Middle-aged Adventurer Kein’s Good Deed

Chapter 21

Publishedat 14th of August 2019 07:45:59 PMChapter 21

Chapter 21

Wandering Mount Kuko

Once again, Kein gave his prayers to the mountain G.o.d, at the little shrine at the foot of the mountain . Once again, Kein would go up the mountain today to collect herbs .

Lately things had been turning out awfully well for Kein . He placed the children’s treasures he had received around the small shrine as decorations, and they practically sparkled with their purity .

“Under your watch, business has been going very well . I give you my thanks . ”

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ] ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

Because the church’s finances had stabilized, the reward for his herb hunting work had been restored to 3 silver coins . On top of that, if you brought back more than the minimum amount needed, they would include additional compensation for the extras . For Kein, who always brought back plenty of herbs, it was news he was very grateful to hear .

However, it wasn’t easy, as the goblins continued to increase excessively on the mountain .

He went to the mountain, slowly collecting herbs as he went, but suddenly encountered two goblins wielding clubs .

He had been walking while trying to avoid them as much as possible up until now, but he could become lost if he strayed off the road from here . There was no way to avoid fighting them now .

“GYAA! “


“This is bad . ”

Kein, moving quickly, attacked the first goblin, taking him by surprise . The second goblin was decisively cut down right after, as well .

The mithril sword and armor he was using were superb… but that wasn’t all . He had fought not only a dragon, but also Kazu’s group, driving them into a corner while showing great courage . Surprisingly, the sword princess’ training had tempered both Kein’s will and his abilities .

Of course, it was only a modest improvement for a D rank but, considering he was a middle-aged man, the battle experience did not go to waste .

Humans are creatures that can improve up until the day they die, after all .

Dear readers, Refulgent here, if you’re reading this on an aggregator site, this chapter may contain errors or broken reference links . Please visit FourSlimes dot com to read the properly edited version and show the translator your support .  Read the webnovel Middle aged adventurer Kein’s good deed chapter 21 online light novel english translation for free at fourslimes . com

“S-somebooody help meee!”

As Kein collected the ears of the goblins he had just defeated, a man cried out from somewhere .

(I’ve heard that voice somewhere before . )

He rushed over toward the direction of the voice, and down below a cliff edge he saw 3 goblins . One wasn’t wielding a club, but a rusted sword instead .

For a moment, he wavered on if he could reach the man, but after hearing his voice crying out for help, there was no other choice but to go and help .

Before the noisy goblins had even realized he was there, he attacked them by surprise, in the same way as the two earlier .

First goblin!


Second goblin!


So far so good .

The third goblin came toward him, slashing with a rusted sword . There was no time to dodge .



He took the goblin head on, and pushed him back .


The third goblin stumbled and fell, then was pierced by Kein’s sword, finishing him in one blow .

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ] ―~――~―――~―――~――~― Read the webnovel Middle aged adventurer Kein’s good deed chapter 21 online light novel english translation for free at fourslimes . com


After defeating them, Kein took a deep breath while preparing himself, remaining alert .

Because goblins were monsters that usually attacked in groups, he was careful to survey the area without letting down his guard, making sure they were all defeated .

(Good, no enemies left . )

Kein looked further down the cliff .

“Oh, York-san?”

“Kein? Are you okay after those goblins attacked?”

Kein carefully went down the slope . He knew Mount Kuko like the back of his hand, so he knew the way to get down from even what looked like a cliff .

“If it’s only goblins, I can defeat them no problem . ”

“That’s good . Me, I’m too old for that now . I’m too slow to even run from a single goblin . ”

York the woodcutter lived at the foot of the mountain . Although Kein didn’t know his exact age, he figured he must be over 50 by now . Both his brown hair and beard had plenty of white mixed in .

“What are you saying York? You’re still young . Still, please be careful you don’t over do it . ”

“Ah, sorry about that . Still, leave it to an adventurer to cut down 3 goblins like that! I could maybe have done that a long time ago, ach ow ow…”

York’s face contorted in pain as he tried to stand up .

“Ah, looks like you sprained your ankle . ”

Examining York’s ankle, swelling was clearly visible . Whether it was from scratching his leg on a tree when he was forced down the cliff or maybe a wound received from a goblin, his pants were ripped and he was bleeding .

Dear readers, Refulgent here, if you’re reading this on an aggregator site, this chapter may contain errors or broken reference links . Please visit FourSlimes dot com to read the properly edited version and show the translator your support .  Read the webnovel Middle aged adventurer Kein’s good deed chapter 21 online light novel english translation for free at fourslimes . com

“Kein . I don’t mean to trouble you but, could you help me get to the village?”

“If it’s okay with you, can I treat you with a potion?”

Sister Shiruvia had heard that Kein used a potion of his own during his battle with Kazu and the others from “Two-headed Snake”, so she had given him some potions .

“No, you can’t use such an expensive potion for a small wound like this!”

“Okay, please give me a sec then . ”

Kein had antic.i.p.ated this, and understood why York refused the potion . Even the least effective healing potions cost around 10 silver . And for a scratch like this, you probably didn’t even need to use a potion .

Using some stones he found nearby, Kein made a mortar and pestle and used them to mash together medicinal herbs suitable for treating small bruises and cuts . He mixed in some water, then generously slathered the paste over the wound .

“This might sting a bit . ”

“Tssss……” York sucked in air through his grit teeth .

“Haha, it does sting, huh? That’s proof that it’s working, so it should get better soon . Once the wound has healed, wash it and then wash the bandage and return it to me . ”

“Thank you . It’s just as I would expect from the herb hunter Kein . But, I’m really sorry for all of this . ”

The wound was wrapped with a bandage, and Kein made a splint for his sprained ankle using some ivy from a tree .

Kein was always adventuring alone on Mount Kuko . So, the treatment of minor injuries became his specialty .

For now, his herb hunting was put on hold .

“Nah, we really should all rely on each other in our times of need . ”

Everyone that lived in the mountains were allies . If they didn’t help each other out, they wouldn’t survive .

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ] ―~――~―――~―――~――~― Read the webnovel Middle aged adventurer Kein’s good deed chapter 21 online light novel english translation for free at fourslimes . com

Kein grabbed York’s precious axe, and offered him a shoulder as they descended the mountain together, toward Kuko village located at the foot of the mountain .

“I heard there was a huge goblin lair about halfway up the mountain, and something resembling a Goblin Lord was even seen . ”

“A Goblin Lord?” Kein was shocked .

Goblin Lords were rarely encountered B rank monsters . They possess large bodies, even bigger than humans, and were said to have the power to crush boulders . Both cunning and intelligent, they often steal adventurer’s weapons and armor, then arm themselves to the teeth with them . They’re 10 times more powerful than the normal D rank goblins, an opponent said to be dangerous even when surrounded by a simple C rank adventurer party .

It’s possible for an entire lair of goblins to be based around a goblin lord . If that happened, the lesser goblins would fight in a much more organized way, meaning only high-level adventurers will be able to take them on .

“I heard the village mayor is requesting aid from the adventurer’s guild, but the lesser goblins have increased far too much, and it’s now come to this . ”

“York-san, you often have to go into the mountains even when it’s like this, huh . ”

York and the other woodcutters like him, seemed to be fine for the most part cutting down the trees not too far up the mountain, so many of them took their chances . But when he encountered an entire group of goblins, he was forced to run for his life .

“This is my livelihood . There are times you just have to face the mountain, no matter what . A woodcutter without trees is also without food . ”

“Yeah, that’s just how it is . ”

Everyone survived on the mountain’s blessings . Kein understood that if their hands stopped working, their lives here would stop too .

Kuko village wasn’t rich by any means . They must have had to scrimp and save just to afford the adventurer’s guild aid .

An ally of the mountain was in trouble . Kein made up his mind that even he would occasionally show his courage, and decided to try to join the goblin lair extermination quest .