Medical Master

Chapter 827 I Don’t Want to Drink Urine

Chapter 827 I Don’t Want to Drink Urine

It was on the coastline. Everyone was staring at the shark lying across the beach, which was close to two meters in length, and they couldn’t believe it.

They were adults, and they had heard a lot of news about sharks. But they all had heard man-eating shark and had never heard of sharks being killed by people. If they thought about it, even in a movie about sharks, the theme was always a disaster about the narrow escape from the shark’s mouth, and there was no plot of killing a shark in the movie.

However, Fang Qiu did it. It was happening in front of them. Fang Qiu had killed a shark all by himself. How could that be?

Even if they met a shark, and it was broadcast on TV, the audience might not believe it, let alone killing sharks.

After all, from the perspective of a normal person, this kind of thing was too ridiculous.

Looking at Fang Qiu, who was lying on the beach with a pale face and gasping for breath, they didn’t rush to ask questions but accompanied Fang Qiu when he took a few breaths.

“How did you do it?” After Fang Qiu collecting himself, Liu Qings.h.i.+ squatted next to Fang Qiu, patted him on the shoulder lightly, and asked in shock.

“What else could I do?”

Fang Qiu gave a wry smile and said, “Fighting for my life!”

After he heard it, Liu Qings.h.i.+ was taken aback. Then he took the camera from Fang Qiu’s hand and said as he turned it on, “d.a.m.n, you are still holding the camera. Did you even record the process of killing the shark?”

The others were all shocked to hear it. They stared at Fang Qiu in shock, waiting for his answer.

“I do not know.” Fang Qiu shook his head and said, “I’ve been desperately fighting the sharks. There was no time to take a video. As soon as I start fighting the shark, I threw the camera away. I don’t know if it was recorded.”

After he heard it, Liu Qings.h.i.+ was taken aback. Then he took the camera from Fang Qiu’s hand and said as he turned it on, “d.a.m.n, you are still holding the camera. Did you even record the process of killing the shark?”

After hearing his words, everyone nodded.

Indeed, throwing the camera away would be the reaction of normal people before a desperate fight. Although Fang Qiu was an awesome Qigong master, it would be impossible for him to kill the shark with one hand.

“Let me take a look.”

Liu Qings.h.i.+ turned on the camera and played it back. It turned out that they actually saw the whole process of Fang Qiu fighting the shark desperately, and the picture was still very clear. Even when the shark’s blood turned the water red, they still could see Fang Qiu’s figure and movements.

“We got it.” Liu Qings.h.i.+ exclaimed.

Everyone quickly gathered around and watched the replay carefully.

When they look at the video, the thrilling picture immediately made everyone sweat.

They could see clearly that several times, Fang Qiu almost died in the mouth of the shark. It would be doubtful whether he or the shark would have survived if he had not been a good swimmer and a clever man, and had found the shark’s weak spot.

Especially at the end, when they heard the words Fang Qiu had said to the camera when he was chasing the shark covered in blood, all of them couldn’t help admiring Fang Qiu.

“You knew that the smell of blood would attract other sharks. How dare you run after it?” Liu Qings.h.i.+ asked.

“I had no choice.” Fang Qiu smiled bitterly, and said, “For the first time in my life, I fought with a shark and I was lucky enough to win. Since it didn’t eat me, then I must eat it. If I didn’t bring it back, how can we feed so many people?”

Everyone was particularly moved to hear it, especially Ying’er and Song Yaqi.

The two of them had been very sad before. Now Fang Qiu not only came back alive but also brought them a big meal.

Technically, it was a meal big enough to feed them for three days!

They no longer had to worry about food or risk their lives for food. “Good job.”

Gu Jianguo looked at Fang Qiu and said, “I have never been so impressed by anyone else in my life. You are good!” “Good job!”

Zhang Junhe and others all agreed. “Bravo!”

Liu Qings.h.i.+ patted Fang Qiu on the shoulder vigorously, and said, “You’re an amazing master. Qigong is good, and you even killed a shark with it.”

“All right.”

Fang Qiu straightened up and said, “Stop praising me. It was a narrow escape and I am still hungry. Now that we have the ingredients, I think we should find a place to live and fill our stomachs first.” “That’s right.”

Liu Qings.h.i.+ stood up and looked at the darkening sky. He turned to the funny trio nearby, and asked, “Have you found a suitable place for the night?”

“Yes.” Zheng Weilian said, “We chose a leeward place with a relatively flat terrain, and it is suitable for overnight stay.”

“That place is the most habitable lace on the entire island. We have all prepared firewood and stuff, so we can light a fire when we go over.” Zhang Junhe added.

“Very good.” Liu Qings.h.i.+ nodded in satisfaction, and said, “Let’s go. Take our stone, and go back to the station.”

After they arrived at the station, they found that though the trio had usually behaved in a very funny way, they weren’t sloppy at all when it came to business. The selection of the location was very good.

It was between two big trees, and there were some small trees around. There was a green lawn at their foot, without any bushes. Of course, it was an island, so this area also faced the sea, but it was a little bit far away from the sea.

Everyone cleaned up, and after simply setting up a rain-proof tent, they started to get busy. Fang Qiu was accompanied by two beautiful women, Song Yaqi and Ying’er, and he continued to rest.

After all, he had just done such a great job and brought back enough food for three days. Everyone couldn’t bear to ask him to work again. As for the two women, how could they do the heavy lifting?

Naturally, all the work fell on the shoulders of five male MCs.

On the other side, several PDs, who had taken Fang Qiu’s handheld camera, watched the process of Fang Qiu’s desperate fight with the shark in the sea. After being extremely shocked and secretly rejoicing, they sent the video to Director Liu Guobin who was far away.

After receiving the video, Director Liu Guobin clicked on it and watched it with other directors.

The director’s face turned pale instantly after watching it. “G.o.d bless him.” He said, fl.u.s.tered.

Then, Director Liu Guobin suddenly became angry and shouted, “Why didn’t they stop Fang Qiu?”

With that, he thought about it again, who could have stopped Fang Qiu at that time?

He could only blame his inexperience.

They couldn’t blame the director. Who could have expected that Fang Qiu, a soph.o.m.ore, dared to go to the sea like this, and he was a swimmer as good as a national athlete?

When he thought of it, Liu Guobin suddenly came up with an idea.

“Yes, this is the stunt!”

Suddenly, he laughed.

The scene of Fang Qiu desperately fighting a shark would certainly make a great show. Even if the rest of the show was not interesting, this show would become a big hit, because this picture was so shocking!

Of course, as a senior variety show director in the entertainment industry, Liu Guobin knew very well that after the launch of this show, the first thing he would have to face was the attacks of all netizens. After all, this thriller was caused by the team not taking proper security measures.

He would certainly be seriously criticized.

However, it had happened. Although they could completely suppress this matter so that everyone wouldn’t see this section. But this section was the most interesting part of the whole program and couldn’t afford to be cut out at all.

In this case, he could only bite the bullet and be scolded. When that happened, he would just have to sincerely apologize to Fang Qiu, all Fang Qiu’s fans, and all people who cared about Fang Qiu.

Of course, the most important one was Fang Qiu.

It would be far better to be forgiven by Fang Qiu than to be forgiven by netizens. “At this time, we can’t provoke them anymore.”

At the thought of it, Liu Guobin nodded secretly.

After what had happened the afternoon, if they continued to give them a hard time, maybe this group of people would be p.i.s.sed off. “Cancel the next part about obtaining daily necessities by playing games. Just give them the supplies.”

Liu Guobin ordered.

On the island over there, the PDs received the order and immediately took out all the pots, buckets of purified water, lighters, and instant noodles that had been hidden on the island in advance, and sent them to Fang Qiu and others.

“Due to your excellent performance at noon, the director team has temporarily decided to cancel the part of playing games to win daily necessities, and replace it with giving you materials for free instead.” Everyone’s eyes lit up to hear it.

After he heard it, Liu Qings.h.i.+ was taken aback. Then he took the camera from Fang Qiu’s hand and said as he turned it on, “d.a.m.n, you are still holding the camera. Did you even record the process of killing the shark?”

“Hmm, you are doing the right thing.” Liu Qings.h.i.+ said, “I’ll grill the shark. I am good at grilling. Now I finally have a chance to grill the shark. I can’t miss it.”

Huang Huachao suggested, “It’s okay to grill it, but I’m not eating it.”

Fang Qiu sat on the ground, looked at Huang Huachao, and said, “Sharks are only suitable for eating when there is no other food because sharks are not tasty. Sharks are cartilaginous fish, and their meat contains a lot of urea. So, the bigger the shark, the stronger the urine smell in the meat. Urea is not a nutrient for humans, but a toxin, especially for people with poor kidneys. They’d better not to eat it.”


With that, everyone was dumbfounded.

They couldn’t eat such a big shark?

“Of course, there are also very good chefs who can cook sharks deliciously. But in our current situation, there aren’t any cooking tools and seasonings, so they can’t be eaten at all. You’d better not eat it. Anyway, the program staff has delivered things. Let’s eat what they gave us first, and keep the shark for now. Let’s eat it when there is nothing else to eat.”

Fang Qiu suggested, “It seems there is no other way.”

Liu Qings.h.i.+ smile wryly and said, “I don’t want to eat urine.” Others also shook their heads.

Their fantasy about shark meat was soon shattered.

Then they started cooking.

There was a variety of fish, meat, and ingredients from the program staff as well as two fish caught by Fang Qiu and Liu Qings.h.i.+. Although there was no seasoning, there were instant noodles.

They could just open a box of instant noodles and take out the seasoning to solve the problem of no seasoning. Dinner was ready.

Everyone gathered together and ate happily. In the evening, the program staff had originally prepared some programs, but they were too tired to be in the mood for them. They just simply worked on a place to stay overnight. After the problem of rain protection was solved, they went to bed early.