Midnight Cinderella

Chapter 27

Feng Jing"s eyes instantly widened.

F.J.: You"ve told him about my situation?

ChangXin Studio Little Honey Tangerine: Boss said that although soul exchange was not usually within the scope of our business, he was very curious about human-to-dog soul exchange and will make a special exception. ^_^

Feng Jing: "........."

Well, the reason was awful, but at least the result was acceptable.

F.J.: Then, when is he free?

ChangXin Studio Little Honey Tangerine: Will tomorrow morning from 10am to 11am work for you?

F.J.: Yes, I"ll send you the address.

Probably because he was too excited, Feng Jing"s hands were shaking as he typed. Would tonight be his last as a dog?

Although he didn"t know why, he secretly felt a little sad.

....No, no, no. What are you thinking?

Once he and Er Huang returned to normal, he could confess his ident.i.ty to Jiang Ran, and no longer have to wear a mask. They could eat together, walk the dog together, and... a lot of other things.

While Feng Jing was immersed in the beautiful future of his own weaving, Jiang Ran was still in line.

"Really, I"ve only ever seen it this crazy in the annual lucky bag war." Jiang Ran looked at the long queue and suddenly felt a wave of sympathy for Zhao Wei. She had always thought that being responsible for packing and shipping was the tiring part, but now she was wondering if grabbing the goods was worse!

Perhaps because it had been such a long wait, Yan Huan Huan"s heart had become quite cold. She pressed her lips together and declared, "I"ve decided that if I can"t buy any lipstick, I"ll steal the poster."

Jiang Ran: "....."

That day, the posters in front of Bunny"s counters had all been replaced with Feng Jing, and the LED screen of the Starlight department store was playing his advertis.e.m.e.nt over and over again. Elegant, s.e.xy, and almost vampirically charming, just his debut captured a girls" heart. Perhaps out of fear of crazy fans grabbing posters, Starlight department store had specially sent a security team to guard them.

Jiang Ran looked over at the Film Emperor Poster security guards, and tried persuading Yan Huan Huan: "I think you should first check out those security guards before considering poster theft."

Yan Huan Huan: "....."

"Ahhh," she sighed suddenly, "It"s my fault for not having money! Other big fans have long gotten lip cards through shady channels," and here she was, still in line!

Jiang Ran patted her shoulder and encouraged: "That"s just how chasing stars is. You and I have no choice but to rely on ourselves to spend money and make money!"

Yan Huan Huan: "....."

By the time Jiang Ran and Yan Huan Huan"s turn came, Serenade No. 007 was already sold out, even the ordinary version.

"Why don"t you see if any other colours appeal to you? No. 005 and No. 009 are also lovely." The saleswoman pulled out lipsticks from a display enthusiastically. Yan Huan Huan usually didn"t like make-up much. Today was all about Feng Jing, so if 007 wasn"t there, she didn"t care for anything else.

Jiang Ran tried out 009. She had lined up for so long that going back empty handed was unthinkable.

"This color isn"t bad." No. 009 was unexpectedly suitable for Jiang Ran; she changed the angle of the mirror and decided to buy this lipstick, "I"ll take this one."

"Yes! Just a moment." The saleswoman went to get the lipstick.

Yan Huan Huan looked at Jiang Ran"s lips and complimented her: "It does look good."

Jiang Ran raised her eyebrows, "That"s why you shouldn"t blindly follow trends. No. 007 was the brand"s deliberate sales gimmick. If you"d try other colors, maybe you"ll find one more suitable for you than 007.""

"No," Yan Huan Huan firmly refused. "I want Feng Jing"s lipstick. I"m monogamous."

Jiang Ran: "....."

Was she saying that she, Jiang Ran, wasn"t?

"If you must have 007, maybe you can find someone to help you purchase it overseas. It probably won"t be as crazy there, so it shouldn"t be out of stock."

At Jiang Ran"s words, Yan Huan Huan"s eyes lit up. "I didn"t think of that!" She went back for a different purchase.

Jiang Ran bought her lipstick, and along with Yan Huan Huan, visited the Feng Jing poster in the Starlight department store before leaving. At noon, the two were waiting for their meal when Yan Huan Huan couldn"t wait to start looking overseas. "These black-hearted b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! 007 is so much more expensive than the other colors!"

Jiang Ran didn"t think it was strange at all. "Of course they were. That"s how popular colours are."

Yan Huan Huan licked her lips, hesitating. "Ahhh, after eating this meal, I"ll have to work hard and make money!"

Jiang Ran found herself once again discovering the benefits of star-chasing: urging people to work hard and earn more money.

After dinner, she and Yan Huan Huan both went straight home instead of continuing their splurge. After arriving, Jiang Ran had just gone online when she received a message on WeChat from Feng Jing.

Feng: h.e.l.lo Miss Jiang, I was wondering if you had these in stock? [Photo]

It was Fleur eye cream, a small container but worth a lot of money.

Great Ke Ke Imports: We do indeednhave some.

Feng: I have an appointment this afternoon. Can I come over to pick it up tomorrow morning around 10am?

Great Ke Ke Imports: Of course.

Great Ke Ke Imports: Is it also for your sister?

Feng: yes [cute]

Great Ke Ke Imports: You"re so good to your sister! I want a little brother too _(: з ∠) _

Ugh, how envious she was of this sister! She had to save up to buy her own lipstick, while he just threw money at her!

Feng: [snicker]


Just as he was thinking of her, his dear sister called him.

Feng Jing: "....."

Really, speak of the devil.

"What?" He picked up the phone.

Feng Ya"s resentful voice immediately emerged from the earpiece. "Ahhhh, why did you give me a box of lipstick with no Serenade 007?"

Feng Jing blinked. "Because I used it, so I didn"t give it to you."

"I don"t mind! Give it to me." That"s the most popular color number, sold out on the day of sale!

A brief silence ensued. "I mind."

Feng Ya: "..."

After ten minutes of hard work, she still could not convince him to give her the lipstick, and finally hung up angrily.

At 12 o"clock midnight, Feng Jing and Er Huang body-swapped again. Maybe it was the thought of never becoming Er Huang again after seeing the Heavenly Master tomorrow, but Feng Jing"s state of mind was different today.

For the first time he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, gazing at his handsome figure.

Although he was just a dog, his eyes were clever, his body small and exquisite, his ears pointed, tail bent, and even his b.u.t.tocks were particularly tight. Really, for a dog, he was a real little prince.

Dog, I"ll never look at you like this anymore. It"ll be over after tonight.

Jiang Ran came out of the room and saw her dog looking at his own reflection with affection.

Jiang Ran: "...."

What was it about Er Huang that made him a little crazy at night?

She suddenly wanted to take a photo of him now. Quietly, she took her phone from her bedroom and secretly took a few pictures of his back.

Out of natural sensitivity to the camera, Feng Jing quickly sensed that someone was secretly photographing him. He turned around and caught Jiang Ran with her mobile phone.

Jiang Ran: "......."

Since she had been discovered, she"d take a few more shots.

Seeing Jiang Ran still taking pictures of himself, Feng Jing naturally began to pose...

He couldn"t help himself.

Jiang Ran usually did not take photos of Er Huang, but tonight, she felt like Er Huang was looking particularly good in front of the lens! Shooting more than twenty photos, Jiang Ran finally closed the app.

"Er Huang, come here." She knelt down and waved.

"Woof." He ran cheerfully to her, and his tail wagged.

Jiang Ran stroked him. "Er Huang, if you don"t sleep at night, aren"t you afraid you"ll dry up?"

"Woof!" You haven"t slept either! After he told her about the brain hemorrhage last time, she"d been frightened for a little while but within a few days, she"d begun to stay up late again.

"Okay, no more pictures, bedtime." Jiang Ran got up and returned to the bedroom, climbed into bed and began to send messages to her friends.

"I suddenly found out that my family"s dog has some real modeling talent. [smirk]"

Attached to this text, she began to pick from the photos she had just taken. Feng Jing, next to her, was watching.

"Arf!" Not this one! That one!

"Hm?" said Jiang Ran, looking at his paw, "You don"t like this one?"

"Woof." He didn"t.

"What about this one?"

"Arf!" It"s okay.

"Well then."

"Woof, woof!" You didn"t add a filter?!

Through this strange exchange between a human and a dog, nine pictures were chosen. Jiang Ran spread it out to her circle of friends, already imagining the harvest of praise tomorrow morning. Every time she sent out pictures of Er Huang, a lot of people liked it.

"Bedtime, Er Huang. Get down." Jiang Ran locked her phone screen and turned off the room lights. Feng Jing jumped onto the windowsill. He twitched his ears and looked at Jiang Ran in bed.

You can"t watch her sleep like this anymore. But maybe you can watch her sleep in other ways.

Like lying next to her.

The idea had made Feng Jing once again eager to change back to human.

Life"s better as a human.

Sleep. After this, everything might really be over.

The next day, he was woken up by his own alarm clock in order to meet the arrival of the Heavenly Master.

It was still early. Feng Jing unhurriedly took a bath, made himself breakfast, and ate leisurely. Fearful that the other party might forget their agreement, he sent a reminder.

F.J.: Are you there? Please remember to remind your boss to come over at ten.

ChangXin Studio Little Honey Tangerine: Rest a.s.sured, Boss will be on time ^_^

F.J.: Okay.

At ten o"clock sharp, someone knocked on the door. Opening it, he saw a handsome man in a suit.

The man was young, about twenty-seven or twenty-eight, in a black suit and burgundy tie.

A slight frown in his brow, Feng Jin looked at him uncertainly. "Are you Chang Xin?"

The other man smiled at him: "Yes, I am."

Feng Jing was quite caught off guard. "You don"t look like a Heavenly Master at all."

"That"s what a lot of people say." The other walked in. Feng Jing closed the door, still looking at the person sitting on the sofa. He was even wearing a suit. Such a young and handsome Heavenly Master was really rather unconvincing. He could go straight to the Performing Arts Company to audition.

"Seen enough, Mr. Feng Jing?" Chang Xin smiled politely at him.

Feng Jing was once again shocked. "How did you... you knew I was Feng Jing?"

Chang Xin smiled. "Aren"t you hot in that mask?"

Feng Jing hesitated, then took the mask off. "I asked your secretary before, and they said you would keep customer information confidential."

"Of course. If you don"t feel at ease, we can sign a confidentiality agreement."

"Of course we"ll sign one." Nothing was as rea.s.suring as black and white. Back when Little Honey Tangerine had sent a confidentiality agreement to him, he had already printed it out. He went to the room to get the agreement and placed it in front of Chang Xin. "Here"s the pen."

Chang Xin took the pen on the table and signed his name on the contract.

Feng Jing picked up his copy and looked at it for a while, then as if remembering something he asked, "Is that your real name?"

Chang Xin smiled and said, "The name on my current ident.i.ty card is indeed Chang Xin."

"..." his current ID card? Feng Jing felt like the amount of information in this sentence was a little high. But when he thought about it, even if the Heavenly Master thing got out, he wouldn"t ever be able to admit to it. Wasn"t there enough fake news online? Dog soul swapping - anyone who talked about it might really be regarded as madmen.

Thinking thus, Feng Jing began to care more about other questions. "Why weren"t you surprised to see me?"

He was still a star. Even if the other wasn"t a fan, wouldn"t they be surprised to see him?

Chang Xin: "What"s so surprising about it? My apprentice was Mo Zhen."

Feng Jing: "?????"

"Mo Zhen, as in Film Emperor Mo Zhen?" Mo Zhen hadn"t exactly applied for a patent. Perhaps it"s someone with a similar name.

Chang Xin said: "Of course he."

Feng Jing: "..."

Mo Zhen... part time Heavenly Master? Good thing he wasn"t paparazzi.

Weren"t he and Mo Zhen too intertwined with each other? To pop up even just browsing for a Heavenly Master.

Chang Xin looked at him and asked: "Mr. Feng, was something wrong? You don"t look too good."

"Oh." It"s from hearing Mo Zhen"s name. "I just thought that Mo Zhen and I really had a connection."

Chang Xin: "Give up, he"s already married."

Feng Jing: "..."

"Where"s the dog you"re talking about?" Heavenly Master Chang finally entered the main topic.

Feng Jing said, "Just downstairs, on the seventh floor."

Chang Xin"s eyebrows rose, "You specially moved here just because of the dog?"

"Sort of."

"Well, let"s go down and look at the dog. I have other customers to see."

"..." this Heavenly Master"s itinerary was even more packed than his.

Feng Jing put his mask and hat back on, and led the way to Jiang Ran"s home.

Jiang Ran was currently looking at her friends" messages. Last night the set of photos she sent out got many compliments. Everyone told her how refined and cultivated her dog was.

Jiang Ran changed her avatar to a picture of Er Huang, and heard the doorbell ringing. She looked at the time on the phone - it was after 10 o"clock, Mr. Feng should be here for his eye cream.

For fear of Feng Jing waiting too long outside, she first went to open the door for him. Outside the door, a stranger stood next to him, temporarily surprising Jiang Ran.

Feng Jing introduced him. "This is my friend, we were just heading out."

"Oh, then just wait a moment, I"ll go get you your eye cream." Jiang Ran could not help but look at the friend, who was smiling.

What a beautiful smile.

What was it that they said about a good-looking person"s friends also being good-looking?

Though she had never seen Mr. Feng"s face, she rather thought that he would be very handsome.

Going in to get the eye cream, she said playfully, "Mr. Feng certainly maintains himself well."

"..." Not wanting to explain, Feng Jing looked at Er Huang crouching at the door and beckoned toward it, "Er Huang, come here."

How strange. Usually, Er Huang was extremely enthusiastic to see Feng Jing, but today, it was crouched in the doorway, not coming out.

"Er Huang, what"s wrong with you?" Feng Jing looked at it strangely.

"It"s afraid of me." Chang Xin suddenly stated.

Feng Jing frowned. Animal intuition can often be sharper than a human"s. Maybe to him Chang Xin didn"t have the feel of a Heavenly Master, but Er Huang seemed to have noticed a difference.

"Don"t be afraid, I won"t hurt you." Chang Xin knelt, looking at Er Huang gently. Er Huang growled at him, hesitating to approach.

Chang Xin put his hand on Er Huang"s head and closed his eyes while Feng Jing looked on, holding his breath. After a long while, Chang Xin opened his eyes and smiled at Er Huang. "So it"s like that."

He had just stood when Jiang Ran came out. Giving the eye cream to Feng Jing, she smiled in apology. "Sorry for the wait."

"Not at all." Feng Jing was busy thinking about Chang Xin"s words. "Then we"ll head out first. See you next time."

"Okay, bye."

Jiang Ran closed the door, and Feng Jing dragged Chang Xin back home.

"Well?" he asked eagerly, pulling off his face mask.

As if channeling some old mysterious G.o.d, Chang Xin replied, "I"m afraid I can"t help you."

Hearing that, Feng Jing became rather anxious. "Why not? weren"t you a Heavenly Master?"

Chang Xin said: "Even doctors had lives they can"t save. Of course there are also things that can"t be resolved by Heavenly Masters."

"..." Feng Jing squinted at him, wrinkling his brows. "Then what should I do?"

"Relax. When the time is right, the problem will be solved."

The time? "When will the time be right?"

Chang Xin looked at him with a smile. "Do you ever watch Disney cartoons?"

"What does this had to do with timing?" Was it time he went to see a Disney movie?

Unperturbed, Chang Xin said, "In Disney movies, there"s usually only one way to remove a spell - true love"s kiss."

Feng Jing: "...."

Was this person a Heavenly Master or a fairy G.o.dmother?!

Feng Jing licked his lips, his face black. "I"ve seen plenty of movies and novels with soul-changing plots that involve being switched back by electricity."

Chang Xin raised an eyebrow. "Then you can also try. Maybe electrocution will work for you."

Feng Jing: "..."

"Well, time"s almost up," Chang Xin raised his hand to check the time, and Feng Jing noticed that he was wearing quite a fancy watch. Apparently channeling old mysterious G.o.ds paid well.

"Here was my business card. If you encounter any emergencies, you can call me directly." Chang Xin handed over the card, then stopped on the way to the door. "Oh, and today"s consultation fee will be sent to you by my secretary."

Feng Jing: "????"

Wasn"t there no help for him? How could he still charge for this?

After Chang Xin left, he sent his mother an indignant message.

Feng Jing: What sort of ghost Heavenly Master did you introduce to my friend?! :)

Mother w.a.n.g: Oh? :)

Feng Jing: Even after not resolving the issue, he still collected money :)

Mother w.a.n.g: Does a psychiatrist solve your psychological problems? No. But do they charge a fee? Yes. :)

Feng Jing: ....are you a psychiatrist?

Mother w.a.n.g: How many people do you think really believe in the Heavenly Master, but they still ask for psychological comfort. From this point of view, he really is a psychiatrist. :)

Feng Jing: ...this is the worst time for a psychiatrist to be a quack.

Feng Jing: And he didn"t even give me any psychological comfort!

Feng Jing: *my friend

Mother w.a.n.g: Oh ^_^

Feng Jing: "..."

"Oh" really was the king of ending a conversation.

Soon, ChangXin Studio sent him a list of fees and payment channels, including Line card number, QQ transfer, Alipay, and WeChat transfer.

ChangXin Studio Little Honey Tangerine: Go ahead and choose the most convenient way to pay ^_^

F.J.: I hope that your business solutions are as comprehensive as your payment methods :)

ChangXin Studio Little Honey Tangerine: [twiddles fingers]

F.J.: I hope that your money to work efficiency is also very high :)

ChangXin Studio Little Honey Tangerine: Your opinion had been received, I will pa.s.s it on to boss

F.J.: Oh :)

Feng Jing paid, and Little Honey Tangerine gave him an electronic membership card, saying that junior members could enjoy a discount if they came back again.

Feng Jing: "..."

He wouldn"t be coming back again!

After the whole Heavenly Master incident, the soul exchange between Feng Jing and Er Huang at night was just awkward.

When he thought about how yesterday he had commemorated the soon-to-be separation, Feng Jing felt like he had really made a fool out of himself.

If even Heaven couldn"t solve this issue, then who could? Chang Xin said that when the time came, the problem would be solved, but how long would that take? 80 years?

Honestly, the dog was probably the more desperate one of the two.

When Jiang Ran came out that night, she saw her family"s Er Huang lying in the window looking at his reflection. Unlike last night"s narcissism, tonight he just looked exceptionally depressed.

Jiang Ran wondered what stage her dog was entering this time. Menopause? No, p.u.b.erty?

She grabbed her phone and took another picture of Er Huang"s back.

Jiang Ran: Today"s dog is like a lonely prince [picture]

Almost instantly, she received a comment from Yan Huan Huan.

Yan Huan Huan: Your dog really is an actor :)

Jiang Ran: A very elusive idol [sigh]

Yan Huan Huan: If you send him for an audition, maybe he"ll even get to be a famous celebrity [smile]

Jiang Ran: Ooh, like Feng Jing [smile]

Yan Huan Huan: You wish [smile]

Is this what"s referred to as a plastic sister?

Jiang Ran put her cell phone away and yelled, "Still looking in the mirror?"

"Woof." When he heard her voice, Feng Jing ran to her. Jiang Ran picked him up, and he put his head on her arm, looking wilted.

"What"s wrong? Not feeling well?" she asked, noticing how down he seemed and petting him.

"Woof!" As if jolted by an electric current, Er Huang suddenly jumped out of her arms.

Jiang Ran: "....."

What came to mind all of a sudden was that one awkward night when Er Huang.... umm. She coughed, pretending like nothing had happened, and turned away.

Feng Jing was undecided. He really was absolutely terrified of having another reaction in Jiang Ran"s hands. If that happened again, Er Huang might really lose his b.a.l.l.s.

Now that he didn"t know how long he was going to be in this state... caution should be had!

That evening, he hopped up on the window and slept all night there.

After a long night of contemplation, Feng Jing opened up a little to the idea of confession. Since he couldn"t solve this problem himself, someone else might be of more help. Anyway, the Heavenly Master hadn"t said anything forbidding it.

So thinking, he turned on the computer and searched the web for a Heavenly Master.

What he found was an enormous number of film and television shows and novels.

Feng Jing frowned. The information online was much too complex, and not even necessarily true. Even if he found a Heavenly Master here, he wouldn"t dare believe. Obtaining an introduction from a friend would also be highly inconvenient. Secrets were hard to keep in this circle.

In the end, only his mother could be trusted.

Feng Jing: Good morning, dear mother ^_^

Mother w.a.n.g: Oh, you"re still smiling at me?

Feng Jing: [smile]

Feng Jing: Satisfied? [smile]

Mother w.a.n.g: Well [smile], please do go on [smile]

Feng Jing: My friend asked me to help him ask around again. Is there no other Heavenly Master?

Mother w.a.n.g: If Chang Xin can"t solve the issue, then none of the others are more likely to be able to.

Feng Jing: Are you sure you"re not just blindly trusting him because he"s handsome?

Mother w.a.n.g: Well, you"re not too ugly, and I don"t blindly trust you :)

Feng Jing: .....

Feng Jing: Forget it :)

Mother w.a.n.g: You were even cuter as a baby [smile]

Feng Jing: ....

Mother w.a.n.g: :)

He turned off WeChat and went online to search for a monk. Since a Heavenly Master was of no use, perhaps a different profession will be successful!

Searching for a Monk yielded another bunch of miscellaneous and indescribable things. Apparently, even monks had job advertis.e.m.e.nts. He briefly scanned the recruitment requirements: Bachelors Degree or above required, graduate students preferred, programming, English, a monthly wage of 30,000 to 60,000, tax-free.

Feng Jing: "..."

This looked a little more reliable!

The times had really changed - Heavenly Masters now open studios, and monks were social elites.

Would he really have to bring Er Huang to them for exorcism?

It didn"t feel right. A possessed body was generally in a state where it"s soul had been exchanged permanently. Er Huang and himself were only swapping at specific times at night, more like Western magic.

...Did he really need true love"s kiss?

He thought of Jiang Ran"s small lips for an instant. They were beautiful and full, soft and sweet.

No, what was he thinking?!

Feng Jing felt like ever since he and Er Huang began soul swapping, the pillars of his integrity had become so much shakier.

He hung around his home until ten o"clock, when he suddenly saw Jiang Ran run out the door. This time, she was picking up a courier delivery. Thinking of how heavy the last box had been, Feng Jing quickly put on a mask and hat and hurried out the door.

Jiang Ran really was meeting the courier at the door. Two boxes had been sent, and she was certainly going to be unable to carry both at the same time. She was currently negotiating with the delivery man to have him help her carry one.

Feng Jing walked past and began play acting. "Miss Jiang, are you also here for a delivery?"

Jiang Yan looked over and smiled at him. "You too?"

"Mmhmm." Feng Jing glanced at her package. "The courier just called, but it seems not to be here yet."

"I"m sure it"ll come soon, just wait a minute."

Feng Jing looked at the two large boxes in front of her and asked, "Are these all yours?"

"They are. The goods for my shop just got delivered."

"Well, why don"t I help you out first and come back for mine later?"

"Ah, won"t it be too much trouble for you?"

"No trouble at all," Feng Jing said as he stacked the two boxes and picked them up together. Jiang Ran quickly took the slightly smaller box on top, "I can grab this one."

"It doesn"t matter, I can take them both."

Jiang Ran shook her head: "No, that"s too dangerous. I"ll hold it." She smiled at Feng Jing, "In fact, I often carry them so my arms were well-trained."

"Well, if you can"t then tell me, don"t push it."


Two people, each holding a box, walked back. It was a good thing that the elevator wasn"t too far away. Jiang Ran stuck to it and managed to get to the elevator.

"Whew!" she breathed out, flapping herself with already sweaty arms, "Mr. Feng, aren"t you hot?"

She looked at the hat and mask on his face and felt rather worried about him.

"I"m fine," Feng Jing also placed his box down, but the elevator jolted right as he was straightening back up. He fell back against the elevator wall, and Jiang Ran also tilted in his direction.

He caught her in his arms.

"Are you all right? " Feng Jing asked with concern.

"It"s nothing." Jiang Ran looked up at him, but she wasn"t expecting Feng Jing to also look down at her. They kissed each other on the lips.


There was a moment of silence in the elevator, and the two forgot how to move.

Feng Jing"s face was covered with a mask, so Jiang Ran"s mouth just hit the black fabric, but both their heartbeats had accelerated uncontrollably.

They felt each other"s breath on their faces, so hot as if to burn skin.

Jiang Ran"s face instantly heated up, and she jumped back. "Ah, I"m so sorry, I didn"t mean to do that..."

She didn"t had the courage to look at him. Even though his face was covered with a mask and a hat, she couldn"t look him directly in the eye.

Feng Jing, meanwhile, was nervously trying to calm his own breath while apologizing. "I"m sorry..."

The two stood in the corner of the elevator for awhile, calming down, only to realize that the elevator wasn"t moving.

Feng Jing pressed the emergency b.u.t.ton while Jiang Ran called property management.

"Good thing we still have phone signal!" Jiang Ran laughed easily, but only she knew how fast her heartbeat currently was.

Was it because of the accidental kiss just now, or because the elevator was malfunctioning?

The tension in the elevator was not relieved by her words. Feng Jing tightened his grip, restraining the urge to hold her hand. "The maintenance staff should come soon. Relax and don"t breathe too deeply, that speeds up the consumption of oxygen in the elevator."


Jiang Ran tried her best to gentle her breathing.

However, though she could control her breathing, she couldn"t control her heart.

Every second in the elevator seemed lengthened by a pair of invisible hands, slow and difficult. Feng Jing looked at the girl next to him and asked: "What"s in your box? Anything to eat?"


Feng Jing smiled. "At least we won"t starve to death."

"Hey!" Jiang Ran finally laughed.

Feng Jing"s heart was a little relieved. At the same time, the voice of security came from outside the door. "Miss Jiang, Mr. Feng, are you okay?"

Feng Jing shouted to the outsiders: "We"re fine!"

"We"ll open the door immediately, please keep calm."

With the cooperation of the security guard, the elevator door was quickly opened, and Feng Jing first let Jiang Ran out, then handed the two boxes of goods up to her. Finally, he climbed out.

Breathing in the fresh air, both their moods improved greatly. Feng Jing looked at the property manager who had come and frowned at them. "Do you do regular maintenance on your elevator?"

The property manager was anxious to rea.s.sure him. "We do indeed. Please rest a.s.sured that today was an accident. I will call the repair company in the afternoon. We"ll have them come over and check it all over again."

"In the worst case scenario, the elevator affects life and death. Are you going to be responsible for any accidents that might occur?" Feng Jing was quite serious about educating the property manager, but discovered everyone"s eyes falling on his mask.

What happened? It"s not like he just started wearing masks today. Why was everyone acting so strange?

Jiang Ran also took a look at his mask, and her cheeks became hot.

She had left a lip print on top. Although the color of her lipstick was very light and she had just touched it gently, the faint red lipstick on the black mask was particularly conspicuous.