Midnight Cinderella

Chapter 49

In front of Starlight Department Store, Jiang Ran sent a message to He Zhiyuan asking where he was.

He Zhiyuan: I"m standing near the main entrance, and you can see me as soon as you come over.

Jiang Ran: Ok.

She walked across the Starlight Square, and sure enough saw He Zhiyuan at first glance, who stood there like a telegraph pole. To be honest, He Zhiyuan was a good man with a good job, a good character and a good look. But anyway, she didn"t have that feeling of ‘love" for him.

Before that, Jiang Ran always thought that perhaps, she didn"t want to fall in love at all, so she wouldn"t be tempted. But after meeting Mr. Feng, she knew that it was not.

She still yearns for love.

“He Zhiyuan,” Jiang Ran shouted and walked towards him. He Zhiyuan smiled and greeted her, and said to her, “I have made a reservation at the restaurant upstairs, let"s go up together.”


The two walked upstairs to an Italian restaurant together. After they sat down, Jiang Ran couldn"t help asking, “What did you want to tell me?”

He Zhiyuan sipped the lips slightly and said to her with a smile: “Let"s eat first, and then talk after we finish.”

Jiang Ran nodded, “Ok.”

Originally, the amount of western food was not much. Plus they both had secrets in their hearts, so they ate even less. Seeing Jiang Ran waiting for him to say first, He Zhiyuan sighed: “Jiang Ran.”

“Er?” Jiang Ran lowered the fork in her hand and straightened her back subconsciously.

“I asked you out today, mainly to ask you, do you have a boyfriend right now?”

“……No,” Jiang Ran grasped the paper towel on the table into her hand, and seemed to be a little nervous.

He Zhiyuan was more nervous than her – when talking, he even felt a little suffocated, “Then can you consider me?”

Although she already had the psychological preparation, Jiang Ran was still shocked at this moment. Her hands squeezed more tightened, then said, “Sorry, I don"t have that feeling for you.”

After hearing Jiang Ran"s refusal, He Zhiyuan"s heart sank. He knew that his chances of wooing Jiang Ran at this time were very slim, but because of “Mr. Feng”, he chose to take a gamble.

In the end it was him that lost the bet.

Jiang Ran saw that his face was not good, and apologized to him again: “I"m really sorry.”

He Zhiyuan pulled up the corners of his mouth and smiled at her: “You don"t need to apologize, there is nothing right or wrong about such things.”

Jiang Ran slightly lowered her head and didn"t speak, she was embarra.s.sed and couldn"t say ‘but we can still be friends".

“Do you want something else?” He Zhiyuan suddenly changed the subject.

Jiang Ran shook his head: “No, thank you.”

“Then I"ll take you home.”

“It doesn"t matter, I can go back by myself.”

“Alright,” He Zhiyuan called the waiter to pay the bill. After leaving the restaurant, He Zhiyuan took the elevator to the underground garage to pick up the car, and Jiang Ran directly went out of the elevator on the first floor, they didn"t say anything on the way.

Stepping out of the Starlight Department Store, Jiang Ran exhaled deeply. Refusing others don"t quite feel good either.

She went directly to the subway station and took the subway home. Er Huang kept lying at the door waiting for her. When hearing the sound of the door opening, it barked.

“Er Huang.” Jiang Ran rubbed it with some heartache. Pets really needed their owner"s company, not to mention Erhuang was still injured now. Jiang Ran was grateful that her work could be done by staying at home, so she can spend more time with Erhuang.

“We"ll go to the hospital to change your medicine tomorrow. Are you better?”

“w.a.n.g w.a.n.g.”

Jiang Ran smiled and went to the kitchen to cook a bowl of noodles for herself.

She really didn"t eat enough just now.

Er Huang smelt the fragrance of noodles, and came to the table to behave cutely in front of Jiang Ran. Usually, Jiang Ran would soften and feed it a little, but now it was still wounded, so she did not dare to just feed it anyhow. Er Huang acted cute for a long time, but still didn"t get the food, then laid on the ground spiritless and watched Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran thought it looked a little funny, then photographed it with her mobile phone.

This time, she did not send it to the circle of friends, but sent it to Yan Huanhuan directly.

[Jiang Ran: [dog.jpg]]

[Yan Huanhuan: [smile.jpg]]

[Jiang Ran: He Zhiyuan confessed to me today.]

[Yan Huanhuan :!!!!!!!]

[Yan Huanhuan: So you sent this picture to laugh at single dogs??? (single dogs refer to single people just like the poor dogs, a joke)]

[Jiang Ran: I refused. [Life without love.jpg]]

Yan Huanhuan: [digging nostril.jpg] Why is He Zhiyuan so impatient? Originally, I thought he would hold out a little longer.

[Jiang Ran: [Life without love.jpg]]

[Yan Huanhuan: What did you do after that? It must have been very embarra.s.sing.]

[Jiang Ran: Yes, we will no longer meet, I think. [cover face.jpg]]

[Yan Huanhuan: Alright, forget it, time can cure everything! Next Friday, Pumpkin"s vocal concert, I will watch with my colleague, do you want to go together?]

[Jiang Ran: no need haha, I have a date with others. [naughty laugh.jpg]]

[Yan Huanhuan: ………]

[Yan Huanhuan: Your mood changed so fast! Let"s be honest, are you dating someone? Does your conscience not hurt?]

[Jiang Ran: You guess. [bad laugh.jpg]]

[Yan Huanhuan: I guess, you have no conscience. [smile.jpg]]

In fact, Jiang Ran didn"t want to do this, but she couldn"t help being happy when she thought of going to see Pumpkin"s vocal concert with Mr. Feng. When the Pumpkin band became popular, she was in elementary school. Just when she fell in love with their music, they announced their dissolution.

This has always been a regret of Jiang Ran"s. So this resurrection vocal concert of Pumpkin was very meaningful to her.

This week, she spent it in an expectant mood, and Erhuang"s wound recovered well, which made her happier.

However, Feng Jing had not been so happy this week. Qin Fan came to his house every day, asking about his daily life and talking feelings with him.