Marshal, Please Calm Down

Chapter 4

Translator: Callis
Editors: Dragon & Shiru

While Wu Zimo was musing, the egg-shaped object he had ignored since it appeared finally erupted. A strong cannonball-like impact crashed directly into his chest.

"Hnng……" Wu Zimo hissed as he was bowled over by the egg, and grit his teeth while touching the back of his head, which had already been injured twice.

"Alright, alright, don"t attack." In order to not be hit on the head for a third time, Wu Zimo reached out and carried the egg-shaped object that was rubbing back and forth against his chest.

The egg-shaped object that he picked up was half a meter tall. If it hadn"t been bouncing around, Wu Zimo would have thought it was a dinosaur egg from the Jura.s.sic era. He scrutinised this quivering and shaking thing up and down. "What sort of cute thing are you?"

Originally glad that its owner had finally noticed it and lifted it up high, the quantum beast could only show its emotions on the surface of the egg: (┳_┳)

"……Hey, you know how to use written characters!" An egg that could do such a thing was amazing!

Wu Zimo"s head ached right as he prepared to knock on it to see if there was anything magical hidden within the egg. The memories from the original emerged, making him understand that the egg in front of him hadn"t evolved from the Jura.s.sic era to now, only to sell meng with its written characters.

"Quantum beast?"

The egg-shaped quantum beast put away its crying face and nodded sharply with a ≧▽≦.


"Can I return it……"

"Alright, alright, don"t cry. Well, an egg is good too. At least when I"m hungry, you can be cooked into a fried egg."

"Right, since you"re my quantum beast, what skills do you have?" From the original"s memory, the quantum beasts of awakened sentinels and guides had innate skills that could enhance their master"s superpower. Wu Zimo looked down at the quantum beast in his arms and wondered what it could do.

Now that he had awakened as a guide, he couldn"t return to his previous status. Wu Zimo hoped that his ability wouldn"t be weak, otherwise, his delicate chrysanthemum would really become a sunflower!

The quantum beast that was questioned by its master about its abilities revealed a very cute, meng selling face: = ̄ω ̄=

Against this meng selling expression, not only did Wu Zimo"s b.a.l.l.s hurt, even his liver was in pain. "So your skill is selling meng?! Oi! What"s the use of a poached egg that only knows how to sell meng?!" He still couldn"t fry it up to eat!


There was a silent confrontation on the single bed between a furious Wu Zimo and a quantum beast whose tears wouldn"t stop streaming down, one man and one egg. Of course, it was Wu Zimo who lost the battle first.

Wu Zimo"s entire body wilted, and he reluctantly moved towards the quantum beast that had nestled into a corner of the bed with dark, stormy clouds hanging over it. He reached over and took it into his arms and stroked its sh.e.l.l. Anyway, it was his own quantum beast. Even if the other only knew how to sell meng, even if he wanted to cry, he could only accept it!

"Why can"t you be as fierce as your ancestors? You need to know that your ancestors, whether they moved or not, could take a leading role in destruction. Can you be more aggressive?" As Wu Zimo spoke, he stroked the eggsh.e.l.l. Seeing that the quantum beast no longer had broad tear tracks running down its face, but was replaced with a smiling face, he sighed.

Remembering that he hadn"t named the egg, Wu Zimo thought about it and said, "What about calling you Ares? He"s the G.o.d of War in ancient Greek mythology, isn"t that very domineering?" In fact, what Wu Zimo wanted to say was that the presence of the egg was enough encouragement. He gave it a domineering in name in hopes that his quantum beast wouldn"t just sell meng all day long.

Even if it was an egg, it still needed chicken blood! Needed to rise up! Needed to be tough!

Although his quantum beast couldn"t speak and only knew how to show its emotions, it was the embodiment of Wu Zimo"s spiritual power so he could clearly feel the other"s happiness. He couldn"t help but smile. "You"re happy now, then go back to my spiritual s.p.a.ce."
Without waiting for the quantum beast to respond, Wu Zimo directly put the other away. Now that the egg was no longer quivering in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This cute quantum beast, letting it hop inside the spiritual s.p.a.ce, he really didn"t wish to call it out again!

Wu Zimo stood up, and from his memory, went through the foyer, opened the drawer, and pulled out a medical apparatus. He treated the back of his head which had been hit twice consecutively.

In the Interstellar Era, intelligent robotic housekeepers were present in every household for a long time. However, the original owner was an orphan and lived off government aid; intelligent robotic housekeepers, though cheap, were still a luxury in his eyes. So, there was only one simple robot in his house that just had a program input for cleaning.

If there had been an intelligent robotic housekeeper in the house, then when the original owner"s head hit the ground, the housekeeper would have been able to contact the Interstellar hospital. Perhaps, the original wouldn"t have died so easily.

The medical apparatus he currently had in his house was just a common product, but Wu Zimo was an ancient man from thousands of years ago, so in his eyes, it seemed amazing. He took the medical apparatus and placed on the back of his head and completely healed it in only a minute. Wu Zimo sighed, lamenting over the Interstellar technology that was truly too different.

While Wu Zimo curiously played with the medical apparatus in his hands, the light brain on his wrist emitted a di di di sound. From the original"s memories, Wu Zimo knew that it was the light brain"s notification for incoming mail. Operating it from memory, Wu Zimo quickly opened the light brain"s inbox. It was an email from the government.

Wu Zimo skimmed the text on his light brain and his lips thinned. The email didn"t contain much, but it was extremely relevant to Wu Zimo"s current situation.

Although the life expectancy for the people in the Interstellar era had increased to 200 years, and the older one got the stronger they would be, the beginning of adulthood was still marked at 18 years old. Three days ago, the original owner turned 18 years old, so the relief money he received for being an orphan would cease.

"Hm, money isn"t all-powerful, but I absolutely cannot have no money. In both the modern and Interstellar eras, it"s a necessity."

Wu Zimo tapped at the symbol for the Interstellar currency on his light brain and saw that there were five digits beginning with a 6. Fortunately, the original wasn"t a heavy spender, because Interstellar law dictated that minors should not work, whether it be part-time or full time.

"I should be grateful that I"m an adult. If I can"t work, then a penny can topple a hero." Wu Zimo opened his light brain again and was ready to go onto the StarNet to see what work was suitable for him as an adult. The light brain"s notification sounded again.

Wu Zimo closed the StarNet and opened his inbox again. This time, the email was from the First Military Academy of the Interstellar Federation.

Looking at the intricate logo on the letterhead, Wu Zimo was shocked by the email"s contents before he could marvel at the meaningfully designed school logo.

"I have to go back to my pre-emanc.i.p.ation period? No, no! I was about to withdraw from school!"

From the original"s memory, it was a disgrace to not graduate from a university in the Interstellar era, not to mention that a record as a withdrawn student would follow their personal file for a lifetime. For this black spot, no matter what job they"d look for in the future, only G.o.d would know whether they would actually get it or not.

"In other words, the First Military Academy of the Interstellar Federation is quite kind. The notice was given with a two-day grace period."

Originally, he was a second year in the First Military Academy of the Interstellar Federation"s command department; his grades had always been at the top, a proper top student. He had taken a day off on his eighteenth birthday. If he was lucky enough to awaken as a guide, he could stay at school and continue to study or transfer to a university that specialized in training guides.

Three days ago, the original hadn"t awakened and the news immediately spread throughout the First Military Academy, letting everyone know that the scholar who had had a good chance of awakening and becoming a precious guide was only an ordinary man.

As a result, the First Military Academy had been very kind and given him two days of vacation time to sort out his mood and allowed him to take up more advanced studies.

In fact, the original"s ability, even if he wasn"t a guide, was enough to make himself a career in the army. But the Interstellar people"s pursuit of sentinels and guides really made Wu Zimo, a modern man, blush in embarra.s.sment.

"I have to put money-making back on the shelf. First, I have to go back to the First Military Academy, then I"ll see. Otherwise, the record of the withdrawal from school would go down in my personal file. Then I"ll really die." He immediately decided on what he would do for the near future, but when he saw the original"s major, he rubbed his nose.

"I can"t do this major, I should transfer." The original owner was a top student; only that person could become the top student under the command department. Although Wu Zimo felt that his IQ wasn"t low and he had the original"s memories, against the real top students, his fake performance would be put under great pressure.

So Wu Zimo"s transfer was happily decided. Of course, his new major was information systems. As Hacker G.o.d Mo of the twenty-first century, Wu Zimo decided to shine the glory of the Great G.o.d Mo onto the whole of Interstellar s.p.a.ce!

Such a worship-worthy goal!

He cleaned up a bit, but there was nothing really to tidy up. Commonly-used items were in the s.p.a.ce. To the inventor of the s.p.a.ce, Wu Zimo gave them a thousand praises.

Wu Zimo currently lived in a house allocated to him by the government, and he didn"t have to worry about paying for it or it being taken away when he reached adulthood. Sitting in a levitating car heading towards the First Military Academy of the Interstellar Federation, Wu Zimo looked out of the window at the Interstellar buildings. In addition to all kinds of advanced technology, the Interstellar era"s various welfare guarantees were very touching.

The First Military Academy of the Interstellar Federation was an hour"s drive from Area F, where Wu Zimo lived. It was a colossal expanse that encompa.s.sed a whole island. In transit, Wu Zimo took a bus to the designated station, crossed the sea on a special train, and directly reached the First Military Academy of the Interstellar Federation.

Standing at the front gate of the First Military Academy of the Interstellar Federation, Wu Zimo stamped his feet to make the sensation of shaking disappear. His first ride in a levitating car reminded him of being dragged by his cousins into rafting. Just "shaking" wasn"t enough to describe the feeling.

Wu Zimo, who stood in front of the gate, ignored the eyes that had shifted from his presence. Before some could notice the top student, they were distracted by a moving 3D image floating in midair.

"Oh, this man is even more handsome than my male G.o.d!"

The author has something to say:
Please don"t underestimate the little shou"s unfryable, meng selling egg! Its innate skills are great! o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓

Callis: So….meng! (◕▿◕✿)

Shiru: I would die for Ares

“His delicate chrysanthemum would really become a sunflower!”
Dragon: Maybe it is just my dirty imagination but i think he is saying something like how a chrysanthemum is so dense and packed tightly whereas sunflower is wide open…. hehehehehehe….