Medical Master

Chapter 1104 I’ve Found a Way

Chapter 1104 I’ve Found a Way

“Mr. Zhao, can you see it clearly?” Fang Qiu asked, looking at Zhao Shanlin on the screen of his mobile phone after the video call was connected.

“Yes, I can see it very clearly,” Zhao Shanlin replied, nodding. But he looked very uneasy as if he was not used to having a video call.

“Okay,” Fang Qiu replied. “I wanted to give you a phone call, but there is something that I need you to see with your own eyes, so I sent you a video call.

“Here’s the thing. I found a plant which is very prolific in the gra.s.sland of Africo, so I want you to see if this plant can be transplanted back to Huaxia.”

As he was speaking, Fang Qiu directly aimed the camera of his mobile phone at the Three Lives on the ground. Then he said, “This is it.”

“Walk around to let me see the surroundings and the whole body of this plant,” Zhao Shanlin said to him.

Hearing that, Fang Qiu immediately did as he was told.

“No, what I can see is too limited.” Zhao Shanlin shook his head. Then he said, “You’d better tell me the situation there in detail.”

Fang Qiu held up his mobile phone and moved it in all directions, describing the terrain there in detail. He also specially told Zhao Shanlin that there was a large area of herbs growing nearby.

“That plant should be a vine plant. What this kind of plant needs the most is water, and it is also good at maintaining moisture. According to the environment you mentioned, that plant can be transplanted, but it must be transplanted as soon as possible,” Zhao Shanlin said.

“That’s great.” Hearing that, Fang Qiu was immediately delighted.

If he could transplant it, there would be an infinite number of Earth Treasures. At that time, all the people who followed him would have Earth Treasures to eat.

“Transplanting plants is also a task that needs to be done carefully,” Zhao Shanlin said again. “Before you transplant it, you must call me in advance. I will rush back to the cultivation base in advance and help you there.”

“Okay,” Fang Qiu replied, nodding.

After hanging up, he took out his mobile phone to read the map and remembered this location.

He was going to transplant the Earth Treasure before leaving Africo.

After everything was done, he turned and left, returning to the tribe.

Anyway, there was n.o.body in this place at all, and therefore, Fang Qiu was not afraid that others would take away the Three Lives.

“How are the patients?” Back at the tribe, Fang Qiu found the old patriarch.

Over the past two days when he was absent, the old patriarch had been observing the three patients, trying to see if the medicine Fang Qiu made was really effective and if it could really cure malaria thoroughly.

“The medicine is effective.” Seeing Fang Qiu, the old patriarch immediately shook Fang Qiu’s hand gratefully. Then he added, “They’ve really recovered. They’ve been completely cured without relapse.”

“This means that the medicine is very effective.” Fang Qiu nodded with a smile.

Actually, two days ago, when Fang Qiu felt the three patients’ pulses, he had clearly learned that they had been completely cured. The viruses of malaria in their bodies had been killed, so it was impossible for them to relapse again.

“Can, can you teach me this method?” The old patriarch asked, pleading. “I will give you whatever you want, as long as you teach me how to boil herbs to make the medicine.”

“Sure, I can teach you,” Fang Qiu replied. “I won’t ask you for anything and I don’t have any requirements.”

After that, Fang Qiu directly taught the old patriarch how to process herbs and then told him all the details of decocting the herbs, such as the time, the fire control, and so on.

The old patriarch remembered them very carefully.

After the old patriarch finished memorizing, he and Fang Qiu came over to a tree.

“I’m leaving,” Fang Qiu said to the old patriarch. “I’ve found the herbs that can treat malaria, and there are enough of them, so I have to leave here to prepare for the treatment of malaria all over Africo.”

“These herbs have been ignored for too many years. Now they are finally useful. I hope that malaria can completely disappear from this world and will no longer bring any pain to anyone,” the old patriarch said.

“What’s your plan for developing your tribe in the future?” Fang Qiu asked. “Do you choose to keep closing it or to gradually open it, starting to contact the outside world?”

“I...” The old patriarch hesitated.

“Since I’ve found the herbs and the method to treat malaria, a large number of people will soon come here to pick herbs. At that time, this place will not be peaceful.” Fang Qiu paused for a while. Then he added, “I hope it won’t have any negative impacts on your tribe.”

“It’s good that others come here to pick herbs,” the old patriarch said with a smile. “It’s time for us to contact the outside world. If we don’t contact the outside world, it will be impossible for our tribe to develop.”

“You are right,” Fang Qiu said, nodding. “You still have some time.

“If I remember correctly, the poachers’ car is still over there. I will also give my car to you. First of all, let your tribesmen learn to drive. Then try your best to pick the four kinds of herbs during this period and process them according to the method I told you. At that time, government officials will come here to buy these herbs. You can also make some money from the herbs, which can be regarded as the seed capital for the formal development of your tribe.”

Hearing this, the old patriarch immediately nodded and said, “Thank you for your help and suggestions.”

Fang Qiu smiled.

Then, he rushed back to Kairo with the basket of herbs that he had processed on his back.

After that, he bought a plane ticket and hurried back to Comores without stopping.

Back at Comores, as soon as he got off the plane, Fang Qiu immediately rushed to the Presidential Palace.

Fang Qiu’s appearance surprised the president.

“Have you found it?” The president asked.

In the past few days, he paid the most attention to Fang Qiu’s treatment of malaria. He hoped that Fang Qiu could cure it, but at the same time, he hoped that Fang Qiu couldn’t do it before the appointed time.

These two thoughts caught him in a dilemma.

“I’ve found a method,” Fang Qiu answered.

“Really?” The president was suddenly overjoyed.

At this moment, he didn’t expect Fang Qiu to fail at all. Instead, he felt that the whole world was bright.

Indeed, malaria caused great damage to his country.

“Yes.” Fang Qiu nodded with certainty.

“This is a great moment. I want to see it with my own eyes. I must see it with my own eyes.” The president was particularly excited.

“Okay, I can show it to you now,” Fang Qiu said.

Soon, the president made a series of arrangements, and finally, he came to a hospital with a group of people.

Knowing that the president and a doctor from Huaxia were coming to treat malaria, all the doctors in the hospital ran over curiously to watch them, but they were stopped three meters away from the president and the doctor by the president’s guards.

Led by the director of the hospital, Fang Qiu and the president came to a fairly s.p.a.cious room. Everything in this room had been prepared according to Fang Qiu’s request, including all the necessary equipment.

Under the gaze of the president and doctors outside the room, Fang Qiu began to boil the herbs that he had processed and brought back from the primitive tribe.

He brewed those herbs for about three hours.

And the medicinal potion was ready.

Fang Qiu gave a seriously-ill patient a bowl of the potion and asked him to drink it.

Then, to make the potion take effect as soon as possible, Fang Qiu directly used his internal Qi to help the patient digest the medicinal potion. Half an hour later, the patient who drank the medicinal potion began to have diarrhea.

After that, all the patient’s symptoms disappeared.

The president and all the doctors in the hospital were very surprised and then immediately took the patient to have all kinds of detailed examinations.

Soon, they got the examination reports.

Malaria in this patient was really cured. All the symptoms of malaria disappeared, and the patient was just like a normal person!

This result shocked all the doctors!

How could malaria be cured?

Apart from doctors, the president was also shocked and excited.

“Well done. You did a good job. I thank you on behalf of all the citizens in Comores.” The president patted Fang Qiu on the shoulder excitedly. After saying a few words, he hurriedly asked, “How much does this medicine cost? Is the medicine as expensive as the one you mentioned a few days ago?”

“Dear Mr. President,” Fang Qiu said with a smile, “I have a business deal here. I wonder if you want to do it.”

“Business?” The president looked at Fang Qiu with a puzzled face. He asked, “What kind of business?”

“I went to Egyptt this time and saw a lot of herbs in the gra.s.sland over there, which could be used to treat malaria.” Fang Qiu took out his mobile phone and showed the photos that he had taken to the president.

As he was showing them to him, Fang Qiu said, “To ensure the security of people in Africo and to prevent other private companies from interfering and raising the price of the medicine, I suggest that you should cooperate with people from other countries as the president of the Union of the Comores. There are 1.2 billion people in Africo in total. Moreover, malaria is very rampant in Africo. There are billions of dollars of profit at least every year.”

When the president heard this, his eyes brightened.

“Return to the Presidential Palace!” After taking a deep look at Fang Qiu, the president waved his hand and excitedly took everyone back to the Presidential Palace. Of course, Fang Qiu also went back with him.

When they arrived at the Presidential Palace, the president immediately called the minister of the Ministry of Commerce to have a discussion together. They quickly determined the final plan.

It was the same as Fang Qiu’s proposal. The country should cooperate with others and all the medicinal materials and medical treatments should be controlled by the authority. In this way, not only safety could be ensured, but also the country could be responsible for all the patients in Africo who were suffering from malaria.

“Now, we have a plan, but how to produce the medicine is a difficult problem. Do you have a solution?” Fang Qiu asked directly, after the discussion between the president and the minister of the Ministry of Commerce.

“I...” The president was suddenly in a dilemma.

Only doctors of Huaxia Chinese Medicine could process herbs. Even if Fang Qiu was willing to teach them, they had to be able to learn it. Moreover, was Fang Qiu really willing to teach?

“Do you have any suggestions?” The president asked.

“I do,” Fang Qiu said with a smile. “You can hire a batch of consultants from Huaxia specialized in traditional Chinese medicine to teach people in Africo how to produce medicine.”

Hearing this, the president looked at Fang Qiu curiously. He didn’t expect that Fang Qiu didn’t ask him for benefits by this at all. Instead, he really helped him come up with the best way. It made him admire Fang Qiu and the doctors of Chinese Medicine in Huaxia a little.

“In addition,” Fang Qiu added, after pausing for a moment, “this medicine has not appeared all over the world yet, so I suggest that you should apply for the patent as soon as possible.”

“Yes, yes. You are right. I must do this.” Only then did the president react and hurriedly arrange for others to do it.