Miss Cayley's Adventures

Chapter 26

Simpkin flows like water-- Simpkin"s baboo English for champagne, you know--he, he, he; and though of course the Maharajah"s only a native like the rest of them--he, he, he--still, he"s been educated at Oxford, and has mixed with Europeans, and he knows how to make one--he, he, he--well, thoroughly comfortable."

"But what shall we eat?" I asked. "Rice, ghee, and chupatties?"

"Oh dear no--he, he, he--Europe food, every bit of it. Foie gras, and York ham, and wine _ad lib_. His hospitality"s ma.s.sive. If it weren"t for that, of course, one wouldn"t dream of going there. But Archie hopes some day to be made Resident, don"t you know; and it will do him no harm--he, he, he--with the Foreign Office, to have cultivated friendly relations beforehand with His Highness of Moozuffernuggar. These natives--he, he, he--so absurdly sensitive!"

For myself, the Maharajah interested me, and I rather liked him.

Besides, he was Harold"s friend, and that was in itself sufficient recommendation. So I determined to push straight into the heart of native India first, and only afterwards to do the regulation tourist round of Agra and Delhi, the Taj and the mosques, Benares and Allahabad, leaving the English and Calcutta for the tail-end of my journey. It was better journalism; as I thought that thought, I began to fear that Mr.

Elworthy was right after all, and that I was a born journalist.

On the day fixed for our leaving Bombay, whom should I meet but Lord Southminster--with the Maharajah--at the railway station!

He lounged up to me with that eternal smile still vaguely pervading his empty features. "Well, we shall have a jolly party, I gathah," he said.

"They tell me this n.i.g.g.ah is famous for his tigahs."

I gazed at him, positively taken aback. "You don"t mean to tell me," I cried, "you actually propose to accept the Maharajah"s hospitality?"

His smile absorbed him. "Yaas," he answered twirling his yellow moustache, and gazing across at the unconscious prince, who was engaged in overlooking the arrangements for our saloon carriage. "The black fellah discovahed I was a cousin of Harold"s, so he came to call upon me at the club, of which some Johnnies heah made me an honorary membah.

He"s offahed me the run of his place while I"m in Indiah, and, of course, I"ve accepted. Eccentric sort of chap; can"t make him out myself: says anyone connected with Harold Tillington is always deah to him. Rum start, isn"t it?"

"He is a mere Oriental," I answered, "unused to the ways of civilised life. He cherishes the superannuated virtue of grat.i.tude."

"Yaas; no doubt--so I"m coming along with you."

I drew back, horrified. "Now? While I am there? After what I told you last week on the steamer?"

"Oh, that"s all right. I bear yah no malice. If I want any fun, of course I must go while _you"re_ at Moozuffernuggar."

"Why so?"

"Yah see, this black boundah means to get up some big things at his place in your honah; and one naturally goes to stop with anyone who has big things to offah. Hang it all, what does it mattah who a fellah is if he can give yah good shooting? It"s shooting, don"t yah know, that keeps society in England togethah!"

"And therefore you propose to stop in the same house with me!" I exclaimed, "in spite of what I have told you! Well, Lord Southminster, I should have thought there were limits which even _your_ taste----"

He cut me short with an inane grin. "There you make your blooming little erraw," he answered, airily. "I told yah, I keep my offah still open; and, hang it all, I don"t mean to lose sight of yah in a hurry. Some other fellah might come along and pick you up when I wasn"t looking; and I don"t want to miss yah. In point of fact, I don"t mind telling yah, I back myself still for a couple of thou" soonah or latah to marry yah.

It"s dogged as does it; faint heart, they say, nevah won fair lady!"

If it had not been that I could not bear to disappoint my Indian prince, I think, when I heard this, I should have turned back then and there at the station.

The journey up country was uneventful, but dusty. The Mofussil appears to consist mainly of dust; indeed, I can now recall nothing of it but one pervading white cloud, which has blotted from my memory all its other components. The dust clung to my hair after many washings, and was never really beaten out of my travelling clothes; I believe part of it thus went round the world with me to England. When at last we reached Moozuffernuggar, after two days" and a night"s hard travelling, we were met by a crowd of local grandees, who looked as if they had spent the greater part of their lives in brushing back their whiskers, and we drove up at once, in European carriages, to the Maharajah"s palace. The look of it astonished me. It was a strange and rambling old Hindoo hill-fort, high perched on a scarped crag, like Edinburgh Castle, and accessible only on one side, up a gigantic staircase, guarded on either hand by huge sculptured elephants cut in the living sandstone. Below cl.u.s.tered the town, an intricate ma.s.s of tangled alleys. I had never seen anything so picturesque or so dirty in my life; as for Elsie, she was divided between admiration for its beauty and terror at the big-whiskered and white-turbaned attendants.

"What sort of rooms shall we have?" I whispered to our moral guarantee, Mrs. Balmossie.

"Oh, beautiful, dear," the little lady smirked back. "Furnished throughout--he, he, he--by Liberty. The Maharajah wants to do honour to his European guests--he, he, he--he fancies, poor man, he"s quite European. That"s what comes of sending these creatures to Oxford! So he"s had suites of rooms furnished for any white visitors who may chance to come his way. Ridiculous, isn"t it? _And_ champagne--oh, gallons of it! He"s quite proud of his rooms, he, he, he--he"s always asking people to come and occupy them; he thinks he"s done them up in the best style of decoration."

He had reason, for they were as tasteful as they were dainty and comfortable. And I could not for the life of me make out why his hospitable inclination should be voted "ridiculous." But Mrs. Balmossie appeared to find all natives alike a huge joke together. She never even spoke of them without a condescending smile of distant compa.s.sion.

Indeed, most Anglo-Indians seem first to do their best to Anglicise the Hindoo, and then to laugh at him for aping the Englishman.

After we had been three days at the palace and had spent hours in the wonderful temples and ruins, the Maharajah announced with considerable pride at breakfast one morning that he had got up a tiger-hunt in our special honour.

Lord Southminster rubbed his hands.

"Ha, that"s right, Maharaj," he said, briskly. "I do love big game. To tell yah the truth, old man, that"s just what I came heah for."

"You do me too much honour," the Hindoo answered, with quiet sarcasm.

"My town and palace may have little to offer that is worth your attention; but I am glad that my big game, at least, has been lucky enough to attract you."

The remark was thrown away on the pea-green young man. He had described his host to me as "a black boundah." Out of his own mouth I condemned him--he supplied the very word--he was himself nothing more than a born bounder.


During the next few days, the preparations for the tiger-hunt occupied all the Maharajah"s energies. "You know, Miss Cayley," he said to me, as we stood upon the big stairs, looking down on the Hindoo city, "a tiger-hunt is not a thing to be got up lightly. Our people themselves don"t like killing a tiger. They reverence it too much. They"re afraid its spirit might haunt them afterwards and bring them bad luck. That"s one of our superst.i.tions."

"You do not share it yourself, then?" I asked.

He drew himself up and opened his palms, with a twinkling of pendant emeralds. "I am royal," he answered, with nave dignity, "and the tiger is a royal beast. Kings know the ways of kings. If a king kills what is kingly, it owes him no grudge for it. But if a common man or a low caste man were to kill a tiger--who can say what might happen?"

I saw he was not himself quite free from the superst.i.tion.

"Our peasants," he went on, fixing me with his great black eyes, "won"t even mention the tiger by name, for fear of offending him: they believe him to be the dwelling-place of a powerful spirit. If they wish to speak of him, they say, "the great beast," or "my lord, the striped one." Some think the spirit is immortal except at the hands of a king. But they have no objection to see him destroyed by others. They will even point out his whereabouts, and rejoice over his death; for it relieves the village of a serious enemy, and they believe the spirit will only haunt the huts of those who actually kill him."

"Then you know where each tiger lives?" I asked.

"As well as your gamekeepers in England know which covert may be drawn for foxes. Yes; "tis a royal sport, and we keep it for Maharajahs. I myself never hunt a tiger till some European visitor of distinction comes to Moozuffernuggar, that I may show him good sport. This tiger we shall hunt to-morrow, for example, he is a bad old hand. He has carried off the buffaloes of my villagers over yonder for years and years, and of late he has also become a man-eater. He once ate a whole family at a meal--a man, his wife, and his three children. The people at Janwargurh have been pestering me for weeks to come and shoot him; and each week he has eaten somebody--a child or a woman; the last was yesterday--but I waited till you came, because I thought it would be something to show you that you would not be likely to see elsewhere."

"And you let the poor people go on being eaten, that we might enjoy this sport!" I cried.

He shrugged his shoulders, and opened his palms. "They were villagers, you know--ryots: mere tillers of the soil--poor naked peasants. I have thousands of them to spare. If a tiger eats ten of them, they only say, "It was written upon their foreheads." One woman more or less--who would notice her at Moozuffernuggar?"

Then I perceived that the Maharajah was a gentleman, but still a barbarian.

The eventful morning arrived at last, and we started, all agog, for the jungle where the tiger was known to live. Elsie excused herself. She remarked to me the night before, as I brushed her back hair for her, that she had "half a mind" not to go. "My dear," I answered, giving the brush a good dash, "for a higher mathematician, that phrase lacks accuracy. If you were to say "seven-eighths of a mind" it would be nearer the mark. In point of fact, if you ask my opinion, your inclination to go is a vanishing quant.i.ty."

She admitted the impeachment with an accusing blush. "You"re quite right, Brownie; to tell you the truth, I"m afraid of it."

"So am I, dear; horribly afraid. Between ourselves, I"m in a deadly funk of it. But "the brave man is not he that feels no fear"; and I believe the same principle applies almost equally to the brave woman. I mean "that fear to subdue" as far as I am able. The Maharajah says I shall be the first girl who has ever gone tiger-hunting. I"m frightened out of my life. I never held a gun in my born days before. But, Elsie, recollect, this is _splendid_ journalism! I intend to go through with it."

"You offer yourself on the altar, Brownie."

"I do, dear; I propose to die in the cause. I expect my proprietor to carve on my tomb, "Sacred to the memory of the martyr of journalism. She was killed, in the act of taking shorthand notes, by a Bengal tiger.""

We started at early dawn, a motley mixture. My short bicycling skirt did beautifully for tiger-hunting. There was a vast company of native swells, nawabs and ranas, in gorgeous costumes, whose precise names and t.i.tles I do not pretend to remember; there were also Major Balmossie, Lord Southminster, the Maharajah, and myself--all mounted on gaily-caparisoned elephants. We had likewise, on foot, a miserable crowd of wretched beaters, with dirty white loin-cloths. We were all very brave, of course--demonstratively brave--and we talked a great deal at the start about the exhilaration given by "the spice of danger." But it somehow struck me that the poor beaters on foot had the majority of the danger and extremely little of the exhilaration. Each of us great folk was mounted on his own elephant, which carried a light basket-work howdah in two compartments: the front one intended for the n.o.ble sportsman, the back one for a servant with extra guns and ammunition. I pretended to like it, but I fear I trembled visibly. Our mahouts sat on the elephants" necks, each armed with a pointed goad, to whose admonition the huge beasts answered like clock-work. A born journalist always pretends to know everything before hand, so I speak carelessly of the "mahout," as if he were a familiar acquaintance. But I don"t mind telling you aside, in confidence, that I had only just learnt the word that morning.

The Maharajah protested at first against my taking part in the actual hunt, but I think his protest was merely formal. In his heart of hearts I believe he was proud that the first lady tiger-hunter should have joined his party.

Dusty and shadeless, the road from Moozuffernuggar fares straight across the plain towards the crumbling mountains. Behind, in the heat mist, the castle and palace on their steeply-scarped crag, with the squalid town that cl.u.s.tered at their feet, reminded me once more most strangely of Edinburgh, where I used to spend my vacations from Girton. But the pitiless sun differed greatly from the gray haar of the northern metropolis. It warmed into intense white the little temples of the wayside, and beat on our heads with tropical garishness.

I am bound to admit also that tiger-hunting is not quite all it is cracked up to be. In my fancy I had pictured the gallant and bloodthirsty beast rushing out upon us full pelt from some gra.s.s-grown nullah at the first sniff of our presence, and fiercely attacking both men and elephants. Instead of that, I will confess the whole truth: frightened as at least one of us was of the tiger, the tiger was still more desperately frightened of his human a.s.sailants. I could see clearly that, so far from rushing out of his own accord to attack us, his one desire was to be let alone. He was horribly afraid; he skulked in the jungle like a wary old fox in a trusty spinney. There was no nullah (whatever a nullah may be), there was only a waste of dusty cane-brake.

We encircled the tall gra.s.s patch where he lurked, forming a big round with a ring-fence of elephants. The beaters on foot, advancing, half naked, with a caution with which I could fully sympathise, endeavoured by loud shouts and gesticulations to rouse the royal beast to a sense of his position. Not a bit of it: the royal beast declined to be drawn; he preferred retirement. The Maharajah, whose elephant was stationed next to mine, even apologised for the resolute cowardice with which he clung to his ign.o.ble lurking-place.