Memory Lost

Chapter 160

Publishedat 18th of June 2019 05:24:57 AMChapter 160

Chapter 160: The Spirit of the Police Shield

In the quietness, only one person is stumbling while getting up from the ground using a gun for support .

Su Mian watches him, staring at the wound in his chest .  She lowers her head suddenly and starts searching the couch, coffee table, and desks frantically .  Although the chances are slim, she still wants to try and find the key, find a way out, and go to him immediately .

But what Han Chen can’t see and Su Mian doesn’t notice is that A, who’s lying on the ground, is slowly closing his eyes .  It’s as if he’s talking in his sleep, he murmurs a bunch of nonsense .


Big Sister, Big Sister……I didn’t kill Han Chen……Don’t be sad . ”

He closes his eyes and stops breathing .

Big Sister, I didn’t kill him after all .  When I lifted my hand, my thoughts deviated and shot away from his heart .

I think this isn’t considered a betrayal .  This really isn’t .

It’s because S said that he wants to give you the life that you want .  Therefore, Han Chen cannot die .

It’s because I know deep inside long ago that we’re the ones in the wrong in this life, like a sad concerto .  It’s just that I cannot turn back and I don’t want to turn back .

Perhaps our lives started on the wrong foot .

And we let it end wrongly .


Su Mian can’t open the door .

R was determined to head toward danger .  And since he was looking after her for Xu Si Bai, how could he let her have the chance to escape?  She leans her back against the door . Using her good arm, she pounds on the door .

“Han Chen!  Han Chen!” she shouts .  She doesn’t know how far away Han Chen is .  She just hopes that he can hurry to this secret chamber before the crash happens .

Han Chen stands up slowly .  He’s like a statue standing high among the dead bodies around him .

At this very moment, the underground begins to shake .

Su Mian jerks her head up and looks around the room shaking like there’s an earthquake .  And at the dirt hill area at some unknown distance from her, Han Chen also looks up and watches the shaking ceiling and its falling debris .

It’s not an ordinary shake .  The shaking is coming from all directions, and it’s becoming stronger .  Su Mian uses all her might to shout, “Han Chen! I’m over here!”


At the Han River tunnel .

The subway is already entering at full speed .

“Are you ready?” Chatterbox asks .

Cold Face nods .

“We’ll be dying soon, so can’t you say a few more words?” Chatterbox laughs suddenly .

Cold Face remains quiet for a brief moment before smiling .

“It’s a bit unfortunate,” he says softly .

Chatterbox lights up a cigarette as the train shakes vigorously .  He inhales from it and says, “You’ll miss your new girlfriend?”

“Mm .  And the others . ”

“Let her and the others remember you forever then!” Chatterbox sighs .

“It’s better to forget,” Cold Face says softly .  He picks up the communication device, “Captain Qin, we’re ready .  We’ll steer the train to hit the wall of the tunnel in an effort to avoid crashing into the Peninsula Hotel .  Over . ”

He shuts off the communication device .  On the other side, Captain Qin is almost in tears .

The subway’s original track was to hit the underground station at Peninsula Hotel, which meant that it would crash into its foundation .  If they jump off of the train earlier, they would be able to escape .

But if they manually steer the train to change its course while the technicians break the train tracks before it gets there, there’s a possibility for the train to stop before the crash as well as detonating the bombs earlier .  This way, the Peninsula Hotel will not collapse and the thousands of civilians who haven’t made it out yet will be able to survive .  

“Cold Face, Chatterbox……” Captain Qin salutes quietly standing among the ma.s.sive crowd of people who are evacuating toward the Han River .


Underground .

The instant that Han Chen stands up, another person appears not far away .

R .

He’s covered in blood and looks pale .  Su Mian’s attack has caused him to become weak like a piece of paper .  Blood is flowing out of his chest, staining the ground and his body . He stares at Han Chen and the dead bodies lying on the ground but can’t find Xu Si Bai .  In a split second, he understands everything and immediately becomes gloomy .

Han Chen covers his chest with his hand while raising a gun with his other to point it directly at R .  But R reacts impulsively; he smiles coldly at Han Chen, bends down and picks up the remote, turns around and runs .  It’s darkness behind him and it’s hard to make out where he’s heading . At the same time, the shaking has gotten worse and more debris is falling from above .

At this instant, Su Mian sees Han Chen turn his head suddenly and looks directly at her .

Just like what Xu Si Bai did, he turns to glance at her .  His handsome face and those dark and bottomless eyes .

His gaze makes her feel devastated .  In the next second, he holds onto his chest and runs after R .

“Han Chen!”

Everything in the image collapses and the monitor goes dark .  Su Mian hears the deafening sound of things collapsing and the room loses all its light sources suddenly, falling into the darkness like late at night .

She stands in the middle of the darkness, crying without a sound as she feels unimaginable pain .


It’s close .

It’s getting closer .

It’s smoke everywhere and they can hear the squeaking sound of machinery .

Chatterbox and Cold Face are standing in the control cabin as they watch the train hit the wall .  They watch the train tear apart from the ma.s.sive impact caused by the hit .

They can barely stand .  The impact causes them to be flung around; they hit the train’s ceiling, the window, and there’s blood on their foreheads and their vision goes blurry .

But even at a time like this, Chatterbox is still a chatterbox .

“Hey, do you remember……what Xiao Zhuan said before?”

Cold Face is fighting with all his might to steer the train to make it hit the wall deeper and faster .  His voice is almost drowned by the roaring sound of the train, “I remember . ”

Chatterbox’s voice carries a sense of cheerfulness, “Oh yeah……how could you not remember .  That fella was so proud of himself and even wrote it down and stuck it on each of our computer monitors . ”

Two voices say together with a bit of stutter even though it’s hard to make out .

“We are the Black Shield .

What we face against are the most merciless cases;

What we chase after are the cruelest criminals .

We are placed at the border of the darkest area as the st.u.r.diest and strongest shield .

Our determination can never be destroyed .

We will never let down the people who we are trying to protect .

Please let us die .

Our spirits will live on after death . ”

Chapter 160: The Spirit of the Police Shield In the quietness, only one person is stumbling while getting up from the ground using a gun for support . Su Mian watches him, staring at the wound in his chest .  She lowers her head suddenly and starts searching the couch, coffee table, and desks frantically .  Although the chances are slim, she still wants to try and find the key, find a way out, and go to him immediately . But what Han Chen can’t see and Su Mian doesn’t notice is that A, who’s lying on the ground, is slowly closing his eyes .  It’s as if he’s talking in his sleep, he murmurs a bunch of nonsense . “S……S…… Big Sister, Big Sister……I didn’t kill Han Chen……Don’t be sad . ” He closes his eyes and stops breathing . Big Sister, I didn’t kill him after all .  When I lifted my hand, my thoughts deviated and shot away from his heart . I think this isn’t considered a betrayal .  This really isn’t . It’s because S said that he wants to give you the life that you want .  Therefore, Han Chen cannot die . It’s because I know deep inside long ago that we’re the ones in the wrong in this life, like a sad concerto .  It’s just that I cannot turn back and I don’t want to turn back . Perhaps our lives started on the wrong foot . And we let it end wrongly . …… Su Mian can’t open the door . R was determined to head toward danger .  And since he was looking after her for Xu Si Bai, how could he let her have the chance to escape?  She leans her back against the door . Using her good arm, she pounds on the door . “Han Chen!  Han Chen!” she shouts .  She doesn’t know how far away Han Chen is .  She just hopes that he can hurry to this secret chamber before the crash happens . Han Chen stands up slowly .  He’s like a statue standing high among the dead bodies around him . At this very moment, the underground begins to shake . Su Mian jerks her head up and looks around the room shaking like there’s an earthquake .  And at the dirt hill area at some unknown distance from her, Han Chen also looks up and watches the shaking ceiling and its falling debris . It’s not an ordinary shake .  The shaking is coming from all directions, and it’s becoming stronger .  Su Mian uses all her might to shout, “Han Chen! I’m over here!” _____ At the Han River tunnel . The subway is already entering at full speed . “Are you ready?” Chatterbox asks . Cold Face nods . “We’ll be dying soon, so can’t you say a few more words?” Chatterbox laughs suddenly . Cold Face remains quiet for a brief moment before smiling . “It’s a bit unfortunate,” he says softly . Chatterbox lights up a cigarette as the train shakes vigorously .  He inhales from it and says, “You’ll miss your new girlfriend?” “Mm .  And the others . ” “Let her and the others remember you forever then!” Chatterbox sighs . “It’s better to forget,” Cold Face says softly .  He picks up the communication device, “Captain Qin, we’re ready .  We’ll steer the train to hit the wall of the tunnel in an effort to avoid crashing into the Peninsula Hotel .  Over . ” He shuts off the communication device .  On the other side, Captain Qin is almost in tears . The subway’s original track was to hit the underground station at Peninsula Hotel, which meant that it would crash into its foundation .  If they jump off of the train earlier, they would be able to escape . But if they manually steer the train to change its course while the technicians break the train tracks before it gets there, there’s a possibility for the train to stop before the crash as well as detonating the bombs earlier .  This way, the Peninsula Hotel will not collapse and the thousands of civilians who haven’t made it out yet will be able to survive .   “Cold Face, Chatterbox……” Captain Qin salutes quietly standing among the ma.s.sive crowd of people who are evacuating toward the Han River . _____ Underground . The instant that Han Chen stands up, another person appears not far away . R . He’s covered in blood and looks pale .  Su Mian’s attack has caused him to become weak like a piece of paper .  Blood is flowing out of his chest, staining the ground and his body . He stares at Han Chen and the dead bodies lying on the ground but can’t find Xu Si Bai .  In a split second, he understands everything and immediately becomes gloomy . Han Chen covers his chest with his hand while raising a gun with his other to point it directly at R .  But R reacts impulsively; he smiles coldly at Han Chen, bends down and picks up the remote, turns around and runs .  It’s darkness behind him and it’s hard to make out where he’s heading . At the same time, the shaking has gotten worse and more debris is falling from above . At this instant, Su Mian sees Han Chen turn his head suddenly and looks directly at her . Just like what Xu Si Bai did, he turns to glance at her .  His handsome face and those dark and bottomless eyes . His gaze makes her feel devastated .  In the next second, he holds onto his chest and runs after R . “Han Chen!” Everything in the image collapses and the monitor goes dark .  Su Mian hears the deafening sound of things collapsing and the room loses all its light sources suddenly, falling into the darkness like late at night . She stands in the middle of the darkness, crying without a sound as she feels unimaginable pain . _____ It’s close . It’s getting closer . It’s smoke everywhere and they can hear the squeaking sound of machinery . Chatterbox and Cold Face are standing in the control cabin as they watch the train hit the wall .  They watch the train tear apart from the ma.s.sive impact caused by the hit . They can barely stand .  The impact causes them to be flung around; they hit the train’s ceiling, the window, and there’s blood on their foreheads and their vision goes blurry . But even at a time like this, Chatterbox is still a chatterbox . “Hey, do you remember……what Xiao Zhuan said before?” Cold Face is fighting with all his might to steer the train to make it hit the wall deeper and faster .  His voice is almost drowned by the roaring sound of the train, “I remember . ” Chatterbox’s voice carries a sense of cheerfulness, “Oh yeah……how could you not remember .  That fella was so proud of himself and even wrote it down and stuck it on each of our computer monitors . ” Two voices say together with a bit of stutter even though it’s hard to make out . “We are the Black Shield . What we face against are the most merciless cases; What we chase after are the cruelest criminals . We are placed at the border of the darkest area as the st.u.r.diest and strongest shield . Our determination can never be destroyed . We will never let down the people who we are trying to protect . Please let us die . Our spirits will live on after death . ”.