Martial King's Retired Life

Chapter 19

Book 14: Chapter 19

Ingenious Solution (Part 2)

“What happened to Uncle Huang?” I stepped on the rope He s.h.i.+ tried to unknot and made sure he was completely immobilised before letting go. “You think I’d harm Uncle Huang?”

Surrendering to his fate as my captive, He s.h.i.+ heaved a big breath. “No.”

“What did you run for, then?”

He s.h.i.+ shook his head in disillusionment. “I don’t want to be collateral damage when the faculty members butcher you.”

“They want to butcher me?”

What? I saved Uncle Huang. Shouldn’t they be wors.h.i.+pping me? Wow, how broken is their moral compa.s.s?

“ Huang has been bedridden since he returned, pale, vommitting, having diarrhoea and unable to fight off a fever.”

Not sure what you people expected when he had to fight a strong opponent in a badly injured state. He’d be dead if it wasn’t thanks to his extensive training and sound foundations. Give him two days, and he’ll be mint.

“And he keeps mumbling your name.”

“To be expected. I saved him, after all. No need for thanks.”

“You wish. He keeps mumbling your name and crying, ‘No!’”


N-no? S-so all of his disciples and grand disciples stood next to his bed listening to him yell, “Ming Feizhen, no,”?

He s.h.i.+ heaved another big breath. “Heaven knows what you did to him.”

Don’t make me puke!

For some reason, He s.h.i.+ kept scuttling backwards despite being tied up.

No wonder why they want to butcher me! I’d want to butcher me, too! All I did was force feed him ‘unknown pill’, though, not to mention he was the one who asked me to help him restore his internal energy! I’m innocent!

“What could I have possibly done to him?! All I did was fed him a pill to save his life.”

“Kukuku, we might believe that if they weren’t you. You know what officials in the capital say about you? They say you’re bis.e.xual, but you have a preference for men. What do you think everyone in the academy thinks?”

What the h.e.l.l?! Why am I being suspected of molesting an old man when I saved his life?! What’s wrong with this world?! I’m not Liu Yuan! Ah, forget it. There will be a way to clarify it… First things first.

As soon as I cut He s.h.i.+’s restraints with a pocket knife, he immediately put distance between us.

“Come back!”

“Sure,” He s.h.i.+ realised he was backed up against a wall, “but we have to keep our distance.”


There will be a way to clarify it!

“Fine, stay there. I have something important to talk to you about.”

“Business or private?”

“Will you cut it out?! Is there any difference?”

“Of course. We can talk business. Private things…” He s.h.i.+ moved a step sideways since he was backed up against the wall. “Let’s stop while we’re ahead.”

Do you scholars all have some intellectual disease?! Why are all of you sick minded?!

“Business! You know the exams are around the corner, right?”

He s.h.i.+’s mood changed positively an instant. “And?”

“I have important information to share with you.”

“What important information would you have?”

“Ha.” I smiled wryly. “He who does not suspect another of dishonesty or second guesses another’s honesty is virtuous.”

“From ‘a.n.a.lects’ book fourteen. Your point?”

“Exactly! You, too, know you can’t trust them unless they give you one million.”

He s.h.i.+ framed. “No need to give one million.”

“Exactly. That’s the att.i.tude. Never believe them without one million.”

“…” He s.h.i.+ looked at me the same way Prime Minister Li did.

“I got the quote from the Prime Minister.”

“You mean…”

I raised two fingers up. “If I lied even once, I’ll be fed ten fat pigs a day until I die from bloating.”

“… You don’t need to go that far. I should believe you if you’re willing to swear an oath. Hmm… But why are you telling me this?”

I gave him a smile with narrowed eyes. He looked back in confusion. Once he finally got it, he sprinted off. I was ready for that, so I grabbed him back straight away.

As he tried to wrestle free, He s.h.i.+ yelled, “Y-you’re breaking the law! You want me to be your accomplice?!”

“Don’t say that.”

“Never. I never asked you to leak the topic. I’m good enough to pa.s.s on my own.”

“I know, but I won’t make it without you.”

“Then why did you leak the topic to me?!”

“Well, that makes you my accomplice.”

Finally realising his predicament, He s.h.i.+ exclaimed, “You shameless vermin!”

I didn’t visit Prime Minister Li to try and pry out the topic. What he told me might not have been the topic, either, but it came from his mouth, and my oath was real. All I had to do was convince He s.h.i.+ that he was my accomplice.

“I won’t help you.”

“We’re in the same boat now. No need to stand on ceremony.”

“I want to stand on your head! If you have an accident, I’ll be in trouble! I refuse!”

He had a good head, but I didn’t have just one trump card.

“Don’t say that. What if I can help you?”

“With what? I don’t want the topic.”

“Sharing the topic was just an expression of sincerity. Aren’t you supporting Blue Prince? What if I support him?”

He s.h.i.+’s brain fell behind mine. “What?”

“Blue Prince is trapped on Mount Dayan in Beiping. If you help me, I’ll give him a hand and help him escape.”

Following a hard think, He s.h.i.+ shook his head. “I will never help you outright cheat. I’ve spent all these years studying a.s.siduously to win. I can’t let Huang down when he has so much faith in me. How am I supposed to help you when there are so many eyes?”

“You don’t need to write on my behalf or switch names with me. You wouldn’t be able to learn my handwriting in the short time we have. Even if you could, it’d be impossible for you to write on my behalf in front of so many proctors.”

“What do you want, then? Pre-write you a paper? I’m telling you: that quote alone could have thousands of possible responses. If the examiner adds the context of the national status quo and requires real references, then there are infinite possibilities. There’s no way I could pre-write you a paper.”

“No need to.” I grinned. “When the time comes, just…”

“… That’s all?”

“That’s all.” I smiled. “Simple, right? No risk to you and no risk of getting exposed. You can do it without getting caught for sure.”

He s.h.i.+ nodded. “Well, if I turned even that down, then I’d be too nasty. Fine.”


That was a big-heavy weight off my shoulders.

“By the way, regarding the idol compet.i.tion, wh-”

“Ming Feizhen!”

I looked over my shoulder in the direction of the loud voice to see two columns of guards. The person at the forefront shouted, “You have some nerve showing up at the academy! Arrest him!”


One million – Okay, this is impossible to translate. It’s the same quote Prime Minister Li said to Ming Feizhen in chapter 11 of this volume. If you didn’t read the glossary from then, I can’t help you.