MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 116

When the old man looked at the strange symbol Liu Yang had made, he was surprised that this was one of the pa.s.swords for opening one of the bank vaults.

"Sir, follow me." The old man understood that Liu Yang came to get something from the vault.

The strange symbol Liu Yang made with his hands was something only those who knew the secret behind the symbol could do. Treys Alston was the person who created this gesture, he taught Liu Yang after the quest was completed.

Liu Yang followed the old man to the vault room, the room was the same as Liu Yang had visited before, the only thing that changed was the bank location. The old man left the room and Liu Yang was alone in the room, the vault can only be opened by a special method created by the owner, if the person did not know this method, it would be impossible to open the vault.

The safe that belonged to Treys Alston was the x.x.xX numbered safe, Liu Yang walked over to it. The vault looked the same as many others, all looked the same, the only thing that changed was the way it opened.

"Since the day I saw you, my heart belongs to you, but I don"t know if your heart belongs to me," Liu Yang said, that was the pa.s.sword created by Treys Alston to open the safe.

Those words were Treys Alston"s feelings toward Lyna Oddmind, he fell for her from the first day he saw her on the battlefield, but he didn"t know what her feelings. That was a one-sided love.

A magic circle appeared in the safe when Liu Yang spoke the pa.s.sword, it showed that the pa.s.sword was the correct one, after a few seconds the safe opened and a wooden box appeared.

Wooden Box - An ordinary wooden box that can hold things.

Liu Yang took the box and put it in inventory, he had no time to check the contents. After taking the first box, Liu Yang went into ten more safes to pick up the other items that were left by the hundred souls, that was his reward for finis.h.i.+ng the quest.

Sometime later…

Liu Yang came out of the bank with a wide smile on his face, which showed that he had a great harvest. Although it was not possible to see his face because of the black cloak. This time he didn"t call the descendants of souls, he would do that after opening the boxes.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Liu Yang"s next action was to read the information he got before going to the capital library to see the information about Chip Smith. Liu Yang rented a hotel room in the capital.

Sitting on the bed, Liu Yang opened his inventory and retrieved the wooden box from Treys Alston"s safe.

Opening the wooden box, Liu Yang saw that there were several papers with various written texts. Reading the first text, Liu Yang was shocked by what he saw, it was a plot against the royal family of that time.

"On the XX day of the XX month of the year x.x.x, I, Treys Alston, was on an escort mission for Princess Relyea, the emperor"s youngest daughter of the human kingdom. The mission was to escort the princess to the Duchy of Norton, where the princess would have her engagement.

During the trip, we were ambushed by a group of dressed in black robes, the princess was saved, but we lost a part of the group. One of the killers was captured alive, after using Hypnosis ability to interrogate the, he revealed that this was an order from behind the scenes to try to seize the power of the kingdom.

According to the, within the escort group was a traitor, who was pa.s.sing information to the" group throughout the trip, but before the traitor was revealed, he turned out to be killing the Everyone was caught off guard, and the traitor managed to kill much of the party using poison, the rest of the escort group fled with the princess, we took her to the Silver Forest.

To mislead the traitor, we hid the princess and fled, each of the surviving soldiers running in one direction. Some of us made it safely to a city and reported it to the emperor.

After a few days, an expedition group was set up to search for the princess, we returned to the place where she was hidden, but she was not on the spot. No one knew where the princess had been taken, the only thing we know is that there were no signs of fighting or blood at the hiding place.

Even after many years of searching, the princess was never found. I kept a picture of her as a souvenir. I, Treys Alston, couldn"t complete my mission to protect the princess, this is my biggest regret in my life so far."

That was the letter left by Treys Alston, he wrote after he returned home safely after that incident.

Behind the letter was another paper, this paper was the picture of Princess Relyea Goodwin"s face, she was quite pretty, hair was long, eyes big and lips full. When Liu Yang saw the picture, he felt as if lightning had struck his body. It took some time before returning to normal.

What shocked Liu Yang was the fact that the princess"s photo was ninety percent the same as the young woman he met in Broken Village, but her name was Nina. Liu Yang decided to return to the village to check things out after he took away the World Jewel.

Liu Yang put the box of information in the backpack he received from Mrs. Veola, the only thing inside was the World Jewel and some boxes he took from the bank.

The other boxes Liu Yang took from the bank were opened in succession, the things inside were confidential information about the human kingdom, equipment, rare materials, consumables, scrolls of skill and recipes for creating special dishes.

Finis.h.i.+ng seeing the items, Liu Yang packed everything in his backpack before storing it in the inventory. He opened the quest window to see a new quest related to the Master of Souls cla.s.s, which appeared after completing the previous one.

Quest: Step Two (Part 1) - Congratulations on completing the basic training on the duties of a Master of Souls. Now, the second step will begin, before that you need to be strong enough to carry this burden. Rank A.

Objective: Reach Level 500.

Reward: ????? "

Liu Yang was surprised when he saw this quest, he did not imagine that he would have to reach level 500 before starting the next quest. Looking at his level, he was a little over two hundred, it would take a long time to reach the 500, but there was nothing he could do. The only alternative was to level up to 500 and go to the next quest.

Various kinds of thoughts on this subject began to appear in his mind, Liu Yang was thinking of the best ways to level quickly. He also looked at the leveling guides created by other players to see if he could have any new ideas.

Finis.h.i.+ng up on things inside the room, he would go to the Adventurer Guild to buy information about the current situation of the descendants of a hundred souls living in the human kingdom.

The total cost of information was cheaper this time, just a few thousand gold coins, the cost was that amount because of some families" funds.

After reading the information, Liu Yang decided to visit some of these families and give them a good fortune.

The families that Liu Yang would help were common since some of the souls were just ordinary soldiers when they were alive. Liu Yang began to travel to various locations in the human kingdom looking for these families.

When Liu Yang suddenly gave family members a large amount of money, they were startled at first because they did not understand why he had done so. Liu Yang just said one thing to them: This is what I owe you.

As a reward for Liu Yang"s generosity, some of these NPCs asked Liu Yang to accept their children as his maids and followers. They did this because even having money, they could be robbed or suffer because of humble origin.

So it was better for their children to become followers of Liu Yang and have his protection, he accepted it, and gained new followers and maids. Liu Yang sent them to his mansion, as there was no one there, they could clean the dirt that would acc.u.mulate, they could also live in the houses for the maids.

However, not everyone did this, some handed out items as a reward to Liu Yang, items that were the family"s treasures. Liu Yang gladly accepted these items, as some were quests that still needed to be activated.