Marshal, Please Calm Down

Chapter 7

Translator: Callis
Editor: Dragon & Shiru

"This man looks so handsome, even the heaven and earth seem to lose their colors and the sun not shine as bright. Could he be a famous Interstellar superstar?" Wu Zimo touched his chin and continued to evaluate the 3D image spinning in midair.

After saying that he didn"t know who the figure was, the gazes of the people looking at him became odd. Some people also revealed startled looks, as if they were staring at an idiot.

Indeed, only an outsider like Wu Zimo could describe the 3D image of the iron-blooded Marshal as a superstar.

But they didn"t know that Wu Zimo"s soul had been replaced by an ancient one from the twenty-first century, so the timid people who heard him say this took a few steps away from him. He must know that the Marshal might not be a star, but his fans could be described as encompa.s.sing the entirety of the Interstellar universe, ranging from three-year-olds to elders in their hundreds.

Fortunately, Wu Zimo"s luck today was good. He was prevented from asking any more foolish questions by a youth who rushed out of the First Military Academy of the Interstellar Federation"s front gates. As he ran towards him, the youth shouted at Wu Zimo, who was standing around watching the handsome man, "A" Mo!"

Hearing the unfamiliar yet familiar voice, Wu Zimo subconsciously turned his head and looked at the youth who tossed himself on him. The original"s memories appeared automatically, and he unconsciously said the other"s name, "Lyle?"

"Wuwuwu, A" Mo, you"re finally back. I-I was afraid that you……" The youth, Lyle, exclaimed excitedly to Wu Zimo. But as soon as he opened his mouth to mention something, he stopped. He cautiously looked at Wu Zimo, afraid that his words would poke his good friend"s sore spot.

"Very well, we"ll return to the dormitories first, then speak."

Standing at the gate, Lyle also noticed the accusatory gazes around them. Because he wasn"t aware of the fierce speech Wu Zimo made before, he thought that the people at the gate were mocking Wu Zimo. Lyle was worried, and without waiting for Wu Zimo"s response, he grabbed his hand and ran directly into the First Military Academy.

Wu Zimo didn"t refuse being suddenly pulled to run. From the memories that he had just seen, he knew that the young man in front of him was a true friend of the original"s, unlike the other sc.u.m from his memories.

Remembering the indirect culprit who had caused the original to be ill at ease and thus caused the accident, Wu Zimo sneered. So these kinds of two-faced villains with honeyed words and malicious intentions couldn"t be cut off even in the Interstellar era.

The First Military Academy of the Interstellar Federation occupied an entire vast island; never mind the school buildings and the training grounds, even the dormitories housed suites fit for two local tyrants. There was also a study room, a training room, and a kitchen in the suite.

Standing in the dormitory and looking at the place where he was going to be living, he saw all kinds of supporting measures that he had also seen in his memories. Without a doubt, the First Military Academy was filthy rich.

Without any outsiders, Lyle breathed a great sigh of relief. But when he turned around and looked at his good friend, he found that he was looking curiously around the room. He couldn"t imagine what was so interesting about the dormitory they had already been living in for a year and a half.

Lyle couldn"t be more different from Wu Zimo, even their achievements were as different as the sky and the earth.

The logistics department was an asylum for the First Military Academy"s slackers, and Lyle was among the worst of them. So, when he enrolled and learned that a top student from the military command department was his roommate, honestly speaking, Lyle who was a cowardly and timid man, was frightened at first.

Though he knew that Wu Zimo was the top student of the military command department, he didn"t have the superior att.i.tude that the rest of them did. Adding on the fact that they were both ordinary people, they got along even better and became good friends.

Even though he knew that his good friend might awaken and become a precious guide, he believed that the friendship between them wouldn"t change even with Wu Zimo"s change in status.

Three days ago, when he learned that his good friend hadn"t awakened at all, Lyle, who was still at school, was very anxious. But he had no reason to ask for leave, so all he could do was worry. In fact, during these two days, as soon as cla.s.s was over he would run to the gate of the college and wait, hoping that Wu Zimo would be the first person he saw.

After waiting for two days, Lyle finally caught sight of Wu Zimo and was certainly excited. When Wu Zimo sat down, Lyle ran into the kitchen and poured a gla.s.s of water for him.

"Thank you." Wu Zimo took the cup Lyle offered him and he gave his usual smile to the youth who had been worried about him. In fact, Lyle had been carefully observing Wu Zimo"s expressions. After seeing the other"s familiar smile, he finally sighed in relief and relaxed from his nervous state of mind.

"A" Mo, it"s good that nothing happened. That, um, guide thing, it"s actually good that you didn"t awaken. Anyways, you"ve always been a top student, right, even when you weren"t a guide before, you were still very fierce within the military command department." Lyle, who didn"t know how to advise his good friend, adopted a casual manner, though his trousers were clenched tightly in his hands.

After listening to Lyle"s clumsy consolation, Wu Zimo put down his cup, looked up into Lyle"s eyes and said sincerely, "Thank you, Lyle."

This thanks wasn"t for himself, but on behalf of the original. Although the original was a little blind, regarding a piece of sc.u.m as a good friend, Lyle really cared for him. Wu Zimo was deeply comforted, knowing that the original had had such a good friend.

"Ah, Lyle, what you said was right. That guide thing, now that it"s over, we won"t mention it." Looking at Lyle"s doubtful expression, Wu Zimo smiled and changed the topic.

They"ll just consider a guide as being nothing more than a pretty decoration that had nothing to do with them, just treating it as a pa.s.sing cloud and let it float away.

"But I won"t go to the command department. I might transfer."

"Ah?! How could you think about changing departments? Aren"t you doing well in the command department? Is- is it because of Borg? He……A" Mo, he"s not worth it!" Hearing that his good friend was going to transfer to another department, Lyle was very anxious and spoke hastily. But when he thought of Borg"s expression, he withered. He didn"t know how to comfort Wu Zimo.

The Borg that Lyle had spoken of was once, like himself, a good friend and fellow cla.s.smate of the original"s; he was still in the same department and cla.s.s as the original. So, it was even more necessary to say that the original"s feelings for Borg were deeper than those for Lyle"s. As a result, when Borg learned that the original couldn"t awaken and become a guide, he immediately turned his face, and his refusal to recognize his talents. .h.i.t the original hard.

When Lyle mentioned that sc.u.m, Wu Zimo"s lips thinned. "Lyle, calm down. How could I want to transfer departments because of self-righteous sc.u.m like Borg?"

"Ah?" It was the first time that Lyle had heard Wu Zimo swear like that. He looked at him, stunned, and didn"t really know how to respond.

"Ah, what ah?" Wu Zimo reached out and patted the stunned Lyle. He thought of something and told Lyle, "When you see that big piece of sc.u.m Borg in the future, you don"t need to pay attention to him. Hide at the furthest place you can find, understand?"

At the mention of Borg, memories automatically surfaced. The man in his memories was gentle, considerate, and warm in front of the original, but after he couldn"t awaken and become a guide, he quickly turned his face and revealed a look of contempt. With such behavior, how could Wu Zimo not understand what game the other was playing?

Yes, Borg was an awakened sentinel but his ability was only relatively moderate. However, he had a good background, so after learning that there was such an unrefined piece of jade amongst the new students, he immediately began to think.

He understood that a sentinel as mediocre as he was, even with his family"s backing, might not be able to match with a guide. If he acted good in front of Wu Zimo and waited until his formal awakening as a guide, unless their compatibility was below 30% or Wu Zimo chose someone else first via some hidden route, when he would choose a sentinel, there was a large possibility that Borg could be chosen. Then, Borg would use his family relationships in the shadows and have a valuable guide without risking the danger of a manic explosion.

Of course, some saw through Borg"s plan. But because Borg took the first opportunity and had his family"s backing, the other sentinels with ideas about Wu Zimo could only watch.

So when they found out that Wu Zimo couldn"t be a guide, how could the sentinels who had been intimidated by Borg"s family not laugh at the fool who had made the wrong bet?

It was because of his embarra.s.sed anger that Borg could turn his face so decisively and fiercely. Borg"s face-turning was a real blow to the original.
Possibly with more than a year of good feelings, perhaps in his heart, the original had some ambiguous feelings towards Borg. But this all vanished with the original"s departure.

So Wu Zimo, who had come from the 21st century, loathed Borg. For the original"s sake, he certainly wasn"t going to be a Holy Father and let him go.

Who in the hacking world didn"t know that the Great G.o.d Mo would seek revenge for the smallest grievances and that his means of revenge were especially wretched? They had seen him pack up F"s real IP address and send it to the FBI.

Knowing F"s crimes, it was more than enough to sentence him to hundreds of years of imprisonment.

"Hey, how do you think I should deal with that big piece of sc.u.m?" Wu Zimo raised his feet, touched his chin, and wore a grim smile on his beautiful face. It really made people unable to bear to look straight at him.

Poor Lyle, sitting across from him, was completely unaware of his friend"s sudden shift in demeanor and only felt gooseb.u.mps erupt all over his body from Wu Zimo"s smile.

Wu Zimo wondered if his little friend had noticed his smile and got scared. Wu Zimo restrained his expression and instantly returned to his original state, even faster than Borg had turned his face.

The topic of conversation was no longer about the cannon fodder that Wu Zimo had marked down in his little book. Instead, he approached Lyle and patted him on the shoulder.

"Lyle, would you like me to transfer to the logistics department and be your cla.s.smate?"

"What?!" A top student of the command department running to the logistics department, it would scare people to death!

"No, I remember that you"re in the logistics management department, right?"

Surprised by Wu Zimo"s declaration to the point where he couldn"t breathe, Lyle then calmed down a little. But before he could relax, Lyle was stunned again by Wu Zimo"s stream of words, and was so shocked that his eyes almost rolled back into his head.

"The one I want to transfer to is information systems, but I remember that the logistics management"s cla.s.sroom is right next to the information systems" cla.s.sroom. We can go to and from cla.s.s together in the future, it"s very good!"


Not good! Not good at all!

Dragon: Like what the heck is the overwhelmingly exaggerated description????
Shiru: All MLs need to have one.

We also got some cute pics of what Ares might look like!! Meng Egg!!