Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

“Do we need to go to that room over there now?”

*Kokuri* Misha nods .

After entering the room an owl perched on a stone statue opens its mouth .

“Please stand in the centre of the magic formation to start the apt.i.tude test . ”

A large number of magic formations are drawn on the floor with students standing in them taking the test .

“………Well then……… . ”

“Ou . Later . ”

Misha walked over to an empty circle .

I also find a suitable circle and stand inside . As soon as I have a voice echoes in my head .

“In this apt.i.tude test, we measure your thoughts against the cruelty of the demon king . In addition, we perform a simple test on your knowledge of the demon king . We are reading your thoughts so cheating will not be permitted . ”

Fumu . They are using Thought Transmission .

Whoever thought that lying is impossible is inexperienced in the use Thought Transmission . It’s not hard to lie while using it .

I don’t have a reason to lie though .

“Then let’s begin . It is said to be wrong to call the name of the demon king but please state the demon kings name . ”

No need to think this one through . It’s Arnos VoldiG.o.d .

“In the age of myth, the founder destroyed Deiruheido using Flame Prison Annihilation Cannon . As a result, all of Deiruheido was burnt to the ground and many mazoku lives were lost . Why did he perform such an act of violence? What were the founder’s feelings at the time?”

Fumu . What a nostalgic story .

The answer to why I used on Deiruheido was that I was half-asleep .

At that time I was in the middle of a long battle with the hero Kanon .

I wanted to sleep but I couldn’t relax for even a moment . I had to be in a state constant battle readiness .

Thanks to that I fell into a half-sleep state and thought I was fighting Kanon and used by accident .

This question is slightly wrong however . Certainly, Deiruheido turned into scorched earth but not a single mazoku died .

Even though I was half-asleep my magic control was still perfect . I turned the country into ash but made it so the mazoku were not affected by the spell .

If you can’t even do that much then you are not worthy of being called the demon king .

“You defy ma.s.s murder even though that was the creed of the founder . Describe why this was the correct reason for the demon king . ”

A trick question . A person who defies ma.s.s murder . I don’t remember ever making ma.s.s murder my creed . If I don’t have to kill someone I won’t, however, in that age helping people usually involved killing . That was the only reason .

“Moving on . Next question-”

And so the apt.i.tude test continues, however, all the questions are about me . Naturally, I know the answers so I answer without any hesitation .

30 minutes later the apt.i.tude test is finished and I leave the room .

I half listen to the owl explaining about the admission on my way back .

Pa.s.sing through the mirror room I go outside and find Misha standing there .

Without doing anything she staring off into empty s.p.a.ce .

“What are you doing?”

After hearing my voice Misha turns to me .

As expressionless as ever I see .

“……… . . I waited………”

“For me?”

*Kokuri* Misha nods .

“You told me later . ”

Oh yeah, I did say that .

“Sorry . Is the day over now we’ve done the apt.i.tude test?”


She took the trouble to wait so it would be awkward to leave now . I can’t do something like that .

“Well then, as a celebration for pa.s.sing do you want to go out and have some fun?”

Though she’s as deadpan as ever it appears like she’s puzzled a bit .

“With me?”

“Yeah . ”

“That okay?”

“I’m inviting you . ”

What are you thinking?

Misha looks down and remains silent .

“If you’ve got some business to take care of don’t worry about it . ”

“…… . I’ll go…… . . ”

“Really? Okay then, do you want to come to my house first? I’m sure my mother is making a feast and waiting . ”

Misha nods again .

“All right then . Hold on . ”

I hold out my hand and Misha holds it without any hesitation .

“Like this?”

“That’s it . Let’s leave . ”

Flight like the name implies it allows you to fly . It’s pretty easy to use but there’s a better magic for moving around .

“I’m ready . Hold my hand harder . ”

“Understood . ”

Misha strengthened her grip on my hand .

A magic circle is drawn on the ground and the scenery in front of us is dyed a pure white . The next moment a blacksmith and appraisers shop called [Solar Wind] appears before us .

It’s a wooden house with the 2nd floor being our living area .

“We’ve arrived . This is my house . ”

I say this but Misha is still staring at the signboard in front of us .

Her face hasn’t changed but it appears like she’s surprised somehow .

“…… . Magic?………”

“Yeah, Transfer . A very brief explanation is that it connects two s.p.a.ces and allows for instantaneous movement . ”

Misha closes her mouth then opens it again and mutters some words .

“……Lost magic…… . . ”

Fumu . Seem’s she’s unfamiliar with it .

“What is it?”

“It’s a magic that no one knows how to use anymore . It was lost back in the age of myths . ”

I see . Magic seems to have degenerated more than I thought over the last 2000 years . Though it’s existence is known those who can use it have disappeared .

I can sort of understand it though . is a magic that I created and even in the age of myths, those that could use it were few .

“……Arnos is a genius… . . ?”

*Haha* I laugh unintentionally .

“… . . Serious…… . ”

“No no, I’m sorry . It’s a bit embarra.s.sing being called a genius for just this much . ”

I won’t deny I’m a genius though . Anyway, I only want to be told this when I use magic no one else can use .

“………Who are you Arnos……?”

“I’m the founder . The demon king . ”

Misha’s expressionless face suddenly showed surprise .


“You believe me?”

Misha thought about it and said

“… . You have proof… . ?”

After all, she doesn’t believe me .

“I am proof . This is my power but the people in this time have weak demon eyes and don’t have the ability to stare into the abyss that is my power . ”

Misha falls silent and seems troubled .

Originally the demon king proved his existence by power but in this era, they are obsessed with pure blood, royalty and other superficial things .

If I’m honest this era is a bit different from my original idea .

“Arnos’ magic power is enormous . I cannot see the bottom of it either . ”

If Misha can’t see it then pretty much everyone else will have no idea .

If I press it any more than this it will become an annoyance for her .

“It’s fine . You will understand soon enough . Let’s go . ”

“… . . Nn…… . ”

I opened the door to my house .