Medical Master

Chapter 1391 - Chapter 1391 Twelve Golden Qi Columns!

Chapter 1391 - Chapter 1391 Twelve Golden Qi Columns!

Chapter 1391 Twelve Golden Qi Columns!

Thank you readers!

Crowning Lord was dead.

He was the third-in-command of Nirvana Organization. In the beginning, he took the initiative to challenge John Doe. After being chased for a long time, he finally closed his eyes forever.

In the end, he died abroad by the sea.


Fang Qiu turned his head, glancing at the destroyed military base. Nothing remained here. Then he looked at Crowning Lord lying before him, who had become a lifeless, dead body. Fang Qiulet out a long sigh.

Then, the pain in his body suddenly intensified.

His legs went limp.

Fang Qiu was exhausted and fell to the ground. He didn’t even have the strength to sit cross-legged to cultivate.

Just then…

Footsteps could be heard.

Fang Qiu looked up and saw a man in a general’s uniform standing at the strait’s top. He was holding a gun, aiming at Fang Qiu from a distance.

It was Ruan s.h.i.+ben.

“John Doe, let me send you to h.e.l.l!”

Everything here was ruined. Seeing John Doe fall to the ground feebly, Ruan s.h.i.+ben laughed wildly. Without the slightest hesitation, he aimed at Fang Qiu, ready to shoot.

Just then…

“Beep, beep, beep…”

The phone in his trouser pocket suddenly rang.

He answered the call.

Ruan s.h.i.+ben’s face fell. In a panic, he looked toward the military base on the coast. Then he put away his mobile phone and aimed directly at Fang Qiu.

“Clap, clap, clap…”

In an instant, he fired twelve times in rapid succession.

When he ran out of bullets, he turned around and ran away without even looking back at Fang Qiu.

In the ruins…


The twelve bullets hissed over, but Fang Qiu felt limp and exhausted. Enduring the pain in his viscera, he mobilized all his remaining internal Qi, condensing it into a small energy s.h.i.+eld before him. It blocked all the twelve bullets.

When Fang Qiu tracked Crowning Lord down to this place, his internal Qi had recovered 90%. However, Crowning Lord just ignited a destructive blow at the cost of his life. It was a close and devastating explosive attack for Fang Qiu. Fang Qiu could only outburst all his internal Qi to defend himself, forming three layers of energy s.h.i.+elds. In addition, half of his energy was consumed to protect his viscera. Finally, he managed to survive with a great deal of effort.


There was indeed not much internal Qi left in his body.

He stopped the twelve bullets, which was a real blessing.

Without the last trace of internal Qi, he wouldn’t have blocked the twelve bullets. In that case, he would have lost his life. He might even have died in a more aggrieved way than Crowning Lord.


“Why did Ruan s.h.i.+ben run away after the shooting?”

Fang Qiu was so confused.


He heard something breaking through the air.

The sound relaxed Fang Qiu completely.

He knew that…

The man must be Sword Fanatic.

As soon as Sword Fanatic arrived, he was no longer in danger.

When Fang Qiu thought back on it…

Ruan s.h.i.+ben should have received the news from the military base: someone from Huaxia broke through the border. Knowing John Doe’s reinforcements had arrived, he decisively fled.

“How is it? Are you all right?”

In the blink of an eye, Sword Fanatic rushed to Fang Qiu and landed near him. With a worried face, he observed him.

“I’m fine.”

Fang Qiu answered.

“That’s great.”

Sword Fanatic nodded with relief. Then, he saw the dead Crowning Lord aside. He slashed down with his sword and waved his hand, releasing an overwhelming blast of energy Qi. It threw Crowning Lord’s corpse far away into the sea. After that, he squatted down, carried Fang Qiu on his back, and said, “Let me take you away first.”

“Wait a minute.”

Fang Qiu shouted and pointed to the direction that Ruan s.h.i.+ben escaped, saying, “There. We have to chase a person.”


Hearing this, Sword Fanatic didn’t hesitate and instantly moved in the direction pointed out by Fang Qiu. Another chase began.

Ruan s.h.i.+ben was merely an ordinary person, after all. His speed was slow for martial arts pract.i.tioners. For a guru-level expert like Sword Fanatic, he was moving at a snail’s speed.

Even though Ruan s.h.i.+ben had fled for a long time, Sword Fanatic only took a minute to catch up with him.

Up ahead…

Ruan s.h.i.+ben was fleeing in panic. Just as he reached the jungle edge, he was greatly shocked when hearing something moving fast pierce the air behind him. At once, he stopped.

“Where do you think you can escape?”

Sword Fanatic’s voice came.

Ruan s.h.i.+ben trembled all over. Then, stiffly and slowly, he turned his head to look back, his eyes filled with fear.

“You, stay away from me! Don’t come over!”

Ruan s.h.i.+ben stretched out his hand in a panic, trying in vain to stop the two people in the distance. He was so fl.u.s.tered that even his voice trembled a little.

Sword Fanatic moved his feet and continued to go forward.

As he walked, he asked, “Kill him?”


Fang Qiu gave a brief reply.

At the same time…

“Bang, bang, bang…”

There was a burst of gunshots.

His face changed when Ruan s.h.i.+ben heard Fang Qiu answer in the affirmative. He raised his gun immediately and fired wildly at his two enemies!

He pulled the trigger eleven times without a break!

Eleven bullets were shot toward Fang Qiu and Sword Fanatic.

To his dismay…

When they rushed to them, Sword Fanatic erupted peerlessly powerful internal Qi. It poured out of Sword Fanatic and condensed into an energy s.h.i.+eld before them.

He neatly fended off all eleven bullets.

Never had Ruan s.h.i.+ben seen such a scene.

He started at them blankly.

He froze on the spot, and his eyes stayed motionless on them.

His eyes looked lifeless!

Despair filled his face.

He raised his gun again. But this time, he did not point it at Fang Qiu and Sword Fanatic. Instead, he desperately pressed the gun against his temple.

He looked at Fang Qiu and Sword Fanatic, his eyes with resentment and unwillingness.


A gunshot rang out.

The last bullet was fired, and his blood splashed on all sides.

Ruan s.h.i.+ben’s body fell backward feebly. He shot himself dead!

Witnessing Ruan s.h.i.+ben’s suicide, Fang Qiu shook his head and said. “Let’s go.”

He had been struggling to stay awake. Finally, he couldn’t hold on any longer. He closed his eyes and fainted.

When Sword Fanatic saw John Doe pa.s.s out…

His heart tightened. Dare not to waste any time, he carried John Doe on his back and flew back to Huaxia!


Although Fang Qiu was in a coma…

He was sort of consciously absorbing the Qi of Heaven and Earth to heal himself.

In fact…

Fang Qiu possessed such a strong mental force. How could he faint so easily? But because he was seriously injured, he became too fatigued to move.

Under his spiritual force’s silent guidance, Fang Qiu’s internal Qi started circulating quickly. While absorbing the surrounding Qi of Heaven and Earth, he repaired his viscera.

But just as the Qi of Heaven and Earth turned into internal Qi…

Fang Qiu had a vague feeling.

His internal Qi was moving according to the technique. But surprisingly, it involuntarily gathered toward his Dantian. The internal Qi in humans should flow into Dantian. However, under normal circ.u.mstances, Dantian wouldn’t restrict internal Qi. No matter how much internal Qi existed in the body, Dantian would never forcibly absorb it all.

But this time was different.

The internal Qi seemed to be greatly attracted by something. Every time it pa.s.sed by his Dantian, part of it would remain there.

Fang Qiu felt as if…

His Dantian seemed to need internal Qi badly.


Fang Qiu doubted.

Just then…

The internal Qi entering his Dantian began to rotate wildly, forming a vortex. As it spun rapidly, it burst out a tremendous force of attraction.

As soon as this attractive force appeared, it began frantically attracting the Qi of Heaven and Earth from the surrounding area!

Above the sea…


Sword Fanatic was flying fast toward Huaxia. Suddenly, he felt the force of attraction from within Fang Qiu. Then he found that the Qi of Heaven and Earth around them was wildly surging into Fang Qiu!

He was shocked.

Sword Fanatic looked back at Fang Qiu, who was still unconscious. Suddenly, the light faded. He looked up and saw the wind and clouds change dramatically. Some black clouds coming from nowhere churned in the sky.

When Sword Fanatic saw this…

He dare not hesitate at all. Turning his eyes, he glanced around. When he saw an island ahead, he immediately accelerated and zipped over.

He arrived at the island with John Doe on his back.

Before doing anything else, Sword Fanatic searched around this place and ensured it was an uninhabited island. Only then did he quickly take John Doe to the island center. He gently put him down and laid him on the gra.s.s.

Then he quickly retreated five meters away and sat cross-legged to protect Fang Qiu!


“Buzz, buzz…”

Gales rose from all directions.

The Qi of Heaven and Earth entered his body. Under the huge attraction from his Dantian, his internal Qi circulated wildly in Fang Qiu’s Dantian.

The drawing power increased.

Fang Qiu felt dizzy and suddenly woke up.

He opened his eyes.

What he saw was a sky covered with dark clouds. It had been drizzling. Surrounded by darkness, he couldn’t see anything. There was the whistling of the cold wind.

This was not the real world.

It was a s.p.a.ce, a special one!

All of a sudden…

The black clouds in the sky began to surge.

Fang Qiu looked up.


A beam of golden light broke out of the clouds, blazing down from the sky. It poured into Fang Qiu’s body.

Soon after…

Mighty bangs sounded one after another.

In a flash, the twelve golden columns of Qi fell from the sky one after another and merged into Fang Qiu.

At this moment…

Fang Qiu felt his heart beating faster and faster.

He felt as if his Qi and blood were surging.

He looked down again.

Fang Qiu found he was sitting cross-legged.

This feeling… He felt he was like an enormous jade statue. It seemed something was going to break out from within and bloom.

That kind of feeling made Fang Qiu exceptionally calm!

He remained cool and composed.

Seemingly, he was observing something irrelevant to him in a “G.o.d’s eye view.”

There, he saw…

With the appearance of the twelve golden Qi columns, the shadow of a vast golden lotus began to take shape slowly. Under the place where he sat cross-legged, a mysterious lotus throne appeared. It grew at a leisurely pace. Each leaf slowly unfolded.

This growing process continued under the cover of twelve golden Qi columns.

In the outside world…

There was also a drizzle in the sky. Black clouds came billowing, and the cold wind was whistling around.

Seeing the unusual situation, Sword Fanatic dare not close his eyes. He could only guard John Doe all the time for fear that something would go wrong. Of course, when keeping a constant vigil over John Doe, he felt rich Qi of Heaven and Earth coming from all directions. At a fast and furious rate, it kept pouring into John Doe. Since John Doe couldn’t take it all, Sword Fanatic also tried to absorb and refine it!