MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 119

After the cla.s.s was over, Liu Yang came home and got into the game, he needed to be fast, as the six months were almost over. And Liu Yang at least wanted to reach his goal before that.

Broken Village was still the same as before, with nothing and the NPCs were lying on the floor.

When Liu Yang appeared on the spot again, he saw that the NPCs were no longer being possessed by souls as before, but they were lying on the ground and lifeless as before. Their clothes were torn and their bodies were completely dirty with dust and dirt.

The NPCs saw Liu Yang, but each of them was looking at him with curious eyes as if they didn"t know who he is. Liu Yang understood why this happened, the souls, when the NPCs were being possessed by the souls, they were not aware, meaning these NPCs did not know what was happening to their bodies.

"h.e.l.lo, could you call the other villagers and gather at that place?" Liu Yang spoke in a casual tone to the NPC who was lying on the floor with lifeless eyes. Liu Yang saw that his name was Mark.

"..." Mark didn"t answer, because he didn"t have the energy to do such a thing.

"Eat" Liu Yang gave Mark a piece of cake.

Smelling the delicious smell, the light of life shone in Mark"s eyes, and he immediately got up to take the piece of cake.

"Sir, thank you for the meal." Mark prostrated before Liu Yang.

"Don"t worry about it, this is my duty as the new owner of this place. I have asked, I would like you to gather all the inhabitants of this village in that place here. "Liu Yang pointed to a small open s.p.a.ce that stood between the broken houses.

"Sir, I fear this is not possible, because everyone is too weak to get up, we have not eaten anything for a long time," Mark said with a heavy tone, he could not remember the last time he ate something.

"I see… Alright" Liu Yang started walking around the houses and distributing pieces of cake to the NPCs.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Each of them was crying with joy that they could eat something delicious again. Sometime later, all ten NPCs who lived at the site were a.s.sembled.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I will make a brief presentation about myself. You don"t need to know my name, but you can call me young master, I am the new owner of this place and I wish you could work for me in return, I will give you food, habitation and wealth. Those who accept this, raise your hand. "Liu Yang spoke with a solemn tone.

All the NPCs raised their hands, they had been living miserably for many years now, and now, someone has appeared offering them jobs, food, and habitation, why would they refuse? The NPCs knew that they will have to work hard.

"I thank you all for accepting my invitation, eat first" Liu Yang started to pull some plates of food from his inventory and set it down.

A delicious smell began to cover the place, the NPCs were salivating due to the smell.

"You can eat, this is my gift to you for accepting my request," Liu Yang said, he didn"t mind trying to earn the trust of these NPCs, it could help him win a good relations.h.i.+p.

"Thank you young master" The NPCs knelt before thanking Liu Yang, they began to devour the food.

Sometime later…

"Get some rest after eating, I have some things to do. I need a favor from you, take this. "Liu Yang took some barrels of water, sponge, soap, clothes, shoes, and towels from his inventory.

Liu Yang bought these things after the previous experience when he first came to the place, he felt like vomit because of the bad smell. This happened because the souls, who were owning these bodies, did nothing hygienic with the bodies.

"Young master, this is ..." The NPC understood what Liu Yang wanted them to do, they didn"t understand why, but when they smelled it, they felt like vomit.

"Do you understand now?"


"I want you to take these things to your home and take this too." Liu Yang pulled out many pieces of wood and that was wood to heat the water.

"Yes, young master" The NPCs began carrying barrels of water to the broken houses, then the clothes.

"Nina, I"d like to talk to you in private," Liu Yang told a dirty-smelly young woman, but that couldn"t hide her natural beauty, her body was slender and beautiful.

The other NPCs were not jealous of this scene, as many of them were already old, they understood that their young master must be some young man who liked beauty. Only an NPC who had an envious look on her face was from another young woman who had a beautiful body, but the dirt prevents her from seeing her real appearance.

"Yes, young master" Nina took Liu Yang to her home while the other NPCs went to their own homes.

The interior of Nina"s house was simple and empty, the place had nothing but broken things and dust.

"Young Master, I"m sorry I can"t offer anything" Nina was a little anxious because she didn"t know if Liu Yang would be angry or not.

"Nina, you don"t have to worry about that."

"I"m grateful the young master doesn"t punish me." Nina was relieved by that fact.

"Young master, do you mind if I start to bathe?" Nina thought Liu Yang had the idea of ​​seeing her taking a bath and used the reason for talking alone as a pretext. She burned the wood that was around the barrel.

"I don"t care, Nina, while you take a shower, can we talk for a while?" Liu Yang was glad Nina didn"t care about him on the spot watching her take a shower.

"The young master can ask anything" Nina removed her torn and dirty clothes, and a beautiful body appeared before Liu Yang"s eyes, she spun a few times in the front him before entering the barrel.

Splash !!!

The water in the barrel was scattered when Nina entered the barrel, immediately the water became totally dirty.

"Buaaa !!" Nina showed her face out of the water, she couldn"t help but show a beautiful smile when she felt the hot water on her body after so many years.

Liu Yang just smile when he saw this scene, for him, bathing was a normal thing, but for these NPCs, it was a miracle after so many years.

While Nina was rubbing her body and was.h.i.+ng her hair, Liu Yang was looking at her. The dirt had already left her face and the hair was no longer messy and dirty. Her true beauty was shown, her face was beautiful and elegant, long straight hair, big eyes and full lips, and adding to her slim and beautiful body, this made Nina a true beauty.