Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner

Chapter 2

Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner) 002. Little Lolita of Another World

Comments: Well, we got a little preview of our male lead. Pretty new, seeing that the male lead isn’t some ancient powerful, but youthful looking king of something. Though…(spoiler….actually, not really since this is how all novels like this goes)he’s still super talented. Not too much showcasing of power from our MC yet, but it’s going to come, don’t worry, just sit back and wait for the good show to begin ( ƅ°ਉ°)ƅ. To prove it, I’ll reveal the next chapter’s t.i.tle: “Two-faced Good-for-nothing Girl"

And, the author graciously published in advance how each specialization’s ranking system is! This helped me so much. I’ll post it up here so you can get a better idea of it first.

I would like to note that sorcerer and magician are NOT the same here. I translated the specialization to sorcerer, and the rank 2 of the sorcerer’s ranking system as magician. And I’m really sorry, I can’t think of anything other than “beast whisperer” for rank one of summoner..author didn’t give me much to work with…keywords of it..beast, communicator, language. If anyone has any better suggestions, please do tell, I’d like to given some choices to choose from >

(Author’s Note:

Sorcerer’s Ranking System: Magic Apprentice, Magician, Great Magic Expert, Magic Master , Holy Magic Master, Heaven Magic Master, Holy Magic King, Magic Sovereign, Divine Magic G.o.d.

Summoner’s Ranking System: Beast Whisperer, Combat Beast Summoner, Commander Summoner, Shaman Beast Master, Holy Beast Master, The Thirteen Great Governor Summoner[1], Eight Directional Divine Summoner, Red-clothed Summoner Sovereign.

Martial Artists’ Ranking System: Martial Apprentice, Martial Artist, Martial Master, Martial Venerator, Martial Marquis, Great Martial Master, Martial Sage, Martial King, Martial Sovereign.)

Yun Sheng never lost consciousness even during the very moment the taxi exploded. She only felt that her body had been ripped apart in a blink of an eye, and her consciousness was like a leaf that lightly fluttered off. Immediately, she once again heavily fell down onto the ground, her body felt as if it had been crushed. She felt incomparable pain.

A wanton laughter sounded out near her ear: “I crushed this vile sp.a.w.n, Yun Cang Hai, so what if you’re a genius sorcerer who’s might not be even seen once every century, you still can’t save your wife and child.”

Ten plus black clothed, masked men wantonly laughed loudly.

The moment her body fell onto the ground, her body felt incredibly painful. Yun Sheng discovered, she had become an infant. On top of that, an infant who dropped to its death?!

Isn’t this the transmigration you often see in novels!

The infant had only been born not too long ago; being so forcefully thrown onto the ground by someone, she had immediately died.

It was during this very opportunity that Yun Sheng’s soul took advantage of and entered into the infant’s body.

The infant’s body was extremely frail, if it didn’t receive emergency treatment soon, even if she lived, she would still only be a handicapped.

Yun Sheng noticed that on the infant’s wrist was the very same bracelet she had worn in the modern times. She had transmigrated along with her family-handed-down jade bracelet!

Good thing the jade bracelet was also here. Yun Sheng’s consciousness turned towards it, and then from within the bracelet, a faint light came out and entered into the infant’s body.

The remnant power of the bracelet quickly mended the infant’s heart vessels.

Those ten plus black clothed men hadn’t noticed the changes happening to the infant’s body.

“Let go of my child,” the angry man descended down from the sky while waving a strange bone staff in his hand.

Yun Sheng had never seen that kind of bone staff before. On the tip of the staff, there were five cat’s eye gemstones, the size of the jade color gemstones were like blood dripping carnelians. All at the same time, they immediately lit up.

All of a sudden, the murky sky turned completely red like fire, just like a smelting furnace. Several fire b.a.l.l.s which resembled boiling molten-iron bubbles appeared.

The man was brandis.h.i.+ng around the bone staff while everywhere was on fire. Several fire b.a.l.l.s, like rain in a rainstorm smashed towards the ground.

The sky and earth instantly became a sea of a netherworld prison, raging flames ablaze.

The fire b.a.l.l.s rolled downwards and smashed onto the perpetrators’ bodies. The ten plus people transformed into burning corpses at the exact same time.

That fire was incomparably devastating. Before the black-clothed masked men could even wail and beg, they had already become a pile of scorched ash.

The bone staff wielding man knelt down on the ground in pain. He let out a trapped beast-like grieving wail, both his eyes were like empty holes. He raised his bone staff up high, and accurately aimed it at his head. He put forth his strength and pulled it down.

Both his wife and daughter were already dead, what meaning would there be to continue living.

A feeble breathing sound broke the man’s movements.

He stiffly turned around, and tremblingly carried up the dying child.

Yun Sheng’s eyes widened. In her jet-black eyes reflected the man’s appearance.

It was a young man who had become a father only not too long ago.

He originally should have been happy, but the man before her was dishevelled, and his face was covered with injuries. But even if he was this like, it still couldn’t cover up the man’s original das.h.i.+ng figure and his bursting talent.

The man must have experienced some major hards.h.i.+ps. There was only despair and grievance in his dim eyes, just like a patient who has contracted an incurable disease. That kind of sorrow deeply stung Yun Sheng who was a doctor.

He, had already lost the desire to live.

She, needs to save him. To make him regain the desire to live again.

Yun Sheng waved around her hand, forcing out her body’s last shred of energy, and cried aloud.


Hearing that crying sound, the man’s dying ember-like eyes flas.h.i.+ng across a smear of radiant splendour. His eyes gradually recovered its brightness. He carried up the infant, and staggeringly headed towards a small village.

The dark dawn behind the man quietly ended. The sun re-rose and lit up the earth.

Time quickly slipped by, and six years have already pa.s.sed. When the sophora flowers bloom all over in the Jiao Ye Village’s herb garden, a sorcerer initiation ceremony is carried out in Jiao Ye Village’s Temple of Magic.

“Perception of magical elements, none.” An old magician with completely white hair and a white beard glanced at the pure black magic-gauging crystal ball, and shook his head.

This is already the third time. Yun Sheng, this child, from the age of three had already begun partic.i.p.ating in Jiao Ye Village’s sorcerer initiation ceremony, but every time she hadn’t been able to sense any magical elements.

“Thank you, magician grandpa. I’ll come try again next year.” Yun Sheng lifted up her head. She’s only five or six years old, has an egg-shaped face, big eyes, and was wearing a set of worn-out but clean clothing. Due to being poor, she lacked nourishment, making her even thinner and weaker and smaller and shorter than the people her age.

After finding out the results of the sorcerer initiation, Yun Sheng’s young and tender face revealed a calmness which completely didn’t match with someone of her age.

“What a shameless fellow. A fake sorcerer’s daughter still dares to come to the Temple of Magic, you really don’t fear the Deity of Magic’s punishment?”

Just as she was leaving the Temple of Magic, a few children who were also here partic.i.p.ate in the sorcerer initiation ceremony came. Someone spit out some saliva towards her.

Yun Sheng agilely dodged and avoided it.

The expression in her eyes was ice cold, just like a tyrannical and haughty little stray cat, glaring at that child who was making things difficult for her.

Yun Sheng’s eyes seemed as if it were magical. Being stared at her like that, the child who had spit at her, his mind seemed as if it had jumped into that pair of captivating eyes. Her pitch-black eyes, was just like an endlessly dark starry sky, it seemed as if it could swallow a person’s consciousness whole.

That child’s brain suddenly echoed out a buzzing sound. His legs weakened, then he sat down on his bottom and fainted away.

The child’s peculiarity alarmed the surrounding spectating crowd of villagers. The villagers immediately rushed forward.

Yun Sheng took back her line of sight, and took the chance to sneak away from the Temple of Magic.

Following along a small path, she walked all the way until the village’s highest point, towards a small hill.

Jiao Ye Village’s scenery was very beautiful. The spring day’s sun was s.h.i.+ning, while the pleasantly warm spring breeze blew over the dog’s-tail gra.s.s on the hill. A few red dragonflies had stopped on the tip of the dog’s-tail gra.s.s. Below the hill-slope, a small jade belt-like river gently flowed.

Yun Sheng laid down. In her mouth, she chewed on a dog’s-tail gra.s.s, and stared at the azure sky.

It’s already been six years since she, Yan Yun Sheng, a female doctor with a soul from the modern times, transmigrated to Wu Ji Continent where magic and martial arts were highly respected.

She changed from an orphan to a young village girl who along with a drunkard father, depended on each other for survival. They had similar names, the only difference was the surname, but their natural endowments were so far apart like the sky and the earth.

The calamity that occurred when she was born, made Yun Sheng’s sinews and vessels[2] from since she was small become very frail. She can’t practice martial arts, she is unable to sense magical elements, and she cannot train and practice in magic.

From a female doctor who could make people from both the white and black worlds[3] become terror-stricken just by hearing her name to trash who can’t cultivate both magic or martial arts?

Yun Sheng sat up, there was an extra smear of confidence in her smile at the corner of her lips.

Trash? How absurd!

She is definitely not a good-for-nothing. As long as she has her Shennong[4] bracelet, there will be a day, when she rises up to the top of the world again.

Yun Sheng stroked the jade bracelet on her wrist. This jade bracelet had transmigrated along with her. From the moment she was born, it was already on Yun Sheng’s wrist. It’s also the only thing she has that is related to her past life.

Yun Sheng’s drunkard father had been vexed for a while, after many times of trying and failing to take the bracelet off from his daughter’s wrist, it was only then that the jade bracelet avoided the misfortune of being taken by her drunkard father to p.a.w.n and exchange for alcohol.

It was exactly twelve o’clock, the day’s midpoint, exactly when the energy of the sun in the world was at its highest point.

Yun Sheng crossed her legs and sat, her fingers formed into position, making a standard Taoist meditation posture.

The jade bracelet emitted a glistening light. The sun seemed as if it had been split apart, large amounts of five different colored lights were absorbed into the bracelet.

Along with the jade bracelet absorbing more and more light, a sheen layer of light resembling mother-of-pearls floated above Yun Sheng’s skin. In the bright light, her facial features became more exquisite, and her figure also stretched a bit just like poplar and willows.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.

In the vessels which were damaged in her early years, the inside was now like a mountain stream, bubbling and flowing, becoming fuller and more developed.

More and more of that mountain stream acc.u.mulated and converged together, forming a gold layer in the veins and arteries.

Only a “boom” sound was heard, the inner energy which had been cultivated for six years flooded out like an overflowing dam.

One of the human body’s eight extraordinary meridian channels, the yang linking vessel had been opened up.

With one part every three years since Yun Sheng had started cultivating the skill of jade marrow from when she was three, she was finally able to use her body’s inner energy to open up the first of her body’s eight extraordinary meridian channels.

Yun Sheng was immersed in her cultivation, so what she didn’t know was, at this very time, on a an ancient banyan tree full of branches and lush leaves on the same hill-slope, a pair of deep and profound eyes had “seen” the whole thing.

The juvenile slovenly laid above the tree-trunk. It was a young boy who didn’t fit in at all with Jiao Ye Village’s simple and plain atmosphere.

The juvenile was young, only about ten years old or so. Even though he was wearing some ordinary sackcloth clothing, his wheat colored skin along with his robust body revealed an aggressive, dominating aura which wasn’t at all inferior to old generals experienced in the battlefield.

“Absorbing the essence of the sun? How interesting, didn’t think that there would be someone who knew such a highly advanced skill in such a small mountain village.” The young boy full of interest, “sized up” Yun Sheng.

Suddenly, Yun Sheng opened her eyes.