which is the source of the resurrection won’t exist anywhere .

“A body and soul cannot remain divided forever . ”

Originally one thing divided into two by magic . The time limit is 15 years . After 15 years the body and soul that is not restored cannot continue living .

To begin with, the state of division between Misha and Sasha is unnatural . Magic can temporarily cause unnatural things to exist and can also restore unnatural things .

That being said magic cannot indefinitely maintain artificial things caused by magic .

If it does maintain it then a distortion will inevitably form somewhere .

“Thank you . ”

“What for?”

“Because Arnos is kind . ”

I don’t understand at all .

“Kind words are good and all but just those won’t save you . ”

Misha shakes her head .

“I was truly saved by you so it’s alright now . ”

What do you mean its alright?

While thinking Misha reached up and patted my head .

“There there . ”

Another action I don’t understand .

“What are you going to do?”

“Are you sad?”

“Sad? This me?”

The sad one should be Misha .

“Do you regret becoming friends with me?”

“Why would you ask that?”

Misha kept quiet for a moment the spoke .

“… . Misha Necron does not exist… . . ”

She says it in her usual indifferent tone . Because she will disappear she’s worried about me making friends with someone who will disappear .

Stupid . This complete idiot .

I grabbed her slender body and pulled her to me hugging her strongly .

“… . Arnos… . . ?”

“There are two things that I don’t know . ”

Strongly . Strongly . I hug Misha .

I will tell you that you are here .

“… . What… . ?”

“Regret and impossibility . ”

While being hugged by me Misha turns her cold eyes to me .

“I told you . I am the founder, the Demon King . I will grant your wish . ”

Even with her usual deadpan expression Misha seems puzzled .

“I want to reconcile . ”

She must mean Sasha .

“That is my wish . ”

Is that what she wants in her last few hours?

She still doesn’t believe I’m the founder .

I won’t let my words become lies .

“…… . . Difficult……?”

“Don’t worry . I told you I don’t know what impossible is . ”

I release Misha .

I began walking towards the large door out of the room .

“Where are you going?”

“To where Sasha is . I’ll make sure you make up . ”

When I laughed Misha smiled happily .

“… . . Nn……”

“Misha . Will you make me one promise?”

Misha looks at me .

“You must keep thinking that there is a tomorrow right up to the last moment . ”

She remains silent .

“Do you want to spend the time normally?”

Misha nodded at my words .

“I understand . ”

“Alright . Let’s go and quickly catch Sasha . ”

We start heading back the way we came .

I stare ahead and the sound of Misha’s steps follow me .

There’s nothing to be scared about she said . Because she doesn’t exist .

Is that really so?

She may have just given up and accepted it .

Take a good look Misha .

I am Arnos VoldiG.o.d .