Midnight Cinderella

Chapter 15

Jiang Ran"s expected date of birth in June will be a Cancer baby.

Feng Jing and Jiang Ran are very Buddhist in the birth of a boy or a girl, and uphold the principle of everything. But if you name your baby, you can"t follow it.

In order to give birth to the baby, there is a name that can be called. Feng Jing has begun to give the TA a nickname: "How about Babe?"

Jiang Dingdao: "Xing Xin teacher and daughter of Lan Ning Xuejie, nickname It"s called Beibei."

Feng Jing was a little surprised: "I thought they would take out a more cultural name."

Jiang Ran: "..."

"That"s Pippi?"

"...you are really happy under the skin. "?"

"..." You don"t understand the joy of the skin.

Feng Jing thought for a while, said: "That is called Yang Yang, the sun of the sun."

"Hmm... well." Anyway, she can"t think of any better name for the time being.

Yangyang in the expected date of Jiang Ran, rushed on time. When Jiang Ran was waiting for labor, Feng Jing was always with her, and she was even more nervous than herself. Before entering the delivery room, the doctor came to find the signature of Feng Jing, and Feng Jing looked at the risk warning of the above one, and it collapsed directly.

Jiang Ran was very painful. As a result, Feng Jing suddenly cried out next to him, and he was shocked.

What is the situation... Didn"t she save it? But she felt that she could still hold on to it... The doctors and nurses did not expect that Feng Jing would cry, and they all stood silently. They have seen women who have been crying and crying, and have never seen a husband who is scared by risk.

Feng Jing returned the paper and pen to the doctor opposite. He turned his head and hoa.r.s.ely said to Jiang: "Women, we are not born well."

Jiang Ran: "..."

It is a bit too late for you to say this time.

The doctor quickly comforted the uncontrollable husband: "Mr. Feng, production is dangerous, but now the medicine is developed, the possibility of accidents has dropped to a very low level."

"But you don"t still write risk warnings on it ." "

Doctor: "..."

They wrote on it just to let the family know that there are these dangers. If something happens unfortunately, don"t make trouble in the hospital.

Not to scare the family, really.

Jiang Ram endured the pain and sat up from the bed. She took the paper and pen in the doctor"s hand: "I will sign it."

Feng Jing quickly supported her, brushed her name and handed it to the doctor.

The risk warning above is really terrible, and he does not want Jiang Ran to see it at all. Later, after Jiang Rans knew his thoughts at that time, he looked at him very happily: "You know that you cried directly. Is this the most terrible? I thought I was not saved."

Feng Jing: "..."

I don"t know who leaked the newa. Jiang Ran child has not yet been born. The topic of "Feng Jing Cried" was hot search. This time, detonated the emotions of countless female netizens.

"MD I want to turn powder, I am sore when I am going to live, my husband is playing games next to you [goodbye]"

"Why didn"t I meet a husband like Mr. Feng [goodbye]"

"Those who laughed at the Feng Jing, not Straight male cancer is a little girl! When you have a baby, you know that there is such a husband who is happy!"

"I want to get divorced after reading [smile] When I have a baby, the fetal position is not correct, the pain is rolling, my husband is next to me. I am too noisy [smile] "

No, the girl who is hot, your husband, you gave him a second child? Hey??"

"Yu Feng is always warm, I hope my husband can be so distressed by my QWQ"

"Really, ladies, when I was born, I was testing my husband"s character [smile] chose the wrong husband, really would be worse [smile] "

" ah ah ah ah wife Feng Jing now how the situation like ah! worry! Come on Come on! " "

we hug xdrl! will certainly successfully gave birth to a baby, bless !!! "

At hospital Feng Jing is still anxiously waiting for Jiang Ran production. Both parents have come, and everyone is very anxious. Because the situation of Jiang Ran is better, the doctor suggested that the delivery should be smooth, although it does not need to be slashed, the recovery after the birth is faster, but the production process is too painful. Feng Jingyi thought of this, and the heart came together.

When Jiang Ran"s mother knew that everyone was nervous,

she said with a message : "When she was born in our home, it was smooth, and she should be the same!" Probably to confirm her words, the door of the delivery room was not a while. opened. Jiang Ran and the little baby were pushed out and everyone was surrounded.

"Congratulations, the mother and the baby are safe, it is a male baby."

Feng Jing did not hear the doctor said that the child had a few pounds. He looked at the sleepy Jiang Raning on the bed, and was anxious: "Wife? Baby? How are you?" "The

nurse said: "The maternal is a little weak, just a break for a while."

Jiang Ran and the little baby were pushed back to the ward, the family was relieved. The hospital is not convenient to stay with so many people, Jiang Jiang"s parents and Feng Jing stayed, and the rest will change shifts tomorrow.

At this time, Feng Jing did not know that he had searched again. He stayed until Jiang Ran to wake up and thought of going to Weibo to inform him.

Feng Jing V: Mother and son are safe, welcome Yangyang children to come to this world [cute]

"Wow, Feng is always too fast [tears] When I pay attention to you, you are still a single dog, now have a baby [tears] "

"Congratulations! Do you think about the big name!"

"Small Yangyang must be as handsome as you [憧憬]"

"Congratulations! Then you know that you have searched again! [doge]"

"Ha ha ha us Xdrl is estimated to have another hot search today.

"Good feelings of happiness! Bless you! [tears]"

"Feng always good man wow [fangs]"

fans said yes, Feng Jing got a son"s news It didn"t take long for a hot search. Regardless of whether they are friends or not, they sent congratulatory messages and forwarded blessings. There are still many netizens who are clamoring for the frontal photos of the children.

Feng Jing did not put too much energy on Weibo, and took care of Jiang Ran in the hospital.

The hospital has also come to visit a lot of friends, both boasting that Yang Yang is cute. Feng Jing naturally feels that his own children are very cute. After all, Jiang Ran was so hard to be born. However, he still did not send photos of Yang Yang on the Internet. He usually sent his own photos, and he did not want Yang Yang to be attacked.

After spending a few days in the hospital, Jiang Ran was discharged. It may be that she was often dragged to the gym for exercise, or it may be a physical reason. Jiang Ran went from pregnancy to production to postpartum recovery fast.

She used to be very afraid of having a baby. After she experienced it once, she felt that the pain was very painful, but she was still within her tolerance. If the second child can be so smooth, she does not mind regenerating a little sister and coming out to accompany Xiaoyangyang.

However, Feng Jing did not agree with it. Jiang Ran had a good luck this time, but who knows what will happen to the second child? He didn"t want to suffer the second shock at all.

Jiang Ran did not insist, because some people on the Internet said that the first child was very smooth, and the second child suffered a lot of crimes. She weighed it a bit, and thought... I will accept it if I am ready!

When Jiang Ran body to recover almost the same, Feng Jing turned out his own small book of vengeance, and prepared to owe it to her before she liquidated it.

Jiang Ran had long forgotten the fact that she had stolen her husband"s money and raised wild men. She rarely ran this game now. Therefore, she is unaware of what is going to happen.

Feng Jing took a shower after going to Yangyang to sleep in the bathroom. When he came out, he deliberately didn"t wear clothes, only wrapped a towel around his waist. Jiang Ran sat on the bed and played with his mobile phone. When he saw him, he glanced at him and then squatted.

He is... in color. Is it tempting her?

Feng Jing walked to her side and sat down. The whole person approached him. The strong masculinity instantly surrounded Jiang Ran. Feng Jing"s feeling of oppression was too great. Jiang Ran subconsciously shrank back and down. Feng Jing"s hands were on her side, and she circled her own territory: "What happened to you?"

Jiang Ran pulled the corner of her mouth. "I just want to ask you what"s wrong, is it hot?"

Feng Jing smiled and said: "It"s not hot enough."

Jiang Ran: "..."

She held her hand against Feng Shou"s chest and prevented him from approaching further: "You don"t come over again, Yangyang is still asleep, don"t wake him up."

Feng Jingdao: "Do not worry, I will not wake him up, but you have to whisper."

Jiang Ran: "........."

She feels that women are always suffering from the hooliganism.

"I didn"t seem to see you playing the game recently?" Feng Jing picked up her black hair and sniffed it at the tip of her nose.

Jiang Ran was said by him, only to remember that there is still such a glimpse. Did he really remember such a long time?

"I warn you, don"t you mess around."

Feng Jing looked at her outside and looked at her. She smiled at her: "Weird, have you not liked to use it all day long? How can you do this now?" ??

Jiang Ran: "..."

She remembered a sentence, the ancestors" famous sayings.

Come out and mix, sooner or later you have to pay back.

Feng Jing did not wait for her to open her mouth, but gently covered her lips and kissed her. Maybe the two haven"t done it for too long. This simple kiss makes the two people"s bodies as hard to burn.

"Xiao Ran, wife..." Feng Jing pressed her under her body and called her. Jiang Ran her emotions and wrapped around his waist, responding to him lowly. Strokes and kisses have become hara.s.sment through the boots, and Feng Jing has put her closer and wants to get more from her.

"Baby, remember to whisper a little, don"t wake up Yangyang." Feng Jing said, the waist went down, Jiang Rand subconsciously wanted to call the exit, Feng Jing bowed his head, kissed her lips accurately, engulfed her. All the sounds.

Feng Jing"s enthusiasm acc.u.mulated for so long, all vented in Jiang Ran, Jiang Ran could not bear. Finally, Xiao Yangyang"s crying made him finally stop.

Yang Yang changed the diaper again, Feng Jing took him to sleep again, and then caught Jiang Ran ready to sleep.

Jiang Ran immediately asked for mercy: "Husband, I am wrong! I am going to uninstall the game now!"

Feng Jing looked at her, and the beautiful nephews were particularly eye-catching at this time: "No, I will let you not Efforts to manage the four wild men."

Jiang Ran: "..."