MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 110

In a remote area that belongs to the City of Swords, the place was a gigantic crater, which was not very deep, at the end of the hole there were some wooden and straw houses, some houses were broken and destroyed, some NPCs lived in that area. This place was the Broken Village.

At the crater border, you could see a person dressed in a black cloak and mounted on a white wolf, both Liu Yang and Little White. After Linda left to train, Liu Yang went to Broken Village, he would try to solve the village"s problem.

According to information from the other players who bought this property, during the construction of buildings increasing the value of the property, many strange voices were heard before the working NPCs fainted at the site, and the players started to die from something. This situation only happened at night.

Because of this, the first owners decided to build the buildings only in the morning until late afternoon. This plan worked, they managed to finish building a small town in a few weeks.

However, the problem has not yet been resolved, during the night the players who stayed in the city to rest began to die, they were suffering damage from being inside the city. This made many realize that there was something strange about the place that caused the NPCs to pa.s.s out and kill the players.

The owners tried to figure out what was going on, but it was vain, none of them could figure out what was causing these things. One thing everyone knew, quest, players understood that the only way to stop these things was by completing a quest. So the owners tried in every way to find traces of the quest, but nothing was found.

And so it was successively, for hundreds of years, many players bought the Broken Village, but in the end, all returned the property to be able to recover some of the losses. None of the players who bought the place could find the quest.

When Liu Yang read about the Broken Village in the community, a thought immediately came to mind: Souls.

As the player who would inherit the Master of Souls cla.s.s, Liu Yang already had a lot of experience with this kind of thing, so he immediately thought of souls when he read this information.

Little White carefully descended the crater, the strong wind began to blow, the wolf"s hair was swaying in the wind. When Liu Yang reached the end, he saw that the place was completely lifeless, the NPCs living there seemed soulless and were lying on the floor.

When they saw Liu Yang, a mysterious glow appeared in each of their eyes, but it was quickly replaced by fear, for some reason they were feeling danger emanating from Liu Yang"s body. That was the power of the See Souls ability, the souls who possessed the NPCs were afraid of that look.

"I want you to gather all the inhabitants of this little village in that house over there." Liu Yang spoke in the language of souls and pointed to a house made of wood. He spoke to a thin middle-aged man and looked almost dead.

"Yes great master" The NPC responded in the language of souls, he did not dare to question Liu Yang"s order and did as he asked. The NPC knew that Liu Yang could see him.

Seconds later…

The interior of the house was empty, there was no bed or any other furniture. The ever-empty spot was filled with seven people, Liu Yang and six NPCs. 

The language that everyone will use in the next dialogues is the language of souls.

The NPCs were in the same situation, thin men and women who were near death.

"Great master, what kind of orders do you have for us?" The NPC that Liu Yang saw earlier spoke, he understood that Liu Yang came for some reason. His name was Duval Thorp.

"I wonder what is going on here, why are you possess the bodies of these people?" Liu Yang asked with a solemn look, he was looking straight at the souls that were behind the bodies of the NPCs. Souls were not inside them, but outside, and there was a small line connecting soul and body.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Great master, we can explain on this subject. All the bodies we possess are near dead bodies, with our help they are living very well. But for some reason, none of them can leave this crater.

Having possessed these bodies for so long, we explored this great crater and found that beneath it is something impressive, a bright orange stone. For some reason, within the stone, many souls are going mad, and whenever night falls, those souls come out of the stone to wreak havoc around the crater. "The soul that was possessing Duval Thorp"s body spoke, he didn"t hide anything from Liu Yang.

"I see ... Could you show me the way there?" Liu Yang asked he was curious about this stone.

"Great master, we can take you there, but it is very dangerous for us, souls to approach, we will not be sucked in if we get too close."

"Can you show me where the place is? You don"t have to follow me. "

"If the great master wishes, we will lead the way." The NPCs stood and began to guide Liu Yang.

The place where they went was an abandoned house, Liu Yang and Duval Thorp entered the house while the other NPCs were outside, they were curious to know what would happen.

The interior of the house was simple and had nothing either.

"Great master, this is the entrance to the underground" Duval Thorp recited a spell and a small hole was opened, the end could not be seen.

"Is it possible to close the hole after I come in?" Liu Yang wanted to make sure no other players would show up at the place.

"Yes, if the great master wishes, I can do it"

"I appreciate it." Liu Yang jumped into the hole and Duval Thorp recited the spell again, and the hole closed, he left the house and returned to where he was before.

Inside the hole, the place was dark while Liu Yang was falling, he didn"t know how much time was left to get to the ground.

Some minutes later…

The dark place began to turn orange, it took a few seconds for Liu Yang to reach the ground. The light in the place was entirely orange.

Looking around, Liu Yang saw that there was nothing, but when he used the ability to see souls, he saw thousands of tens of thousands of souls screaming wildly as they tried to escape, but always. .h.i.t a kind of barrier.

In the center was a small stone altar with a rectangular stone on top, Liu Yang looked closely at the stone and read the following sentence: World Jewel - Illusion.