Master Of Great Calamity

Chapter 1 - Top of the Immortals" List

Chapter 1 - Top of the Immortals" List

"Top of the immortal"s list, Fang Yuan!"

At this moment the Taiyue City, in the Yun Province, situated at the northern part of the Country of Yue, was full of joy and lights.

There was a 30 feet tall platform erected in the middle of the square in front of the Daqingshi Store in the north of the city. On the platform sat the lord of the city, generals and prominent figures from the city"s n.o.ble families. Below the platform stood young men of spirit and vigor, each looking up toward a daoist holding a purple scroll. The daoist was covered in grey with a daoist crown on his head. His eyes were cold as he looked at the names on the purple scroll.

He glanced at the smiling faces below the platform and slowly announced the results.

The waiting citizens immediately exploded in waves of thunderous cheers.

"I didn"t guess wrong. The top of the list really is little brother Fang Yuan.

"Haha. How is that guessing? Who in this Taiyue city has ever doubted that little brother Fang Yuan would top the list?"

"I heard that this little brother is outstanding in his understanding of the True Comprehensions of the Way. Even the daoist master called him a rare talent that is not seen in three hundred years. This announcement just proved that he is the best in this entire country!"

Amongst the murmurings, countless people looked at the young man standing tall beneath the platform.

The boy had a thin build with pale skin. He gave the feeling of someone who can"t resist being blown away by a breeze.

His clothes showed that he came from poor circ.u.mstances. But, he looked calm and focused.

After the daoist master"s announcement, countless people look at him with envious eyes, while others spoke words of praise. He thanked the people around him without surprise, as if he already expected this result.

"Haha, little Fang Yuan, come on the stage to collect the jade seal of the immortals!" said the daoist on the platform, as he put away the purple scroll in his hand and looked at the young man with admiration.

There was another burst of cheers from the audience. The people cheered like crashing of ocean waves, threatening to drown the young man.

Ordinary people started looking at him with awe.

This ceremony meant that he would be accepted into the Qingyang Sect as a true disciple. His future achievements would be limitless…

"Brother Fang Yuan, come over here!"

On the platform stood numerous young men and women. They were all chosen on lower tier lists. Most had extraordinary backgrounds, were children of the wealthy or were descendants of officials. However, when they saw the young man step toward the platform, they immediately opened a path for him while smiling on each side. They also took the initiative to take a few steps back so the young man could stand in front.

In Taiyue City, there is an insurmountable gap between the rich and the poor. But these children of n.o.ble families did not show a hint of arrogance in front of this young man who came from the poor.

After all, his position on the list was all too clear.

This poor colleague"s study of the True Comprehensions of the Way had won them over thoroughly.

Fang Yuan smiled at these fellow scholars and slowly walked over without worry while maintaining a calm expression.

"Congratulations Brother Fang!"

Amongst the crowd stood a beautiful girl. She carried a cold feeling that prevented others from daring to approach. Yet, when she saw Fang Yuan walking over, she lightly smiled and greeted him.

Fang Yuan stopped and thanked her. "Thank you, Sister Lu. Your performance on the test was quite good as well!"

The girl smiled and responded, "I was just going through the motions. The master didn"t want to start any rumors."

This girl is the treasured daughter of the lord of Taiyue City, Lu Xinyao. She is also a well-known genius. She mainly studies medicine. In this test, she obtained second place, and scored the highest in the city besides Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan laughed at her words and walked toward the platform.

"Haha, come here nephew Fang!" (tl: not biological nephew)

A person stood up on the stage. His face was pale and without hair and carried an air of elegance. This person is the lord of Taiyue City, Lu Zhuan. He smiled and intimately took Fang Yuan hand. "Now that the Taiyue City produced such an outstanding talent, your name will spread through the country. You have given me great pride as well. When you join the immortals for cultivation, step amongst the clouds and wander the heavens, don"t forget about the people of our city!"

"This boy is ashamed to earn the lord"s high praises…" responded Fang Yuan in a low voice.

His tone was proper and humble.

"Haha, don"t be so modest yet. I have one more thing to announce!"

Lu Zhuan laughed heartily. With one hand holding Fang Yuan and another grabbing onto his daughter Lu Xinyao, he smiled and said, "Actually, I have wanted to say this for a while. But since you were preparing for the examination, I was afraid of splitting your focus and waited. Now is the perfect opportunity. I have always liked you. You are a dragon within a pool and will sooner or later fly toward the sky. As you are dedicating yourself to the immortals" way, you will be leaving all distractions. So before that, I want to discuss a marriage with you. What do you think?"

As the lord spoke these words, he was full of confidence. Everyone around heard him clearly.


Hearing this, the commoners were shocked.

Those on the platform thought they had heard wrongly. They looked dumbly at the unparalleled cold, yet moving, Lu Xinyao. Their hearts were immediately in conflict.

In particular, General Qi"s son, Qi Xiaofeng, was staring with concealed hatred.

This… This child of the poor will actually become the groom of the city"s lord?

They could not believe nor accept this. Yet, it is happening in front of their eyes.

Only Fang Yuan was calm. He quickly pulled on the lord"s arm. "Uncle Lu…"

As he said this, he glanced at Lu Xinyao.

At this moment, Lu Xinyao stood a short distance away and returned his gaze with a faint smile.

Lu Zhuan smiled, "You don"t need to worry. I had already asked for Xin Yao"s opinion before!"

Fang Yuan wanted to say: But you never asked for my opinion…

Just then, Lu Xinyao turned her head and smiled at him. Under her pair of beautiful eyes, Fang Yuan couldn"t speak the words caught in his throat.

"Congratulations Brother Fang…"

"What are you saying, it"s Groom Fang…"

Seeing this scene, the people in the audience laughed and cheered.

Not only did this young man earn the top position on the list but became the lord"s groom as well. This is fortune upon fortune; especially since the lord"s daughter is a renowned beauty. With this, countless people were envious of him.

"Haha, congratulations to the lord for finding a groom. And congratulations for this couple who are to be married…"

Just then, a tall, middle-aged man wearing armor walked over. It was Taiyue City"s general. His son had also been named on the list. As people saw him walking over, the atmosphere on the stage seemed to darken.

Everyone knows that General Qi"s family had conflicts with Fang Yuan"s family ten years ago. Their families were enemies.

In the past, the Fang family had some property. But in order to build a new estate for General Qi, the Fang family land was forcefully taken. The Fang family tried to protest, but General Qi is not someone to contradict. The Fang family was silenced, and Fang Yuan"s parents died of illnesses one after another. The Fang family moved out of Taiyue City and became farmers. Since then, no one has spoken of it.

When he saw the general coming onto the stage, Fang Yuan looked at him without any reaction.

The general held a smile on his face. He laughed as he greeted the lord, then patted Fang Yuan"s shoulder. "Congratulations, congratulations. This old man loves such occasions. The Qingliu Estate in the south of the city can serve as a gift for you!"

Everyone who heard these words were shocked beyond comparison.

Those who know the story understood that the Qingliu Estate was constructed on the Fang family land after the general forcefully took it. No one could have imagined that it would be returned to the Fang family. Even more, the Qingliu Estate covered an area that is tens of times greater than the former Fang family land…

 "A mighty general is taking initiative to repair relations with a mere boy?"

"Hey, what boy. He is about to become a true disciple of the immortals. Even royalty must greet them with respect…"

The audience was full of discussions.

All the n.o.bles on the stage were laughing as they circled around with words of congratulations.

"We can talk about the rest at the feast, little Fang Yuan. Go receive the Qingyang Sect"s jade seal!"

The daoist master smiled happily as he held a rosewood tray in his hands and indicating for Fang Yuan to come forward.

The surroundings immediately silenced. Everyone watched quietly in this extraordinary occasion. Although all who have earned spots on the lists of successful candidates could one day start their heavenly cultivation, only the one who directly receive the Qingyang Sect"s jade seal can become a true disciple. That person can only be number one on the lists.

After receiving the jade seal, Fang Yuan will be a disciple of the Qingyang Sect, stepping into the sky.

Fang Yuan nodded and slowly walked forward. His heart was suddenly filled with emotions.

Ten years of hard work without rest. After exhausting all his efforts, is it finally the moment he had dream of?

He extended his hands. Although he was excited, his hands were still.

He knew that this is what he deserves.

He had expended ten times more effort and dedication than others. He deserves the highest honor…


Just as he extended his hands, a shadow suddenly covered the sky above Taiyue City.

Everyone looked up with apprehension and saw an enormous immortals" vessel gradually descending from the air. An immortal wearing a red robe slowly walked down. With a grave tone, his voice carried throughout Taiyue City. "The Qingyang Sect"s Immortal Yuji proclaims that the interpretation of the True Comprehension of the Way of this year"s immortal examination is cancelled and will not be counted in the final a.s.sessment!"


Both on and off the stage, everyone"s expression was frozen

"This…. How could it be? How could the immortals have such a decree?"

The one who finally said this after a long moment was the Taiyue City"s daoist master. His face was full of incomprehension.

The immortal envoy walked onto the platform. His gaze swept across the crowd. With a heavy face, he sighed, "That is because we have just confirmed that the True Comprehensions of the Way that our Qingyang Sect had received is fake. That is to say…"