Master Of Great Calamity

Chapter 3

Publishedat 19th of July 2019 05:27:49 PMChapter 3

Chapter 3

“There was really no choice but to abolish the subject of interpreting True Comprehensions of the Way . Fortunately, not many people dedicated themselves to this subject, so we didn’t lose many talents!” said the Qingyang Sect envoy as he lightly raised his cup within the inner hall of the lord’s mansion .

There were not many people who were qualified to sit at the main table; only the lord, General Qi, the daoist of the immortal hall and the Qingyang Sect envoy Qiao Yunting . Additionally, even though the True Comprehensions subject was canceled, there were still students who were on the second-tier list, such as the lord’s daughter Lu Xinyao, General Qi’s son, Qi Xiaofeng and a few other talents who were the top of Taiyue City .

Hearing the envoy’s words, their hearts were perturbed .

Good thing we didn’t dedicate too much time to learning True Comprehensions of the Way…

Of course, the reason they didn’t dedicate any time is because the subject was too hard .

Before, they were settling for second best . But now, it can be said that fortune fell upon them…

“Not losing talent? Is that true?”

Just then, the daoist master of the immortal hall suddenly sighed .

The Qingyang Sect envoy was somewhat startled and look toward the outer hall, where Fang Yuan sat next to the pond .

He seemed to remember this person . After a moment, he lightly said, “I heard that there was a genius of three hundred years in your Taiyue City . The person who topped the list this year is him?”

With his mentioning of Fang Yuan, the atmosphere around the table became tense .

The lord’s daughter Lu Xinyao glanced at the envoy and immediately dropped her gaze . She sat silently without a word .

The immortal hall daoist sighed again but did not speak a word .

City lord Lu Zhuan sighed softly and then laughed . “The envoy is correct . I watched Fang Yuan grow up . He is a good kid . Somewhat stubborn but has a good memory . I heard that during the examination, not only could he recite the entirely of the True Comprehensions of the Way, but he was familiar with all the scholarly interpretations as well . His skill was unparalleled . But, other than True Comprehensions, he lacked knowledge in medicine, divination, devices and martial arts . With the True Comprehensions subject, he would be the top . However, without it, he can’t even compete with a commoner . ”

“So, a child who only knows to memorize!”

The Qingyang Sect envoy nodded his head and said no more .

But Mister Zhu, the daoist master of the immortal hall, could not listen any further . He suddenly interjected, “Brother Qiao, you are here on official business and I shouldn’t say this, but I can no longer hold back . I watched Fang Yuan grow up . He has great qualities . He truly earned the top spot on the list . Yet, with a single sentence, you would destroy this child’s bright future?”

The Qingyang Sect enjoy was surprised, “Then what is Brother Zhu’s suggestion?”

Mister Zhu responded, “This child is really quite good . Can’t he be admitted as an exception?”

As these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the inner hall .

Everyone looked toward the envoy breathlessly .

Under so many eyes, the Qingyang envoy considered a moment, but still shook his head gravely .


Mister Zhu immediately became furious . He heavily slammed his cup onto the table and rose to leave .

“Don’t get angry Brother Zhu!”

The Qingyang envoy sighed and continued, “We studied the way together in the past . I understand your feelings . It is not that our sect is heartless, but this child is truly unsuitable for our sect . You have served as a teacher for the young and should understand . The reason we teach them subjects such as medicine, divination, devices and calligraphy from young is to prepare them for cultivation…”

“Generally speaking, by the time these children are around fifteen or sixteen, their foundational knowledge should be ready . Their bodies will have taken shape by then as well . This age is the best for starting cultivation . Otherwise, if one starts cultivation before one’s body is fully grown, there may be detriments to training and could even harm their core . If one starts too late, their body may be set, but their growth would be halved . Even though it is only a difference of few years, they may lose most of their potential!”

“I have seen the evaluation of this youth you spoke about . It is true that he is quite accomplished in interpreting the True Comprehensions of the Way . Even I have never seen a mortal memorize all thirty-six parts of the text without a single character wrong . But he is mediocre in all other skills . Now that we have proven the True Comprehensions of the Way to be false and the grandmaster has pa.s.sed away, no one will pay attention to this subject . Even if we accept him into our sect, he would be starting from nil . Before starting his cultivation, he would have to relearn the basics of each discipline . When do you think he would be ready? Three years? Five years? By then, would he still be capable of cultivation?”

“Hmph . With the Qingyang Sect’s resources and attention, how can his cultivation be delayed?” questioned Mister Zhu angrily .

Hearing this, the Qingyang enjoy laughed bitterly, “But does the sect have the extra energy to train him?”


Mister Zhu was furious . After a moment, he murmured, “With this single thought, you could be missing out on an exceptional talent!”

“There are already too many talents in the sect!”

The Qingyang envoy was not moved . He faintly said, “You should know as well . Our disciples are different from the past . Within the last three hundred years, we have accepted more disciples every three years than we did in a decade . There are limited resources for cultivation . A lack would prevent them from growth . Our sect no longer has the energy to expend on meaningless endeavors . To tell you the truth, this year’s examination may be the last of these three hundred years…”


As this remark came out, everyone around was stunned . Their eyes stared at the envoy with surprise .

But, the Qingyang envoy said no more . He raised his cup and sipped . Seeing that Mister Zhu’s anger did not subside, he sighed again . Smiling, he said, “Come on, Brother Zhu . We have known each other for hundreds of years . Let’s not ruin our friendship due to official business . Since you look favorably upon this youth, it’s not like I can’t give him an opportunity outside my obligations . It is up to him if he wants it or not!”

Outside, Fang Yuan was trying to remember the mysterious feeling that the True Comprehensions of the Way had given him before . As he slowly rose to leave this unwelcoming place, a voice sounded from behind him, “You are Fang Yuan?”

Turning around, Fang Yuan was surprised to see a man in a purple robe standing behind him . It was the Qingyang Sect envoy . The lord, General Qi and others were standing by him as well . Various looks went to Fang Yuan . Lu Xinyao and other scholars stood behind, each with worry on their face .

“Yes! This youth is Fang Yuan!” replied Fang Yuan politely without losing composure .

“I heard that you were originally the top of the list but lost your qualification due to my words . Do you bear hatred within your heart?” asked the envoy softly as he gauged Fang Yuan’s reaction .

“I want to draw a little figure so I can stab your mouth everyday…”

Fang Yuan thought this way, but he actually responded, “It’s useless to complain . This youth has no time to flounder in hatred, but only wish to start over!”

The envoy was shocked and laughed . “This seat* was worried that with such misfortune you would have abandoned yourself to depression . It seems like I thought too much . It is rare to see such resilience in one so young . Unfortunately, you will be disappointed . After this year, the sect will stop taking disciples . Furthermore, with your age, even if you are successful in learning the basics, you would have pa.s.sed the appropriate time for cultivation . ” *note: seat means an elder within the sect . The envoy refers to himself as “this seat . ”

“Huh?” hearing this, Fang Yuan’s face changed color .


The envoy’s words suddenly took a turn . He laughed, “This seat does not want to kill a good bud and will offer you an opportunity as an exception . You may not be accepted as a Qingyang Sect disciple, but our sect’s servants may also cultivate . If done well, one may enter the sect as a special admission . This seat can take you to the sect to be a servant . I wonder if you will accept?”

“A servant?”

There was commotion around as people’s eyes brightened .

Lu Xinyao couldn’t help looking at Fang Yuan . Hidden in her eyes was a touch of mockery .

The Taiyue lord and General Qi were relieved as their lips showed joyous smiles .

It should be noted that there is a strict hierarchy within the sect . Above ordinary disciples are inner disciples, who were the most talented . Among the inner disciples, there is one who would receive direct teachings every three years . Each of the chosen would garner the attention of the sect as the best who stand above everyone else . No matter his or her cultivation, the chosen would enjoy honor of a hundred years…

Otherwise, with Lu Xinyao’s beauty and potential, how could the lord have considered betrothing her to Fang Yuan?

But, to enter the sect as a servant is at an opposite extreme .

Isn’t it an insult to have the one who topped the list and would have received direct teachings, enter the sect as a servant?

Fang Yuan’s emotions were tumultuous as his anger threatened to explode .

He took a deep breath and suppressed the disturbance within his heart .

Within a moment, he carefully considered his possibilities of the future .

When he finally decided that this path in front of him is the only path left, he raised his head and answered earnestly, “This youth is willing!”

Chapter 3 – Servant of the Immortals