Midnight Cinderella

Chapter 51

This Weibo post did not receive much attention at first. The girl who posted on Weibo wanted to take more photos to figure out if it was Feng Jing or not, but the beginning of the concert drew her attention back to the stage.

Ten years later, the members of Pumpkin were already uncles in their forties. But the moment they appeared on the stage, they attracted the cheers of the audience.

Feng Jing gave Jiang Ran a support lantern, and Jiang Ran waved decently like everyone else. When the music of “dorothy” sounded on the stage, it took the first high tide .

“Dorothy” is not a famous masterpiece of Pumpkin, but one of the most popular and best-selling of all of their songs. It is rumored that this song was written by lead singer Ray to the band agent, because she likes “The Wizard of Oz”, so he named the song using the female lead Dorothy.

At that time, the rumors about the romance of Ray and his agent spread bubbling and gurgling, and they seemed to be a couple who grew up as childhood friends. Everyone thought that in the end they would be together, but in the end the agent married someone outside the industry.

“After all these years, Ray has never been married. He"s so affectionate.” Jiang Ran said to Feng Jing.

Feng Jing said: “It"s two different things to never get married and to never have a girlfriend.”

Jiang Ran: “…”

Er, Mr. Feng seems to know very well.

The song “dorothy” came to an end in the chorus of the audience. After the enthusiasm just now, this time the band sang a fresh and cheerful “honey”, which is also a familiar old song.

Unlike listening on the computer or mobile phone, the live music really felt more contagious. It was a labor-intensive thing to do a concert. At the beginning, Jiang Ran had worried if the members of the band can sing the whole concert. After all, they are old. Later, it turned out that she thought too much. The physical strength of PumPumpkin and audiences was very good, they stayed high throughout the whole event.

She thought that they can sing until the age of 80 – before the curtain fell, Ray really said so when he gave his speech.

Everyone began to go out lingering around. At first, the girl who secretly photographed Feng Jing saw the man in front of her again. This time he turned the face toward her side, it looked more like Feng Jing.

She took another photo with the camera, but Feng Jing noticed it. He pressed his peak cap down and turned to follow Jiang Ran and walk away.

“Who did you shoot?” A girl with rabbit ears cap leaned over and looked at the girl"s camera. The girl frowned, and as she followed the crowd out, she asked her, “Do you feel this person looks like Feng Jing?”

“Who?” The rabbit ears girl went over to look at it and sighed, “It really looks alike!” Er, I remember, I saw before that Feng Jing"s favorite band is Pumpkin! “

“Really? So, isn"t it really Feng Jing? “

“Where did you see him? Where is he? “

When the girl took the camera and went back to look for him, Feng Jing"s figure already vanished: “He seems to be gone, they were sitting in the inner VIP area.”

“That"s more likely to be Feng Jing! You send a post on Weibo to ask. “

So the girl put the two photos she shot together and re-posted a topic Weibo.

“#Pumpkin resurrection concert # have encountered, it seems more and more like its Feng Jing, can anybody help me look? [ Thinking.jpg] “

Because, during the concert, there were many people posting on weibo about this concert, the topic of the concert has now rose to the hot searches. So, the girl"s Weibo was seen by more and more people, until it was shared by a ‘big V", it completely exploded. (big v, a social media influencer in Sina weibo)

After careful comparison by the “expert group”, everyone believed that this is Feng Jing, uncontested.

Then, the topic of “I met Feng Jing at concert” became a hot search.

On the way Feng Jing sent Jiang Ran home, he had a bad feeling in his heart. When he left, he was sure that the girl was filming him.

He had hid himself in such a way, what else was there to shoot!

“Mr. Feng!” Jiang Ran unfastened her seat belt and looked at Feng Jing who was clearly distracted, “I"m home. Thank you for tonight. The concert, was too much  fun.”

“Ah, I"m happy too,” Feng Jing concealed his small emotions and smiled at Jiang Ran, “It"s getting late. Erhuang is still waiting for you. Go up first.”


“Wait,” Feng jing give the big bag of snacks to her, “This, you take it back.”

“Ah, thank you,” Jiang Ran took those snacks and waved at him, “Be careful when driving.”

“Ok,” Feng Jing watched her walk into the building and when he was about to start the car, hearing the cell phone ring.

Caller, Big Wolf Qin.(qin fan)

Feng Jing: “…”

It must be that today"s concert was bombed.

He thought about it, picked up the phone, and just when saying “h.e.l.lo”, Qin Fan"s voice sounded mocklingly: “Movie king Feng, have you finished attending the concert?”

“… Hehe, You are so well informed.”

“Hehe, it"s not that I"m well-informed, but you are particularly popular with hot searches.”

Feng Jing: “…”

What? Did he enter the hot search again?

“Are you still outside?”

“… On the way back home.”

“Alright. Tomorrow morning to the company to see me, call Meng Xingchuan to come together with you.”

Feng Jing: “…”

Feng Jing was never called into the office to be admonished by his teachers when he was in school, but after joining work … it seemed to be a daily routine.

He drove back to Hua Du, put down his car keys and pulled his phone out to see Weibo.

The topic of “I met Feng Jing at Concert” was still lying on the hot search.

Feng Jing: “…”

His first reaction was to click into the photos and see if Jiang Ran was there. Fortunately, the two photos on Weibo were just of him, and his body covered Jiang Ran. Thinking about it again, if Jiang Ran was also photographed, how could Qin Fan be so calm?