
Chapter 47

In the remains of a burning apartment building were firefighters, police, paramedics, and news teams.

A concerned reporter looked at the camera "Behind me is the Tizoc apartment complex, emergency crews are working to put out the fire so they can begin searching for survivors.

Unconfirmed sources report that from the building, a man in a black suit left the scene and aboard a luxury car with an unknown address.

The governor will give a conference in a few hours to determine if the origin of the event was caused or was an accident, we will continue to report. "

After this, the cameraman looked at the reporter and made a sign with which he concluded the work, the reporter under the microphone, and from his bag, he took out a handkerchief with which he wiped his forehead.

"The event of the village ma.s.sacre a week ago, power shifts in Europe and now what appears to be a terrorist attack.

Fernando, I think we will have a lot of work ahead of us, I just hope I don"t die in the crossfire as a war reporter without having won a Lamin award.

Being able to cover the war in Europe will be a dream that I will be happy to fulfill. "

Fernando looked at Agustín with a forced smile "I don"t like the idea of ​​being in a second world war, but if they give me enough money to pay my children a good education, I wouldn"t mind dying at the front.

By the way, the high command has told you something about the little girl we interviewed a week ago. "

Fernando took out a cigarette and started smoking while looking at the gigantic column of fire in the building. "That girl is protected on a higher level, but as a journalist, I can be sure that where she is, there may be fresh news.

In three months, a theatre play will be held at the Palace of Fine Arts, attended by great personalities from the army and government.

After using all my contacts I managed to get a place to record the event, you must be prepared to die, Fernando, I can feel that it will be an event that may cost us our lives. "

Fernando just sighed, "If I die at least my family will collect my life insurance, anyway, Victoria wants to invite you to dinner tomorrow, it is my son"s birthday."

While this was happening, Miyuki, who was watching television, could only frown, calmly looking at Julien. "Julien, you know where I can find the trash who did this.

I can be sure that it is related to the organization that has been attacking my daughter uncontrollably, perhaps they have been able to do so with impunity in the past, but I am already at home.

No one will destroy the peace of my daughters and leave without punishment. "
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Julien only gulped as he looked at the face of Miyuki, who had an evil smile "I know where there is an organization base, but it is a quiet protected place.

Quetzalcóatl and the mother Tonantzin have not been able to take care of that base because it is protected by a demiG.o.d, they could fight against it, but it would be dangerous for the two of them. "

Miyuki who had a gla.s.s of wine in her hand began to move it and then drink all the contents "Julien I am not afraid of death, much less a demiG.o.d, I want you to prepare troops since we will leave in 10 minutes.

You have to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys, also if you can bring that reporter, I want him to transmit this news, he may not be a soldier, but I could see in his eyes that he will not hesitate to risk his life to achieve great news. "

Julien nodded and took out his phone to start talking to some people, in the apartment area Fernando and Agustin were relaxed when they could hear some helicopters approaching.

When they raised their faces, two military helicopters were approaching, some policemen began to clear a large s.p.a.ce so that one of them could stop, before Agustín could give the order to Fernando to start transmitting, some policemen took them near where was—descending the helicopter.

Agustín could see how some soldiers got off the helicopter and escorted them inside the helicopter. A sergeant put his hand on Agustín"s shoulder.

"I don"t know what you did but the G.o.ddess Miyuki wants you to record the first fight between the G.o.ds, they will use a special camera which will be connected to a satellite where the event will be broadcast worldwide.

Of course, before going through small censorship if we consider it convenient, I will be your bodyguard for this mission, remember not to separate because we will face a dangerous organization.

Your safety will depend on your ability to follow the rules if you have any questions. "

Fernando looked at the sergeant, "We can refuse."

The sergeant started laughing, "You can"t, and I have permission to silence you if you refuse; you are only in this place for things that we do not understand.

In those boxes under the seats you will be able to find a blue military uniform, that will identify you two as war journalists, it cannot guarantee that you will not kill by the enemy, but at least our people did not shoot them by accident. "

Agustín began to change quite quickly while he could see how the helicopter was advancing on some hills, along the way, he knew that they were heading to some part far from the capital.

The journey was quite calm; only Fernando had some dizziness, which calmed down after the sergeant gave him a green pill.

When the helicopter pa.s.sed a hill, Agustín could hear some shots and explosions in the place, what they could see was a real fierce fight, but their surprise was broken when they could hear some blows on the helicopter"s fuselage.

Fernando felt a little cold sweat from the noise; for a moment, he did not know where it came from until he could see how the gla.s.s in the cabin began to have some cracks.

At that moment he understood that the noises were shots fired at his helicopter, they had reached a war zone, the pilot began to descend when the door of the helicopter opened, some military doctors were outside the helicopter.

They had in their hands a few how many seriously wounded, the sergeant, Augustine, and Fernando got out of the helicopter to let the doctors board the wounded.