MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 123

Hearing Nina"s words and looking at the quest information, Liu Yang just shook his head and smiled.

"Silly girl, your young master would do it even if you didn"t ask. But as a beautiful young woman in my arms made this request, there is no refusing "

"Quest Accepted"

"Young master ..." Nina didn"t know what to say about Liu Yang"s words, she just put her face on his chest and closed her eyes. Liu Yang just hugged Nina and let her enjoy this moment.

The duo stayed like this for a few minutes before breaking up.

Nina had a slight flush on her face from her previous action, she didn"t dare to look at Liu Yang and kept her head down.

Looking at Nina"s shy att.i.tude, Liu Yang realized that this was one of the benefits of having a good relations.h.i.+p with NPCs. If Liu Yang didn"t have it, and he tried to do something like that, Nina"s face would be indifferent and emotionless.

If something were forced as before, when Nina said that Liu Yang could do whatever he wanted with her, their relations.h.i.+p would never be improved, as that would have prevented any advance in the relations.h.i.+p with the player.

Fortunately, Liu Yang was not that kind of person and managed to form a good relations.h.i.+p with Nina.

The two left the broken house, they noticed that everyone was already in place waiting for them. All eyes were focused on Nina, for she was the only one who had different clothes than other women, one of them had a jealous look when she saw that.

"The servants greet the young master" The five NPCs knelt before Liu Yang

"You can get up" Liu Yang was pleased with this scene, the NPCs no longer looked like dirty and smelly beggars, after a long shower and new clothes, they looked like ordinary people.

"Does the young master have any orders for us?" One of the NPCs asked.

"Yes, I want you to destroy this place and build a new one, the houses can be demolished so that new ones can be built. I will ask for the necessary materials to be delivered here. Is there a problem with that? "

"No young master, we are happy with the young master"s arrangements so that we could live in a better home and have a decent life, we couldn"t ask for anything better." The NPCs knelt and thanked Liu Yang, he was giving them a much better chance of life than before.

"You can rest first, I have some things to do. You, follow me, Nina comes too. "Liu Yang pointed to a small loli that looked fifteen or sixteen years old. She looked like a little porcelain doll after taking a shower and changing clothes, her name was Sophie.

"Yes, young master" Sophie walked over to Liu Yang, the three of them headed back to Nina"s house under the strange eyes of the other NPCs.

Liu Yang had caught the only two young woman who lived in Broken Village, they realized that their young master was someone who liked beautiful girls. But that was something personal of Liu Yang, and they had nothing to do with it. The group of NPCs began clearing their surroundings before destroying the houses.

Inside Nina"s house.

The three were sitting in wooden chairs around a table, which Liu Yang had taken from his inventory, the two little girls were eating snacks while they had beautiful smiles on their faces. They have never eaten anything so delicious before.

"Is the food good?" Liu Yang asked he was looking at the two beautiful young women who were eating and drinking happily.

"Yes young master, this is the first time Nina has eaten anything as good as that," Nina commented, Sophie just kept eating without paying attention to Liu Yang.

Looking at this scene, Liu Yang could only sigh, the conversation he had with souls

before entering the hole, where was the World Jewel, began to appear in his mind.

When the group of NPCs was still being possessed by souls, Liu Yang had a good chat with them about various things, and one of it was about the past of the two young women, who were eating cheerfully, in front of him.

Going back some time ago…

Inside the broken house, the six possessed NPCs were talking to Liu Yang.

"Can any of you see the memories of the bodies you possess?" Liu Yang asked he was curious to know why they are living in a place like this.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Yes, we can." The NPCs responded at the same time.

"You can talk first." Liu Yang pointed to Sophie, who was covered in dirt and had her clothes torn.

"Young Master, the owner of this body was named after Sophie Penny, she was someone who belonged to a n.o.ble family called Penny, her father"s name was Jordon Penny and her mother was named Agnis Kirby, because of some conspiracies, they lost everything. Her parents were killed, luckily Sophie managed to escape.

Sophie only got here because of the special carriage she had, I possess her in time before she starved. I used her body to eat some fruits and herbs because she didn"t have the strength to do anything else. "The soul briefly told the story behind Sophie"s past.

"Young master, this body here is a spy sent to watch Sophie if she tried anything strange, the owner of this body had the order to execute her. The person who sent the order was someone named Gefferd Penney, he is the younger brother of Jordon Penny and was Sophie"s uncle.

Gefferd Penny is a greedy, envious and jealous person, he envied the fortune his older brother had and conspired with the enemies of the Penny family, the Kent family. They planned to invade the Penny family property and take it by force, the Kent family only dared to do so because they got strong support from someone influential in the Imperial Capital.

After the lands were taken, Sophie"s parents were killed by the, she managed to escape because her parents gave her a special treasure. As long as she does nothing out of the ordinary, nothing will happen to her, despite being ruthless with his older brother, Gefferd Penny was sensitive to his niece. "The soul of the other body told the things he knew about the subject matter.

"I see ..." Liu Yang understood some things from the words of the two souls.

"It"s your turn now." Liu Yang pointed to the other girl, she was the second girl in the group of NPCs. The person Liu Yang pointed out was Nina.