MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 448 [Side Story] A Long Night

Chapter 448 [Side Story] A Long Night

[WARNING! Mature Content! Skip if you’re uncomfortable and feel that it would destroy the story!]

Ren grunted between thrusts. With their new position, his thrust was like the sensation of his first penetration, and the angle allowed him to watch as his p.e.n.i.s slipped in and out of her v.a.g.i.n.a as well as her soft, jiggling b.r.e.a.s.t.s and protruding nipples at every thrust.

He couldn’t hold for long at this rate. But he didn’t want to stop or change his position. He wanted to make Evie o.r.g.a.s.m, and stimulating her cervix through deep penetration was his attempt.

Her breath quickened, and her limbs tightened, and if he slowed down a bit, the outer walls of her p.u.s.s.y pulsate rhythmically around his c.o.c.k.

Both of them felt like their brain was in a subconscious state, wandering into the forest of ecstasy. They couldn’t even form coherent words as they could only pant and moan each other’s names.

Every time Ren hit her cervix, Evie felt the built-up pressure spreading throughout her whole body. The tingling sensations which came in waves from her toes to her head were too much, and her fingers clawing for the sheets tightened. Her eyes were wide while her pupils were narrowing as her spine arched, convulsing the pressure she could no longer contain.


Ren didn’t stop thrusting inside Evie. Even she withered in pleasure and screamed in ecstasy while her v.a.g.i.n.a convulsed and vibrated.

Ren bit back a curse when his own tension rose in the pit of his stomach, brought by the new sensation of her quavering p.u.s.s.y dripping with her c.u.m. He knew he could no longer hold his own o.r.g.a.s.m back. He thrust a few more before burying his c.o.c.k to the hilt. His head tipped back. His eyes closed tight while a guttural roar so intense rumbled in his throat.

His p.e.n.i.s jerked inside her as his s.e.m.e.n spurted out in its rhythm. And this time, it was different. It was not like before his previous e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n out of necessity. It was like he was pa.s.sing his energy to her. Like he was giving himself to her. Body and soul.

All strength left him, and he collapsed on top of her. His p.e.n.i.s was still inside her, their sweaty limbs tangled, and their heart rate slowed down, accompanied by their breathing. A euphoric satisfaction and completeness percolated their veins.

Ren felt Evie’s milted skin and the shaking of her extremities. The inside of her v.a.g.i.n.a still quivered from time to time.

He gradually hovered above her, pupils dilated and face infatuated.

Seeing her flush face, half-close misty eyes while catching her breath from her parted swollen lips, her soft proud b.r.e.a.s.t.s rising and falling, his eyes narrowed. Zeroing to her saliva dripping out from her mouth. He stared at it, transfixed. Leaning in, he captured it with his tongue. Slowly tracing, savoring her skin mixed with after-s.e.x sweat, all the way to her lips.

He took his time, indulgently licking her lips, biting them softly before sucking them sensually. Not before long, her little fingers found their way into his hair, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.

Wet erotic suction sounds dance in the air as their kiss turns deeper, more intense, and more pa.s.sionate.

Ren felt his c.o.c.k throb. His inner beast was jolting in full force, feeling Evie’s wet p.u.s.s.y constricting and releasing again and again.

But it was too much to start another round of lovemaking, especially after the intense one they had. Besides, she was still hurting from her first penetration. He had to treat her first.

Wordlessly and with great effort, he pulled away.please visit

“Rest for a bit . . . ,” he whispered in a strangled voice.

And when Evie didn’t respond, he removed his c.o.c.k inside her, causing her to flinch, and took a sharp intake of air.

When his c.o.c.k came out, it bounced before jousting towards his stomach, erect and still hard. Soon, thick white sticky fluid mixed with some red spots dripped from her p.u.s.s.y, and his c.o.c.k twitched in agony.

“Ren . . .”

Evie called his name in a soft whisper.

“Hmm . . . ?” He responded. He was not looking at her, still searching for the balm among the many things he had prepared. And when he found it, it was as when Evie’s voice echoed in his head, knocking his heart in full force.

“I love you too . . .”

His eyes snapped at her, wide with pupils constricting, afraid to miss even a single detail of her.

The light of the moon shone upon the only window, basking her in soft layers of bluish glow. She was so beautiful, sprawling on the mattress, looking at him with a gentleness he never knew she could portray.

Before he knew it, he was already between her legs, rubbing the balm across his c.o.c.k before he rubbed it against her silken folds.

“R-Ren . . .” Evie panicked when she saw what Ren was about to do. She got up despite her weakened state, but Ren didn’t let her.

He grabbed her fingers and pressed them against the bed while his tongue quickly sealed any sound of protest from her lips and plunged into her throat.

“Evie, I’m sorry . . . I can’t hold back . . . ,” Ren murmured between kisses. He was so aroused! And the last string of his restraint broke with her words.

Feeling his c.o.c.k was adequately lubricated with her natural lube, he dipped his fingers into the balm and inserted them inside her v.a.g.i.n.a, earning him a moan from her. He rubbed his fingers inside her inner walls before he withdrew his hand and interlaced it with hers once more.

There was urgency in his actions, and this time, he thrust inside her in one swoop.

That confession spoiled by her lethargic face wasn’t exactly romantic. But seeing her like that, all adorable and lovable, his only thought was how much he wanted to hold her. There was possibly no way he was going to end the night with just one round of loving her.

The moon and stars twinkled while the only sound puncturing throughout the night was Evie’s moans and screams.

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