Maria-sama ga Miteru

Chapter 44










"Onee-sama, is this really okay?"










Yumi asked, tugging on the sleeve of Sachiko-sama"s coat as they lined up inside the store.










"Is what "really okay"?"










"Your seventeen year run of protecting yourself will be broken today."










"How grandiose. Please don"t complain about each and every item that"s in the plan."










"But &h.e.l.lip;."










When Yumi agreed to this, she had no idea that it was going to be Sachiko-sama"s first time.










"It"ll be fine. If you teach me how to behave, I"ll be fine. If I get confused, I"ll just follow what you do."




















What kind of conversation was this, Yumi asked herself as they chatted. "How to behave", "follow what you do", she said. To do something as simple and easy as buy a hamburger.










That"s right.










The two of them were currently in a fast food store.










The amazing thing was that today was Sachiko-sama"s first time in a fast food store.










She was a natural-born princess, and if you left it at that it was understandable, but as a high-school student living in Tokyo it was quite the rare existence.










Her inexperience with fast food may have been due to her family"s policy, or fastidiousness. In that case she should phone home and get permission before attempting this challenge. Yumi, who did not understand the lifestyles of the rich, was reading far too much into this - Sachiko-sama had eaten hamburgers cooked by her family"s chef, so it wasn"t an absolute rule.










"What is it?"




















If the "way of a lady" still exists in this age, Sachiko-sama shouldn"t stray from the path. However, if she brought this up, she knew that Sachiko-sama would look displeased, so she didn"t dare say anything.










While this was going on, the line of people waiting to place their orders was steadily advancing. Before they knew it, Sachiko-sama was next in line.










"You"ve got it, yeah? Two hamburgers, two oolong teas and a medium serve of fries."










Yumi handed over the envelope containing their funds, which Sachiko-sama received with some irritation.










"I got it the first time you said it. And even if they recommend something, we don"t add anything to the order, right?"










"That"s right. Unplanned expenses would affect our future plans."










"Yes, yes."










Their usual roles had been reversed. It was uncomfortable, but also a little bit fun.










Sachiko-sama didn"t hesitate over the chicken nuggets or the apple pie, placing the order impeccably. Similarly for paying the money. However, she blundered right at the very end. She didn"t take the offered tray from the shop employee, instead turning and walking off towards the seats.




















Hurriedly grabbing the tray, she caught up to Sachiko-sama. While chasing her, Yumi was burning with shame. Following Sachiko-sama was a difficult job, she knew all too well.










"Huh? The staff don"t bring it for you?"










When Sachiko-sama asked again with a serious look on her face, Yumi realized she wasn"t joking.










"In this system the customers take the food they"ve ordered to their tables themselves, and then eat it."










It was like she was with some foreigner who had never been to j.a.pan before. No, these days there aren"t really any countries that don"t have fast food restaurants, so &h.e.l.lip;. an alien, perhaps?










"But you didn"t tell me that."










Sachiko-sama said quietly, as they were sitting down at a booth.




















Even on learning that her onee-sama was an "alien", Yumi"s common sense didn"t desert her.










"But you would have learned that from watching the person in front of you, right?"










"You were going on about this and that behind me, Yumi, so I didn"t have a chance to observe."










"In the end, it"s always my fault, right?"










"You beg to differ?"










Sachiko-sama, the contrarian who hates to lose, smiled coolly after pinning her own blunder on her pet.i.t soeur. Her smiling face looked so happy that Yumi was prepared to let it slide.










Sachiko-sama did not fit well with failure. Yumi was much happier to see her proud, smiling face than to see her embarra.s.sed and hanging her head in shame.










"The food"s getting cold. Let"s eat."










Yet, despite saying this, Sachiko-sama didn"t pick up her hamburger. She had unwrapped the hamburger and was doing well, but then started looking for something on the tray.










She lifted up her hamburger, the fries, the oolong teas, and then finally flipped over the tray"s place mat.










Yumi watched Sachiko-sama for a while, wondering if she should say anything. But she was hungry, so she took a bite of her hamburger first.










"Umm, onee-sama?"




















Sachiko-sama looked up as she answered and then, in the next instant, looked at Yumi with a curious expression that seemed to indicate she had found what she was looking for - or, more accurately, she looked from Yumi"s mouth to Yumi"s hands, where she held the half unwrapped hamburger.










"&h.e.l.lip; No way."










The two of them spoke at the same time.




















Again, their responses both came in unison.










But Yumi knew that the revelation that accompanied the "no way" was very different for the two of them.










"Onee-sama. You don"t use a knife and fork with fast-food hamburgers."










"&h.e.l.lip; I suppose not."










Sachiko-sama smiled bitterly, then let out a grandiose sigh of resignation.










"My mistake. It seems I should have learned from the sandwiches."










"So, then, at your house &h.e.l.lip;"










Instinctively Yumi leaned forward, absorbed in the question. When Sachiko-sama saw this, she immediately put on her "displeased" look and spoke.










"I"m sorry, but at my house we eat sandwiches with knives and forks too."










Sachiko-sama said that when she was in kindergarten, her cla.s.smates would laugh at her when she ate sandwiches with a knife and fork at lunchtime. Ever since then, whenever she ate sandwiches away from home she would always be mindful of eating them using her hands. She persevered with this, even though it was something that didn"t come naturally to her.










"It seems that, unfortunately, my house is a bit different from normal."










Sachiko-sama seemed to turn serious. Perhaps reluctantly, she picked up the hamburger with her hands and took a bite.










"Kindergarten is when you start to become self-aware, right? Being teased, and trying to improve your way of life to avoid that."










"Improve your way of life?"










"Changing what you have for lunch, not getting driven to school, watching the same cartoons on television as the rest of your cla.s.smates, that sort of thing.... But, thinking about it now, it was impossible for a child in kindergarten to do all that. As proof of that, I would end up in bed with a fever as a result of overdoing it."




















After hearing such an incredible story, the only response Yumi could offer up was "Ohh.".










"Because of that, I don"t really have any good memories of back then."










While talking, Sachiko-sama removed the pickles from her hamburger and placed them on top of a paper napkin. As usual, she was vehement about her tastes.










Nevertheless, Sachiko-sama has had to struggle ever since kindergarten. Incredible. Unbelievably incredible.










As for me, what did I think about when I was in kindergarten? - Yumi struggled valiantly to cast her mind back.










I was normal, living a care-free and pleasant life, I suppose. Playing games, painting and singing were all fun. Thinking about it now, it was a blessed time. The only invisible things she struggled against were from her own imagination. A peaceful life.










"I wonder what"s got into me. It"s strange, to be talking about the past like this."










Sachiko-sama picked out a single fry and ate it elegantly. Directly, with her fingers. She wasn"t searching for a fork any longer.










"That"s not true at all. I want to hear more of your past, onee-sama."




















"&h.e.l.lip; Ahh, not just about your past though."










Sachiko-sama smiled at Yumi"s frantic follow-up.










"Well then, shall we talk about now. And then about the near future."










Yumi felt a little bit nervous hearing Sachiko-sama"s words, though she didn"t know why.


















"Umm, is this really okay?"










"What"s the matter, Yumi? For some time now, you"ve been saying things to dampen the mood."




















When Sachiko-sama had said she wanted to talk about the near future, Yumi hadn"t expected they would talk about where to go next on the date. But there was a store Sachiko-sama wanted to visit so she asked Yumi to take her, and here they were.










"Again, this is the first time in your life you"ve been to a jeans store.... right? Onee-sama."










Call her obstinate, but she confirmed this once more.










Although it was Sachiko-sama"s choice, she wondered if it was really okay to introduce the daughter of the Ogasawara family to such an uncouth store.










Despite the cold, the store"s entry was wide open and country music could be heard coming from inside.










The product range was spilling out onto the footpath. The red letters of "Sale" and "Bargain" were burned into the retinas.










"That"s right. The first time in my life."










The comparison may not really be appropriate, but Sachiko-sama was like a greyhound waiting at the gate for the race to start, such was her impatience to go inside.










Yumi was desperately trying to stop this, and asked.










"So, you"re actually planning on buying something, and not just window shopping?"










"Of course? Didn"t you say that personal purchases were allowed?"










"Well, I did say that, but..."










Buying a dictionary was different to buying a pair of jeans, she thought. But explaining just how it was different was a bit difficult. In Sachiko-sama"s case, it was definitely different. Completely different.










"Won"t your father and mother be cross at you?"










"Oh, they"ll be okay. My grandfather will probably cry, though."










"Then it"s not okay, right?"










If there was anything that would make a grandfather cry, it would be wearing jeans. But would something like this really bring Sachiko-sama"s grandfather to tears? - I guess it"s just a figure of speech.










"But it"ll be okay if I don"t wear them in front of him. Besides, letting grandfathers have a say in their grandchild"s wardrobe would be troublesome."










"Troublesome, hey."










"If it doesn"t happen now, it may not happen. For a while now I"ve wanted to try on a set of jeans."




















A set of jeans, was what she said she wanted to try on. Just like Sachiko-sama to get the words wrong. Yumi thought she must be equating them to trousers, which would be a huge mistake.










Oh well. She had heard that jeans were originally work clothes for laborers, so they should have no relevance to the daughter of a wealthy family.










While Yumi was pondering if it was okay to stain such a lady with this a.s.sociation, Sachiko-sama had quickly entered the store.










"Yumi, stop mumbling to yourself and come and show me around."










"O.. okay"










Yumi prepared herself for the worst. After the victory over the fast food shop, the jeans shop should be a piece of cake, right? But if Sachiko-sama started talking about a games arcade, she would firmly refuse. That was outside of her territory.










"It"s called a jeans store, but I see they also sell things like sweaters and cardigans."










Sachiko-sama remarked somewhat excitedly as she slowly progressed into the store.










(This really is the first time in her life)










Although these days you have so-called specialty stores, it"s rare to find a store that sells only one product. The fast food stores called "Burger -" and "- Chicken" also sell fries and drinks. CD stores have ca.s.sette tapes and video tapes, butchers have sauces. - Although this is getting a bit off track.










"It"s nice that they don"t interfere when you"re shopping."










As Sachiko-sama was walking, she looked on approvingly as a customer freely searched the store for a particular product. Speaking of which, when they had been window shopping in the fashion building earlier, there were a lot of stores where the shop a.s.sistants would be pushing the products on them, telling them about the materials it was made from or urging them to try it on, so this probably seemed fresh by comparison. The clerks at the jean store weren"t really following the customers around. Other than the one at the register, they were either diligently lining up the products on the display or helping fold up cuffs.










"How do you find the jeans you want out of all of these?"










Faced with so many different types, Sachiko-sama faltered. There was certainly no lack of quant.i.ty, the entire interior of the store was filled with shelves of jeans. While there were some colored jeans sprinkled amongst them, the majority were of similar color and fabric.










"&h.e.l.lip; I"m losing confidence."










The clerks kept folding the clothes, more or less oblivious. But it was at times like this that you were grateful for the existence of a clerk that would call out to you.










Anxiously, Sachiko-sama surveyed her surroundings.










The inside of the store was lively. The light country music and the heavy sounds of the sewing machine, a young man and his family enjoying their Sunday afternoon shopping.










(This is bad)










Yumi had noticed that Sachiko-sama was coming down. She was relieved that Sachiko-sama"s first visit to the fast food shop had taken place more or less without incident, but if her first time shopping in a jeans store didn"t also go smoothly it would probably have huge repercussions for the rest of her life. Trauma, I think they call it. That would be a problem.










"Hang in there, onee-sama. I"m right here with you."










Yumi took both of Sachiko-sama"s hands in her own and encouraged her. Your pet.i.t soeur is here to help you out in any way, she was saying.










"&h.e.l.lip; Yumi"










"There are a lot here, but we can restrict it to only those that are your exact size. For a start, we only have to look at the ladies shelves."










Pulling her by the hand, Yumi led Sachiko-sama over to the corner with a drawing of a girl.










"This is the ladies section?"










"Yes. Now we"ve halved the number of items."










Hearing this, Sachiko-sama looked a bit relieved. Good. Earlier she was looking like someone who was suffering from motion sickness.










"Then you just have to choose the color and style you like, and buy the one in your size."










Sachiko-sama could probably afford to buy vintage jeans worth several hundreds of thousands of yen, but we"ll ignore that. For now, it was important that she didn"t get confused, if possible.










"The style I like...?"










"Umm. Like ones with flared legs, or tight ones, or straight ones. I"m simplifying it, but that kind of thing."










Additionally there were various other things, like the rise of the jeans, but she omitted them all. If you tell all these things to a beginner, their head would explode.






























"The ones you"re wearing now. That"s the shape I want."










Yumi took off her coat to better display them, then asked Sachiko-sama.




















Stonewashed, straight jeans. A totally uninteresting, completely standard pair of jeans.










"Right. When I saw you in that outfit, I wanted a pair of jeans."










"Huh- !?"










Unthinkingly she cried out. Because her beloved Sachiko-sama wanted to copy her. An astonishing bolt from the blue.










"Your voice is so loud."










But the store was so noisy that n.o.body paid any attention.










"You"re much more stylish than me, so a pair of slim jeans would suit you better."










She was grumbling, but it wasn"t ill-natured. Yumi had Sachiko-sama whisper her waist measurement into her ear, then went to the shelves with the straight jeans and returned with two pairs.










"The legs are a little bit long."










Sachiko-sama said, holding them up against herself.










"Try them on, then you can get them cut to size. Or people fold them and wear them like that."










"What do you do, Yumi?"










"Of course, I get mine cut to fit."










"Then I"ll do that too."










Sachiko-sama entered into one of the row of changing rooms in a good mood.










"When you"ve got them on, let me know."










Yumi stood in front of the curtain. Planning to act as a guard, just in case. There were a lot of male customers, and the change rooms were self-service so there were no staff around. It would be a disaster if someone were to mistakenly walk in on her onee-sama as she was changing.










At the sound of rustling clothes, her heart beat a bit faster.










She"s taking off her coat now. That"s the scarf coming off. The way she was imagining it was like a perverted old man. You could probably blame that on Rosa Gigantea.










(For onee-sama, the legs will probably only be "a little bit" long.)










In her case, the legs were always quite long. Or, rather, way too long. Whenever she got them cut to size, there was enough material to make a tissue case and a purse.










Their height was quite different, so she thought that their legs would also be different lengths. Her quick impression was that Sachiko-sama would have enough left to make a pencil case if you combined both legs.










(Even still)










It was quite unfair that Sachiko-sama"s bust should be bigger than hers, but the waist smaller. What the heck were you doing there, G.o.d. - She was thinking these grievances when suddenly a voice called out from behind the curtain.










"Yumi? Are you there?"










"Ah, yes."










"Can you help me."




















She was wondering what Sachiko-sama wanted her help with when she said "Excuse me," opened the curtain a fraction and poked her head inside.




















The words came out reflexively.










Sachiko-sama looked at Yumi a tad awkwardly. As though she wanted to be angry at Yumi for saying "whoa", but was unable to given the current circ.u.mstances.










"What should I do?"










Somehow Sachiko-sama had managed to put on the moderately long jeans without turning up the cuffs. But it still looked somewhat fashionable on her. The jeans were folded at her heel, and her toes could just be seen peeking out. It"s a bit rude, but it was suggestive of a drain spout.










"Excuse me for a bit"










Formalities dealt with once more, this time Yumi slid her whole body inside. Of course, she took her shoes off before doing so.










"Forgive my inadequate explanation, onee-sama. You have to fold these."










As she said this, Yumi squatted down by Sachiko-sama"s feet.










"Onee-sama, can you please stay standing and lift up your heel?"










"Ahh... like this?"






























Yumi hurriedly steadied Sachiko-sama as she swayed violently.










"Onee-sama, please put your hands on my shoulders, then lift your heels one at a time, okay?"










"&h.e.l.lip; I see. I got it."










Soon, she felt a weight on both her shoulders. Despite the circ.u.mstances, she felt strangely happy. Right now, I"m supporting onee-sama"s body, was how her thoughts went. And also, onee-sama trusts me enough to lean her weight against me.










"Okay, we"ll start with the right foot."










Following Yumi"s instructions, Sachiko-sama quietly raised her right heel. After hurriedly folding up the right cuff, she did the same thing for the left. When Sachiko-sama could put both feet on the ground, her balance would return and she wouldn"t have to brace herself.










She supposed she had become accustomed to seeing her stockinged legs below her skirt, but Sachiko-sama"s feet with only stockings covering them looked like an adult woman"s. Looking at such pretty feet, she could somewhat understand the feelings of foot fetishists.










"How"s the length?"










She asked, making minute adjustments. Just like she was one of the store clerks.










"Seems okay"










"Please put your shoes on and have a look in the full-length mirror outside the change rooms. To see how they balance, that sort of thing."










"&h.e.l.lip; But, Yumi. Is it okay in pumps?"










"Ahh, I see. Onee-sama, what shoes were you planning on wearing with your jeans?"










"I"d like to wear shoes like yours, Yumi."










Even though she said this, they weren"t fine goods you would normally l.u.s.t after. They were plain, ordinary sneakers.










"&h.e.l.lip;. And your shoe size is?"










"The same as yours, Yumi. 23."










Smiling sweetly.










"&h.e.l.lip; Okay."










And like that, she was partially coerced into lending Sachiko-sama her plain, ordinary (and a little bit dirty) sneakers. Although their shoe size was the same, Yumi in her socks couldn"t fit into Sachiko-sama"s high heel pumps. Because she couldn"t see the mirror from inside the change room, she was temporarily stuck with the tricky task of trying to walk with just her toes in the pumps.










"Here, Yumi, hold on to me."










Sachiko-sama held out her hand to Yumi.










"Ah, okay."










Their roles were now reversed. The mirror mercilessly reflected Yumi"s timid, awkward posture next to Sachiko-sama"s slender, cool, jeans-wearing figure.










"These are fine."










Sachiko-sama made a snap decision, without trying the other pair on. They were simple, but they fit her extremely well. It was almost as if they had been made for her.










"Okay, I"ll put a clip here to hold the position then you can take them off."










Yumi attached two of the large clips to the right leg of the jeans to prevent the fold from moving.










"Ahh, so this is what they meant by "clips holding it"."










In the changing room there were instructions saying "Jeans taken up free of charge. Bring them to the register with clips holding it."










"That"s right. If you take it to the store employee they"ll take them up for you."




















Sachiko-sama entered the changing room and closed the curtain. As she was doing up the laces of her sneakers, Yumi was secretly relieved.










Somehow they"d been able to clear this hurdle too.










Afterwards, it would finally be time for tea. She would have a cake set at a cafe she had wanted to go to for a long time. That was the plan.




















Sachiko-sama"s familiar voice called from the other side of the curtain.




















"Before we go to the cafe, there"s another place that I"d like to visit. Is that okay?"




















She had a bad feeling about this. But she couldn"t say no. Since they"d made it this far, she would accompany Sachiko-sama anywhere.










"That"s okay..... So, where to?"










There was a chance it wouldn"t match her premonition, so she asked just in case.










But, unfortunately, she had hit the nail on the head.










"Do they sell sneakers at regular shoe shops?"










She hadn"t yet paid for her jeans but already Sachiko-sama"s mind had warped to another location.


















"&h.e.l.lip; d.a.m.n it."










Tsutako muttered as she stood in front of the cinema.










It was a debacle.










It was rare that she would make such a careless mistake. What a blunder.










"The next session doesn"t start immediately after the previous session ends."










"So it appears. I humbly apologize."










"It"s okay. You"ve exceeded my expectations with what you"ve done."










Minako-sama patted Tsutako on the shoulder as she consoled her.










Perhaps due to warming herself with canned green tea and filling her stomach, Minako-sama was feeling generous.










"You took some photos of Rei-san and Chisato-san before they went into the movie theater, right? That should be enough."




















They had been having a leisurely lunch inside the train station building. So they just made it to the front of the cinema at the time she had memorized. But that time was for the beginning of the next session, so there weren"t any patrons exiting from the cinema.










The shock was worse than the time she took an out-of-focus photograph of Rosa Canina. Because this time there was no chance of recovery.










"At any rate, locating Shimako-san should be our top priority. If you really did see her in the food court, then it stands to reason that they would have eaten at a bench, like us."










"Hmm. Stands to reason, I guess."










Even as she responded in the affirmative, the image of Toudou Shimako and Kanina Shizuka eating side-dishes together on a bench didn"t really take hold in her imagination. Eating on a bench required you to put the food on your lap, which would lead to them hunching over to eat. But that image didn"t fit those two at all. But, on the other hand, why not? That was exactly what Minako-sama and herself had done, shamefully hunching over to eat the sautéed thistle root. Throw-away wooden chopsticks would accompany that perfectly.










"And at the same time as we"re doing that, we can also look for Sachiko-san"s group."










"Huh, why do you think that...!"










She hadn"t said anything herself. She supposed that Yumi-san and Sachiko-sama were currently enjoying their first date somewhere around here.










She had a sinking feeling. If the conversation looked like turning towards her, she would have to take care to redirect it. Otherwise all her effort so far would be in vain.










Minako-sama was done with the movie theater already, and turned and walked off towards the station. Consequently, Tsutako chased after her. There was no way they were going to use this ambush plan again, right? At least spare her from that.










"That"s right. Together with Miss Shimazu Yoshino."










Minako-sama made this bizarre statement as they walked along beside each other.










"Huh? Together, you say?"










"Together, I said. With Sachiko-san"s group. Hmm, I wonder if together is actually correct? When I met her, she had strayed by herself and was looking lonely."










"Sachiko-sama and Yumi-san &h.e.l.lip; and Yoshino-san?"










"Right. Oh, wait, did I say Yumi-san"s name?"










"Huh? Ahh, yeah, you said it just before, Minako-sama."










Danger, danger. She had to take care, otherwise she would leak the gossip about Yumi-san.










"Really? I wonder. Anyway, it"s not important. What do you think about that grouping?"




















I want to hear more about this, she thought. How did Yoshino-san get mixed in with Yumi-san"s first date? When they had met at the ticket gate, she hadn"t heard a peep about Yoshino-san.










"Yumi-san and the others don"t have anything to do with the treasure hunt prize, so we should keep that quiet..."










"You"re being naive, Tsutako-san. A reporter must never turn away from a story. Everything you gather becomes material. If we can pin down Sachiko-san"s group that becomes insurance in case we can"t find Shimako-san."










"Ohh, insurance."










Even if they did find Shimako-san"s group, the collected material would probably all be used in a story. That was how Minako-sama worked.










"Eye-witness account of the Rosa Chinensis en bouton sisters day off!" sprung to mind.










Good grief, she shrugged her shoulders. She wasn"t a newspaper reporter but she was a photographer. If good material rolled her way, she wouldn"t hesitate to pick it up. No, she understood quite well.










A bus was stopped at the bus-stop in front of the station.










Tsutako idly thought "If I got on this, it would take me to school," as she was reading the destination display. Right now, a young woman was being sucked into the entrance.




















Again, she got the feeling that it was a face that she knew. Unfortunately, it wasn"t either Shi