Martial King's Retired Life

Chapter 54

Volume 11.5 Chapter 54

Platform on top of platform was in the process of being stacked up at Shennong at an unbelievable pace. Combined, it formed a structure that resembled a beacon tower, except that the platforms were intended to be used as an audience’s viewing platforms.

The artisans at the centre used the collected materials to build a circular stone that could fit dozens of people, and, after much sweat and calluses, they finally carved lotus leaves out of white jade to place around the stone platform. The stone platform was built and situated in the centre of the trees in order to bring out a p.r.o.nounced vibe of purity.

The replica of the original lotus platform back at Pure Land was scheduled for completion in a few more days, which was when Lotus Convention would commence.

Lord Miguo climbed to the highest platform so that he could admire his hard-fought accomplishments. n.o.body but he knew what ordeals he went through or what he was thinking after the day he careened four years ago.

Following Lord Miguo’s clash with Lord San Shen, both factions sent emissaries to the other to mediate because they considered the fight a product of conflict between their factions. As an expression of sincerity, the elder of Ten Grounds sent the next leader, an eleven year old kid, over to the serene lake accompanied by maple leaves, which was located to the south of Lizhe. Thus, a war was pre-emptively aborted.

Many praised Lotus Cult’s leader for his benevolence. Many expressed sympathy for Lord Miguo and praised his courage. Lord Miguo, however, perceived their sentiments as them deeming Lord San Shen as the naturally superior man. Because he didn’t comment on the matter, people interpreted his silence as modesty. Little did they know he was cursing from his bed.

Lord Miguo didn’t want honour. He wanted revenge.

Lord Miguo could’ve carried out his revenge at Pure Land’s Ten Grounds.

By no means did Lotus Cult’s vast library of martial arts disciplines pale in comparison to Divine Moon Cult’s “Twelve Lawless Forms” and “Freedom Manual”. Unfortunately, Pure Clan’s ignorant elder sealed it away. Therefore, unless Lotus Cult’s leader a.s.sented, only they would be allowed to practice their disciplines. In contrast, Divine Moon Cult had plenty of followers who were allowed to learn their skills despite the high bar followers had to meet in order to gain permission. Only the best had the right to lead their cult.

Lord s.h.i.+zi, manager of Lotus Cult’s martial arts library and instructor to their guardians, was second in combat to only their leader. Even so, Lord Miguo didn’t have any qualms in dragging Lord s.h.i.+zi into a war of attrition just as he used against Lord Wugou. The reincarnation of Buddha, who had yet to even turn twenty prior to Lord Miguo’s departure, was the real reason Lord Miguo left home for the Central Plain.

On the day a group of monks visited Lord Miguo, who was faking his bed-ridden condition back then, he entertained them with pleasantries as planned.

A young monk reputed as a “closed cave” picked up a piece of embroidery from the Central Plain and shook his head whilst reciting a poem from Poetry Discussion” by Yuan Haowen: “The craftsmans.h.i.+p of mixing the dye and cutting it are truly becoming. I don’t remember what comes next. Would you be able to enlighten me?”

“Are you testing this one?” Lord Miguo asked with a bitter smile. “The next two lines are, ‘The mandarin ducks are so life-like that people could gaze at them, but no amount of gazing will teach one how to complete those millions of threads.’”

All the monks adulated the boy for being innovative.

Lord Miguo fled Ten Grounds that night. From then on, for years, Lord Miguo had to raise against the clock to seize power before the boy took the reins. Establis.h.i.+ng his own faction, seeking support from resourceful people and strength for himself weren’t easy tasks. His endeavour created opportunities for him to expand his network, leading to him eventually finding clues on the whereabouts of Repository Theory.

Kongcang was the one who identified Aerial Flower Divine Seal from Zhuo Yupin’s techniques and the one who shared information on the sarira. Thus, Lord Miguo’s wild idea of absorbing energy from other people to boost his own was born.

The status quo were the product of Lord Miguo trapping Lord Wugou at Shennong to restrict his movements, in addition to gleaning Vajra Realm’s tenth layer, whilst having his henchmen keep other sects occupied, thereby maintaining a thin balance. Once he made Lotus Convention a success, he would have a group on par with Divine Moon Cult. After all, Ximen Chuideng was a half-blood - one of his parents was from the Central Plain and the other from the Western Regions - and he successfully built his main branch in the Central Plain.

Merely recollecting the mockery directed at him no the day he was defeated inflamed him. If a rock and human sacrifices were the necessary ingredients for him to redeem himself, then he wouldn’t hesitate to obtain them.

“We have an emergency, Your Excellency!”

“What?” Lord Miguo questioned in a deep voice.

“League of is locked in a fight with Divine Moon Cult!”

Among the various guests invited, Divine Moon Cult and League of were the two groups that couldn’t stand sharing the same s.p.a.ce with the other.

“Again?” Despite the speed both sides were throwing at, Lord Miguo could distinguish who was who from above.

Although Lord San Shen’s faction had immense influence, they weren’t part of the authentic Divine Moon Cult, especially the Divine Moon Cult under Ximen Chuideng’s leaders.h.i.+p, which considerably deviated from the Western Region’s version. That was why Lord Miguo didn’t hesitate to invite Divine Moon Cult’s representative notwithstanding his antagonistic att.i.tude toward Lord San Shen. If that wasn’t enough, then Zhuxing Wuchang made it enough. If they were to compare, Lord Miguo’s post in Lotus Cult would be Zhuxing Wuchang’s post in Divine Moon Cult.

The man with the bitter expression exchanging blows with Zhuxing Wuchang was none other than Master Ku. One might think that people of their status would care about appearances, but they really didn’t when it came to their dislike for one another.

Lord Miguo was forced to intervene when Zhuxing Wuchang and Master Ku were too close to the lotus platform for comfort. If they damaged it, it would be tantamount to desecrating Lord Miguo’s symbol of success.

Lord Miguo jumped straight in between an inbound sword thrust and punch from two elites. “Please listen to this one.” As he opened his eyes, he brayed, “Cease this!”

Lord Miguo’s thunderous voice disrupted the flow of energy in the two individuals, decelerating their attacks to the point that they couldn’t even sink his skin upon contact. Instead, they felt a force opposing their direction of movement that compelled them to back off.

Lord Miguo held his hands in a pranam pose whilst standing as still as stone. Neither Divine Moon Cult nor League of liked the interference, so it came as no surprise that League of’ Master Le bemoaned, “Lord Miguo, you are in the wrong this time. We are not in the wrong. How can you also attack us without learning the truth first? They are the ones who deserved to be attacked.”

“Exactly.” This time, Bai Tianbin, from Divine Moon Cult, decided to chime in. “You’re either biased or in cahoots with them. Why are you so wishy washy when we served them right up for you?”

Unlike the two who couldn’t wait to see anarchy, Lord Miguo remained in control of his emotions. “The lotus platform is a scared article of Buddhism and a symbol of Lotus Convention; no damage to it is acceptable. Please do not make things difficult for the host.”

Suffice to say, neither side wanted to end the matter. Alas, Lord Miguo was in the right and wasn’t some weakling they could push around. As such, they began hurling insults while backing down, only for someone’s shrill to bury their voices. Strangely, n.o.body was visible when they tracked the voice’s origin.

From above, they heard coming closer, “Aaaah!”

“Hua Gezi, stop embarra.s.sing me, will you?”

“How should I have known you’d be so reckless?! And why the heck do we have to jump from the sky, you nutjob?!”

“Why am I even coming along?!”

“Miss Su, rest a.s.sured. As long as I’m here, everything will be all r-”


As if it a cannonball struck it, the main pillar supporting the lotus platform tilted, spinning the platform, before crumbling. A domino effect started, shattering on the ground as the leaves fell.

n.o.body dared to check Lord Miguo’s reaction or utter a word. Lord Miguo remained unfazed, still gazing up the platform, eyelids not batting and facial muscles stationary.

Zhuxing Wuchang: Guess I don’t need to comfort him. I’m ashamed to think I’m on the same level as him.

Master Ku: Our could learn to control their emotions like him.

“… FARK!”