Martial King's Retired Life

Chapter 39

Book 14: Chapter 39

The Mind-boggling Mind of a Woman (Part 2)

Despite how mad she was, the fact that she hadn’t pulled her spear out on me probably meant there was still a chance. I wagged my hand and casually responded, “Are you not tired after so many years of dedication? Why are you hesitating when there is a prime opportunity now? Are you not lonely?”

You just have to agree, and your son will be returned to you… Surely this is her weakness as a widow.

“What do you mean lonely?! Why would I be lonely?! Do not talk to me like that!”

… Is her son not her actual son? No, I’m sure he’s her biological son.

I scratched my temple. “But it is true that you need money, correct? Northern Wondrous Warrior Manor needs to be rebuilt, and you need the imperial court’s a.s.sistance to rebuild, correct?”

“Yuan s.h.i.+jia, have you no sense of shame? What did you learn from all the Confucianism books you read?”

What does shame have anything to do with this? Is it because scholars shouldn’t blackmail people?

“Your Highness, you come from a family of martial artists at the northern border. You need not be so pedantic about your dedication. Think of all the ancient examples… Uh, Cao Cao read plenty of books, but he was also a scheming man, right?”

“I can’t believe you could say that! Compared to Cao Cao, you…”

“It does not matter who I am compared to, Your Highness. What is the big deal? What is the point of being so dedicated? This has always been on His Majesty’s mind.”

Zuo Suniang jerked her head back. “His Majesty is also… You brought this up with His Majesty?”

“Of course. This is actually His Majesty’s idea.”

Zuo Suniang looked as if she just saw a ghost. Whatever she imagined compelled her to wrap her shoulders.

… Is His Majesty so fearsome? Come on, lady. If you’re such a chicken, why would you try to negotiate with the imperial family?

Eyes misty, Zuo Suniang jumped to her feet and pointed at me. “Despicable… Despicable! Both of you are… are despicable! How can you disgrace me like this?!” She eventually ga.s.sed out and fell back into her sat, panting as the world spun before her eyes.

I didn’t expect her to be so mad, but my only option was to push on. “Ever since your husband pa.s.sed away, it has always been on His Majesty’s mind. His Highness is still young. Think about the events that occurred this time. It is every man for himself. If you continue dedicating yourself as you have been, life will not get any better for you. His Highness’ life would still be at the mercy of His Majesty’s mood. Even if it is not for your sake, should you not consider His Highness’ life?

“I will concur that His Majesty is in the wrong for having desires, but you are not from some ordinary family. You carry the Li surname, as well; you are part of the imperial family. His Majesty is doing it for Li Clan. Think about it, Your Highness. There is a lack of men in the family. As long as you agree, everyone can trust each other going forward; everyone will be closer than before; everyone will be truly family. Li Clan will grow. I swear this is what His Majesty said.”

Zuo Suniang seemed to lose her energy to speak. With tears welling up in her eyes, she uttered, “Shameless…”

I was only one step away, so I walked over, making her tremble intensely. “It matters not if I am shameless or not. I insist on making sure this works out today. Your Highness, please agree!”

Zuo Suniang bit down on her lips whilst maintaining a determined expression and then… shut her eyes.

Did… she not hear me? Why did she shut her eyes? Come on. Yes or no? What sort of resistance is shutting your eyes?

She suddenly opened her eyes and glared at me. “D-don’t you feel you’ve betrayed Princess Jingan?”


“Jingan is involved? Wh-where is she? What did she tell you?”

Zuo Suniang tilted her head. “Huh?”

I tilted my head. “Huh?”

“What are you talking about?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Didn’t you mention Jingan?”

“Y-yes. Isn’t she your wife?”

“Yes. What did she tell you?”



“What are you talking about?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your family’s secret pa.s.sage.”

“I was talking about you coveted m-” Zuo Suniang’s emotions seared her cheeks, and she looked ready to cover her face up.

… What? Coveted what? Don’t tell me she knows about me trying to embezzle money… No way…

“You were saying that His Majesty wants access to our secret pa.s.sage?” The lady hiding behind her sleeve asked.


“Then, the dedication you mentioned…”

“You have dedicated your life to protecting it for so many years. It is time you told His Majesty, right?”

Why am I having to repeat myself again?

Zuo Suniang started making weird grimacing noises from behind her sleeve, impelling the guards to come in, but then she scolded them and kicked them out, and the situation continued for about fifteen minutes.

“So, His Majesty will only accept the demands if I hand over the secret pa.s.sage?” Zuo Suniang was back to her composed and dignified self.

“Your Highness, what w-”

“Shut your trap!”

With a spear at my head, I responded, “Okay, okay…”

“I am sure I told you that it is my family’s secret, and you promised to not reveal it. What happened to that promise? How come you changed all of a sudden?”

That’s rich… coming from someone who seems to have split personalities…

“As I said,” Despite the hostile glare, I continued, “it is actually risky for you to control the secret pa.s.sage; it is not an a.s.set. It might not be a liability if His Majesty does not know of its existence, but he will never trust you now that he does. How far do you think Northern Wondrous Warrior Manor can go even if His Majesty does accept your demands? To be frank, you know His Highness’ capacity. In your hands, the secret pa.s.sage can be exchanged for wealth and support. Once it is in His Highness’ hands, it will likely only be exchanged for disaster. Please think it over.”

I got a visible reaction out of Zuo Suniang, but it wasn’t a big deal to me since I had already seen a bigger reaction.

“Allow me to think it over.”

“There is no time. This is an important matter. You must make your decision now.”

“That is precisely why I cannot make an impuls-”

“If you agree now, I can guarantee you with my head that I will spare no efforts in personally convincing His Majesty to give you five times the requested amount!”

“Deal!” Zuo Suniang immediately gave me a hi-five!

Done! Yes! I haven’t let you down, Your Majesty! I will embezzle all this money for sure, hahaha!

I had another win on top of the financial benefit. Once I knew where the secret pa.s.sage was, I could tell Boss, and we’d be able to figure out who would show up, who colluded with the rat, Gongsun Chu, and who was most suspicious of Elder Yu Sihe.

Smiling from ear to ear, I said, “Tell me, Your Highness.”

“Tell you what?”

“The secret pa.s.sage.”

“I will.” She giddily looked at me and elaborated, “I will tell His Majesty myself.”

“Y-you are not going to tell me?”

“Why would I?” Zuo Suniang blinked. “It is no joking matter. Since I have agreed to share it, I can only tell His Majesty. You… do not seem to have the right to know.”

I didn’t know why she got back at me, but she got back at me.

“That is not fair of you, Your Highness. I need the information. Since you are going to share it, n.o.body will use it in the future. Why not just tell me?”

“I refuse. You can leave now, Fuma.”

This woman is getting on my nerves! You best believe I have my ways of making you talk.

“Your Highness, if you insist, I will have to publicise what happened here.”

“I dare you!” She came back after walking away and grabbed my collar.

“I’m so scared.” I made a zany face. “I have nothing to lose. If I publicise what happened today, I promise you will be the most popular person in the capital for the next three years.”

I didn’t know what happened to her, but surely that fit of hers couldn’t have worked in her favour.

“If you dare tell a second soul, you think you will be unscathed after Princess Jingan finds out?”

She… had a point.

“Since we both have weaknesses… how about we both make a compromise. Under what condition can you tell me?”

To some extent, my persistence swayed her.

She knew the secret pa.s.sage wouldn’t remain a secret from Fuma Jingan for long anyway as His Majesty would definitely send someone to survey it, and that someone was most likely to be me. Her refusal to tell me was just childish revenge. I, however, knew that I wouldn’t be dispatched since His Majesty didn’t know Fuma Jingan was involved.

“How about this… I have been suffering from a headache that has kept me up at night. I hear you can work miracles. If you can cure my headache, I can tell you.” Zuo Suniang c.o.c.kily asked, “How about it?”


The two of us sealed the deal with three hi fives.

“I still have business to attend to, and you need to report back to His Majesty. How about you treat my headache at your next visit?”

Right, right, right, reporting back and filling my pockets takes priority. I can deal with your worthless head next time, not that I could even treat it now without needles and herbs.

“I shall see you out, Fuma.” She got up and made her way to the door, but she stopped and turned back to me when she realised I had yet to budge. “Why are you still not leaving, Fuma?‘

“I can’t leave yet.”

Confused, she retreated a step. “What do you want now?”

“You misunderstand.” I wagged my hand and decided to be tell the truth in case I created another misunderstanding. “A guy called Zhao Tiankui is blocking my way outside. I am not willing to stoop to his level and damage my reputation. Your Highness, how about you help me drive him off?”

“Zhao Tiankui is standing in your way? How?”

“How not? Is there anything he does not dare to do?” I grouched.

The man just chased me across eighteen streets, for crying out loud.

Zhao Tiankui dropped all the people I went through h.e.l.l to break out of prison. If I were Gongsun Chu, I’d have picked him to guard the underground palace.

“Zhao… Tiankui is hindering you? Do you know who he is?”

“Who is he? A shameless thug in the army.”

“That is not wrong… You do know he is a member of the Three Chief Military Commissions, right?”

“I do.”

“You also know he is the subordinate of the Three Chief Military Commissions’ Commissioner-in-chief… right?”

“I… think I heard that before.”

“Then, why are you afraid of him?”

I felt I was being treated as an idiot.

I… don’t see the connection? Should I know the Commissioner-in-chief?

“Commissioner-in-chief Yuan, are you joking with me right now? You, as the leader of the Three Chief Military Commissions want me to help you deal with your subordinate? They say Zhao Tiankui fears you as much as he fears tigers, yet you are hiding from him. I never knew rumours could be so far from the truth.”

… I’m the Commissioner-in-chief?! s.h.i.+fu, how many more shady things have you done behind my back?!


Omitted part – During the Cao Cao references, there’s a mention of Xiang Yu due to Ming Feizhen mixing up the “Hegemon-King” characters in Xiang Yu’s t.i.tle used in a phrase. It doesn’t translate to English and only muddles with your understanding, so I omitted it.