MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 849  The Unraveling of Divine Intentions

Chapter 849  The Unraveling of Divine Intentions

             Felicity c.o.c.ked her head to the side, a playful glint in her eyes. "Fight?" she mused, "Heavens, no. I have no desire for conflict. That"s the very reason all of you are still breathing right now. Let"s not resort to savagery."

Ren and the others exchanged puzzled glance.

"Then what exactly do you want?" Ren inquired.

Felicity"s grin widened. "Simple. I want that creature called Lorelai."

Ren narrowed his eyes at Azazel, who merely chuckled nervously in response, couldn"t meet his gaze.

"And what precisely do you want with Lorelai?" Elena pressed.

But Pamela already knew the answer. If word got out that Lorelai was an angel and demon, everyone would undoubtedly vie for control over such a potent being.

They sought to conduct experiments on her, seeking answers as to how she could contain both light and darkness within her — a feat deemed impossible for any being across realms.

With the fusion of both light and darkness, individuals like Lorelai possessed the potential to ascend to a level of invincibility that could challenge even the mightiest of G.o.ds.

Before such a phenomenon could occur, every deity coveted the extraordinary power she wielded, yearning to claim it for themselves and ascend to unprecedented heights of divine prowess.

"Let"s just say her abilities will elevate me to a Paragon," Felicity declared, her smile taking on a sinister edge.

"A . . . A Paragon?" Pamela"s eyes widened in realization.

"What"s a Paragon?" Iraelyn queried, seemingly unfazed by the tension.

Pamela explained with a sense of urgency. "A Paragon is the pinnacle of power in the Heavenly Realm! Or any realm for that matter! It"s little more than a rumor at this point because no one has ever reached such heights of power."

"Hmm . . ." Iraelyn muttered, feeling discontented. "Seemed like something you G.o.ds would do."

The advantage of being ignored was somewhat comforting, yet the downside was undeniable: it felt as if everyone looked down on her. No. Pamela was certain that they were looking down on her. While part of her appreciated the solitude, another part struggled with the blow to her pride as a G.o.ddess.

"So, I was right," Iraelyn chuckled, this time with a hint of self-satisfaction. "You"re afraid that if you leave your domain, your enemies will overpower you! Without your domain, you"re nothing!"

"H-hold on . . . let"s not anger her anymore." Elena attempted to intervene, but it was too late; Felicity was already seething with rage.

Felicity"s eyes blazed gold as divine powers coalesced around her in suffocating way.

"You"re in for it now," Malifira chuckled, enjoying the show like she didn"t care if Iraelyn was in danger.

"That fool. Instead of aiding us, she"s about to doom us all," Desira muttered.

"I"ve changed my mind," Felicity declared, pointing angrily at Iraelyn. "You won"t leave here alive. I"ll teach you a lesson for looking down on me."

"Heh, bring it on," Iraelyn retorted with a loud roar.

"Insolent fool! Know your place!"

Ren sighed and messaged his temple. "You"re no match for her in her domain. Have you forgotten about your laughing fit?"

Iraelyn"s smile faltered, but her resolve remained unshaken. "I"ll break that spell with my bare claws!"

Ren shook his head in exasperation. She was indeed a hopeless case.

"I will have your life as payment for your transgression!"

Felicity"s wrath was a tempest waiting to be unleashed upon Iraelyn. But just as she was about to deliver the decisive blow, Ren acted swiftly.

With a flick of his wrist, Ren retrieved a set of intricately adorned runes from his inventory. These items had been crafted by him in case something like this happened. It cause him rare materials, and time, so it better be all worth it in the end. The [Runes of Nullification] hung suspended in the air like ethereal floating stones, its presence casting a serene yet potent aura across the surrounding s.p.a.ce. Within its encompa.s.sing circle, the laws of magic bent to its will, rendering all spells inert regardless of their nature — be they boons of blessing or curses of malice.

In an instant, Azazel and the others ceased their laughter, their expressions shifting from amus.e.m.e.nt to bewilderment as the magical restraints that bound them dissipated into nothingness.