Middle-aged Adventurer Kein’s Good Deed

Chapter 16

Chapter 16
The destruction of the 『Twin-headed Snake』 group

TL : Kettern
ED : TehG.o.dofDoooom

h.e.l.lo everyone, I’m a new Editor and Proofreader for Kein’s Good Deed starting from here . Please enjoy the story as Kettern ands I will do our best to make sure the chapters are of good quality . Please Enjoy .

h.e.l.lo everyone, I´m the new translator for Kein´s Good, Kettern . As I´m new to translating I hope we will get along . As TehG.o.dofDoooom said, please enjoy .

Meanwhile, the three sword princesses arrived in front of the office of the 『Twin-headed Snake』 group .

「What is it you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, where do you think yo-」

The gatekeeper of the office of the 『Twin-headed Snake』 group could not finish what he wanted to say .

At the same time he screamed, the guard sank into the wall after being hit by the Sword Princess .

Noticing the noise, the guild members came out while shouting 「What!?」 and sank into the wall in the same moment and turned into an ugly object .

After repeating this five times it became quiet and the Sword Princess Anastrea goes inside .

「I will disturb you for a moment」

At the table inside the office, the boss, Snake Head, and the family executives are a.s.sembled .

They were just talking about cleaning up after Kazu and Jinx who failed in a.s.sa.s.sinating Kein .

「Who are you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds- Guho!」

「Hey, hey, what do you think this pl Gu!」

These guys can only say such repet.i.tive lines, retorts the witch Maya from the back while they are being blown away and are sent into a wall as soon as they approach the Sword Princess who stands in front .

Against this kind of opponent, the Sword Princess doesn’t even have to draw her sword .

The last executive gets his head crushed against the table, which destroys the table and makes the floor cave in .

Snake Head quietly watches the Sword Princess without moving from his chair

「Snake Head, I´ve got something I want to ask you for a bit」

「Young ladies, aren’t you going to give a greeting after getting inside someone’s house」

Even though their robes cover them, he guessed from their voices that they are women .

Snake Head slowly rises while saying so .

「That doesn´t matter at all . The onliest thing that I want to know from you is just one thing . Are you planning on killing Kein?」

「That doesn´t matter at all . The onliest thing that I want to know from you is just one thing . Are you planning on killing Kein?」

「Have you been hired by that D rank warrior Kein to invade our office?」

That man, as I thought he turned out to be quite troublesome after all, thought Snake Head as he confirmed the accuracy of his intuition .

It is regrettable, that I left it to my subordinates instead of moving myself . Even though, it’s still not too late .

「What if that’s the case?」

「Fuu… That changes what I need to do . In this world, once you get underestimated it’s over . I just need to kill both Kein who crushed my subordinates and you who intruded into my office!」

At that moment he pulls both of the swords that are hanging on his hips and slashes at the same time .

The eastern martial art used by Snake Head is called the quick draw technique .

That is, the A ranked with dual wielding dimakaeri samurai technique, Snake Head, unsheathed his katana

At first he strikes with one sword but if that does not work he gives the decisive blow with the other one .

The first one is deadly, the second one is a sure-kill .

There is n.o.body who received a blow of his huge katana, a sword which was sharpened to the level of a piece of art and can only be wielded thanks to the incredible strength of Snake Head, and was still standing afterwards .

「Is that all?」


Both of the swords Snake Head swung at her crumbled down and shattered to pieces . The extremely fast martial arts technique from Snake Head was barely average when compared to the G.o.dly speed of Sword Princess Anastrea’s sword .

Both of the swords Snake Head swung at her crumbled down and shattered to pieces . The extremely fast martial arts technique from Snake Head was barely average when compared to the G.o.dly speed of Sword Princess Anastrea’s sword .

Until now Snake Head mistook the Sword Princess who fought without a sword as a fist fighter .

With that as his first mistake and after seeing the sword the female swordsman was fighting with, Snake Head´s face is warped in astonishment .

On the handle of that longsword the Crest of the Royal Family is engraved .

That is the divine blade, Durandal! (ED/PR: Wtf is Durandal doing here? Wonder how many people share it across anime worlds) (TLN: Good question, I can name at least three)

Of course his prided sword would shatter .

The top swordsman Snake Head obviously knew that it was one of the three G.o.dly swords that exist in this world .

And of course, the one wielding it is the G.o.dspeed Sword Princess, Anastrea .

The ones wearing robes behind her are the Almighty Witch Maya and the Innocent Saintess Sephilia .

In other words, it was the S rank party 『Rosy Maidens that Bloom in Heights』 that attacked them .

(ED/PR: Anyone else think the party name’s r.e.t.a.r.ded?) (TLN: Usually yes, but the leader is into girls, I think . )(ED/PR: I meant the bloom in heights part, not able to bloom on the ground are they? Just blame author?) (TLN: Yep, blame the author . Like any other time something makes absolutely no sense whatsoever . )

The ones who you should never become an enemy of in this country .

Snake Head who is fast in making up his mind, doesn’t even take a second to realize what he has to do .

As cautious as he is, Snake Head prepared a hidden third sword which has its blade coated in poison, but he immediately understood that there is no way it has any use against the S-rank Sword Princess .

「Wa, wait! Just because you are a S-rank party, it doesn’t mean you can get away with unjustly intruding into my office!」

「Fu~n, as soon as you know that you cannot win, you hide behind the law . Snake Head, I heard that you are a tax collector?」

「Wa, wait! Just because you are a S-rank party, it doesn’t mean you can get away with unjustly intruding into my office!」

「Fu~n, as soon as you know that you cannot win, you hide behind the law . Snake Head, I heard that you are a tax collector?」

「Wh, what about it? Look at this! I was just rightfully collecting taxes!」

Snake Head shows the power of the tax collector’s proxy which was issued from the city council of Erun .

「If it´s about being a proxy, I´m also one for the moment . Here, a letter of appointment granting me position of upper-cla.s.s patrol officer’s proxy, which I got directly from the king . 」

(ED/PR: LOL PROXY GRANTED BY THE KING, that’s one way to make good use of the royal family’s power)

The sword princess Anasturea shows the authority of a upper cla.s.s patrol officer that has been given the authority to independently investigate even large aristocrats .

「If it’s about that, I also got a letter of appointment, making me a proxy of the Magistrate, which was also given by the king . 」

Maya pulls out a letter with proof of her appointment as a proxy of the Magistrate .

In other words, if Astrea, a proxy senior patrol officer, and Maya, a proxy judge from the Magistrate, want to, they can investigate and arrest any kind of opponent and bring them down to a trial or even execute them .

(ED/PR: … . Good thing they’re only proxy’s, either way imagine the damage they could do there and then . )

「Alright, as a high ranking patrol officer, I arrested and restrained the hoodlums who are behind the a.s.sa.s.sination attempt of Kein . Magistrate Maya, what are these guys sentences?」

「Admitting to their guilt, they are to be beheaded . 」

「Don’t be ridiculous!」

Shouting so, the head of Snake Head who drew his hidden sword was sent flying for a moment after it was cut off by the Sword Princess Anastrea .

In a single night the 『Two-headed snake』group, which was controlling the underground business of the City of Erun, has been destroyed .

The destruction of the Twin headed Snake group TL Kettern ED TehG.o.dofDoooom h.e.l.lo everyone, I m a new Editor and Proofreader for Kein s Good Deed starting from here . Please enjoy the story as Kettern ands I will do our best to make sure the chapters are of good quality . Please Enjoy . TehG.o.dofDoooom h.e.l.lo everyone, I m the new translator for Kein s Good, Kettern . As I m new to translating I hope we will get along . As TehG.o.dofDoooom said, please enjoy . Kettern Meanwhile, the three sword princesses arrived in front of the office of the Twin headed Snake group . What is it you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, where do you think yo The gatekeeper of the office of the Twin headed Snake group could not finish what he wanted to say . At the same time he screamed, the guard sank into the wall after being hit by the Sword Princess . Noticing the noise, the guild members came out while shouting What and sank into the wall in the same moment and turned into an ugly object . After repeating this five times it became quiet and the Sword Princess Anastrea goes inside . I will disturb you for a moment At the table inside the office, the boss, Snake Head, and the family executives are a.s.sembled . They were just talking about cleaning up after Kazu and Jinx who failed in a.s.sa.s.sinating Kein . Who are you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds Guho Hey, hey, what do you think this pla Gu These guys can only say such repet.i.tive lines, retorts the witch Maya from the back while they are being blown away and are sent into a wall as soon as they approach the Sword Princess who stands in front . Against this kind of opponent, the Sword Princess doesn t even have to draw her sword . The last executive gets his head crushed against the table, which destroys the table and makes the floor cave in . Snake Head quietly watches the Sword Princess without moving from his chair Snake Head, I ve got something I want to ask you for a bit Young ladies, aren t you going to give a greeting after getting inside someone s house Even though their robes cover them, he guessed from their voices that they are women . Snake Head slowly rises while saying so . That doesn t matter at all . The onliest thing that I want to know from you is just one thing . Are you planning on killing Kein Have you been hired by that D rank warrior Kein to invade our office That man, as I thought he turned out to be quite troublesome after all, thought Snake Head as he confirmed the accuracy of his intuition . It is regrettable, that I left it to my subordinates instead of moving myself . Even though, it s still not too late . What if that s the case Fuu That changes what I need to do . In this world, once you get underestimated it s over . I just need to kill both Kein who crushed my subordinates and you who intruded into my office At that moment he pulls both of the swords that are hanging on his hips and slashes at the same time . The eastern martial art used by Snake Head is called the quick draw technique . That is, the A ranked with dual wielding dimakaeri samurai technique, Snake Head, unsheathed his katana At first he strikes with one sword but if that does not work he gives the decisive blow with the other one . The first one is deadly, the second one is a sure kill . There is n.o.body who received a blow of his huge katana, a sword which was sharpened to the level of a piece of art and can only be wielded thanks to the incredible strength of Snake Head, and was still standing afterwards . Is that all Wha Both of the swords Snake Head swung at her crumbled down and shattered to pieces . The extremely fast martial arts technique from Snake Head was barely average when compared to the G.o.dly speed of Sword Princess Anastrea s sword . Until now Snake Head mistook the Sword Princess who fought without a sword as a fist fighter . With that as his first mistake and after seeing the sword the female swordsman was fighting with, Snake Head s face is warped in astonishment . On the handle of that longsword the Crest of the Royal Family is engraved . That is the divine blade, Durandal ED PR Wtf is Durandal doing here Wonder how many people share it across anime worlds TLN Good question, I can name at least three Of course his prided sword would shatter . The top swordsman Snake Head obviously knew that it was one of the three G.o.dly swords that exist in this world . And of course, the one wielding it is the G.o.dspeed Sword Princess, Anastrea . The ones wearing robes behind her are the Almighty Witch Maya and the Innocent Saintess Sephilia . In other words, it was the S rank party Rosy Maidens that Bloom in Heights that attacked them . ED PR Anyone else think the party name s r.e.t.a.r.ded TLN Usually yes, but the leader is into girls, I think . ED PR I meant the bloom in heights part, not able to bloom on the ground are they Just blame author TLN Yep, blame the author . Like any other time something makes absolutely no sense whatsoever . The ones who you should never become an enemy of in this country . Snake Head who is fast in making up his mind, doesn t even take a second to realize what he has to do . As cautious as he is, Snake Head prepared a hidden third sword which has its blade coated in poison, but he immediately understood that there is no way it has any use against the S rank Sword Princess . Wa, wait Just because you are a S rank party, it doesn t mean you can get away with unjustly intruding into my office Fu n, as soon as you know that you cannot win, you hide behind the law . Snake Head, I heard that you are a tax collector Wh, what about it Look at this I was just rightfully collecting taxes Snake Head shows the power of the tax collector s proxy which was issued from the city council of Erun . If it s about being a proxy, I m also one for the moment . Here, a letter of appointment granting me position of upper cla.s.s patrol officer s proxy, which I got directly from the king . ED PR LOL PROXY GRANTED BY THE KING, that s one way to make good use of the royal family s power The sword princess Anasturea shows the authority of a upper cla.s.s patrol officer that has been given the authority to independently investigate even large aristocrats . If it s about that, I also got a letter of appointment, making me a proxy of the Magistrate, which was also given by the king . Maya pulls out a letter with proof of her appointment as a proxy of the Magistrate . In other words, if Astrea, a proxy senior patrol officer, and Maya, a proxy judge from the Magistrate, want to, they can investigate and arrest any kind of opponent and bring them down to a trial or even execute them . ED PR . Good thing they re only proxy s, either way imagine the damage they could do there and then . Alright, as a high ranking patrol officer, I arrested and restrained the hoodlums who are behind the a.s.sa.s.sination attempt of Kein . Magistrate Maya, what are these guys sentences Admitting to their guilt, they are to be beheaded . Don t be ridiculous Shouting so, the head of Snake Head who drew his hidden sword was sent flying for a moment after it was cut off by the Sword Princess Anastrea . In a single night the Two headed snake group, which was controlling the underground business of the City of Erun, has been destroyed .