MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 141

Publishedat 30th of September 2019 06:00:29 PMChapter 141

Somewhere in the kingdom of white elves, this place was very far from the imperial capital .

The mood in the place was heavy, the strong winds cut to the horizon, in the dark sky, you could see thunder lighting the place, heavy rain was falling, the floor was made of soft red sand . The name of this place is Wet Sand Desert, the desert was named after the rain that never stopped, the rain happened twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, thirty days a month . That is, the rain lasted all year .

During this violent storm one could see two people dressed in a black cloak, one of them was mounted on a giant lizard five meters high and ten long, while the other was mounted on a black snake with white stripes, it was two meters high and fifteen meters long .

"Interesting… Human, I don"t know who you are or what your goal is, but you messed up my plans by saying you got both Black Sh.e.l.l in the realm of white elves . But since you did it for a girl, I can forgive you a little, but that doesn"t mean I won"t punish you for your indirect intrusion . I"ll be looking forward to meeting you . "The person who spoke was mounted on the lizard, the other person was silent .

brrr-boom! brrr-buuum! trommm!

A loud sound was heard, it was thunder, everything in the place was lit . But both players and the mounts disappeared .

Liu Yang did not know that his actions harmed other people, especially this person dressed in the black cloak and was mounted on the lizard . This person was the real thief who stole the Black Sh.e.l.l .

But how did she do that? This is a story for another time .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntWhen the leaders of the most influential groups in the kingdom of white elves were having their meeting . They deduced that someone from the realm of white elves was responsible for the theft, Liu Yang"s actions indirectly hit the person dressed in the black cloak . He did not know that .

The meeting between the two will be at a future time .

Going back some time ago…

In Stone Village…

Liu Yang, Little White, Nina and Sophie, the group were running through the maze to try to get off the mountain and escape the pursuers . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

Nina led the group to the exit after running for a few hours through the maze . The other side of the mountain was a large dense forest of green trees .

The mountain wall was opened and the group appeared, they finally came out of the maze .

"We finally got out of the maze," Liu Yang said, he was already tired of walking that dark path . The same was true for the other three .

"Young Master, the Mountain Guard Village is in the center of this forest, they are the guardians of the forest and prevent anyone who wants to harm them no matter who they are . Young master, as long as none of us do damage to any creature in the forest, we can get to the village quickly . "Nina spoke in a serious tone .

"Alright Nina shows the way, we need to hurry" Liu Yang looked at the mission and saw that it had been a day since it was accepted . He had only nine days left, and as it took five days of travel to the village, they needed to hurry .

"Yes young master, follow me" Nina mounted her horse and carried, Liu Yang, mounted Little White, while Sophie mounted her horse . The group charged toward the forest .

The current Nina was no longer the weak one from before, after receiving the princess"s necklace, her status was updated and she became much stronger than before . If the previous Nina was just a level 1 NPC, now she was level 250 and her tier was elite . Nina will get stronger over time if Liu Yang can help her with her quests .

Across the mountain, the group of NPCs and players finally finished attacking the mountain, as they realized that something was wrong .

"Stop attacking, we"ve been attacking this mountain for a whole day, but there"s no scratch . Why can"t this mountain be broken? "The commander said, he was annoyed by this situation .

"Commander, I think that to enter the mountain you have to find the entrance, otherwise it is impossible to enter . I sent a message to those who came to this place earlier "One of the soldiers spoke .

"Why didn"t you tell me this before ?? !!! We wouldn"t have to waste a whole day trying to dig a hole in the mountain . "The commander shouted, he was very angry with that .

"Commander, you didn"t want to hear any suggestions, so I didn"t dare to speak . "

"You… Alright, this is over . Soldiers, look for the secret entrance that may be on this mountain! "The commander shouted .

"Roger !!!" The soldiers began to scatter and search for the entrance .

The players were looking at this scene with weird eyes, they knew it was part of the quest, but they lost a whole day to it .

"Leader, should we help these NPCs? A day has pa.s.sed since the quest was accepted, we have only nine days to capture our target . "

"Don"t worry, this is part of the quest when the time comes, we will do our job . Let"s stay still for now "

"The subordinates understand . " Players would rather stand still than help the NPCs .

Sometime later…

"Commander, I found the mechanism to open the door!" One of the soldiers shouted .

"Let me see . " The commander hurried over and walked over to the soldier . The mechanism for opening the door was similar to a small table with some numbers .

The players also looked at it and realized what it was, there was a small puzzle, the table drawn on the stone was sudoku . Players didn"t know if NPCs could solve that or not .

"Can anyone solve this problem? !!!" The commander shouted, but no soldier answered .

"And you???!!! Do any of you know how to solve this problem? "The commander was annoyed when he saw that none of his soldiers could solve the puzzle .

Hearing these words, the players understood that it was their turn to do the work .

"Commander, I know how to solve this," The leader of the players" group said, after a brief discussion, he manifested, to gain a good impression from the commander, he would ask for help from his teammates to help him solve the sudoku .

"Very well, if you can solve this problem, I will give you some merit points as a reward . " The commander told him, the merit points were to be distributed to the soldiers, as it was useless to him .

"I appreciate the commander for that . " The group leader was happy with that, he and another player went to the rock to see what sudoku was like . When they saw that, they were both happy because the version of sudoku was an easy difficult .