MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 144

Publishedat 30th of September 2019 06:00:26 PMChapter 144

Two days later…

The group of NPCs and players were still in the maze inside the mountain, they were already trapped inside for over two days . They had already visited eighty percent of the maze .

The process was lengthy because many players were already bored with this long search, so many of them left and returned sometime later . That delayed the leader"s plans a lot, but there was nothing he could do because he was bored too .

After a few more hours, the two groups finally finished mapping the maze, and in one place they found a stone with another sudoku to complete .

(This again ??? !!!) The leader and the other player exclaimed in their minds, they were already tired of playing puzzle, especially after having stayed all this time inside the maze .

"Can you complete this challenge? We have already lost a lot of time in this maze, our target may already be far away . "The commander said, he was very angry with this situation .

"Yes, Commander, but this challenge will take much longer than the others . " The leader spoke in a dejected tone . The sudoku this time was at the hard level .

"Alright, as long as it doesn"t take long, it"s still possible to have a chance to capture our target"

"Let"s get started," The leader asked for his subordinate"s help again .

It took them more than five hours to finish sudoku, even with the help of his guild members . The leader took the picture and sent it to the other members of his guild to ask for help .

When the sudoku was finished, the stone shone within a few seconds, the wall moved and an exit appeared . They managed to complete the puzzle .
A white light completely illuminated the place where the two groups were .

"We finally do it…" The leader said, he was thrilled with it .

"Let"s go" The commander had no more time to lose, he knew his target was already far away .

As they emerged from the maze, a large dense forest of green trees appeared before them . The players signed about it, they understood that there will be another tiring pursuit, the players wanted to cry but had no tears for it .

The moment the players left the maze, a system sound echoed in their minds .


"You have entered the Guardian Forest"

"Trackers, use your spells to try to track our target"s footsteps," the commander ordered .

"Roger" In the group of NPCs there were three trackers when they activated their tracking skills . Chasing and Following Steps .

The Chasing ability allows the user to feel the energy of targets that were in place three hours ago .

The Follow Steps ability allows the user to see the steps taken by the targets .

When these two skills were activated, only Follow Steps worked, as it has been more than three hours since Liu Yang and his group left the scene .

"Commander, they went that way . " One of the trackers pointed toward the forest .

"Lead the way"


The tracker began to move, the NPCs and players followed from behind . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

A few minutes after they entered the forest, those with more combat experience felt that something was wrong .

"Commander, we have to be careful, there are many creatures around us"

"Yes, I realized that too . Soldiers, take off your weapons . "The commander ordered, he knew there was going to be a long and hard battle, he figured Nina was in the same situation too . But it was a pity that his thoughts were wrong .

"Leader, what are we going to do?"

"Let"s get ready for the worst, take out your weapons and watch out for anything around . Our target is also in the same situation . In the quest description, it said that we had to capture the target before they got safely to a village somewhere in the forest . I think they also have to go through the same challenges as us . "The leader said, he figured his situation was the same as that of Liu Yang, but it was a pity it was nothing like it .

"Yes," The players spoke together .

(I just hope I"m not wrong…) The leader thought, he didn"t want to think that Liu Yang and his group could pa.s.s through the forest without having to fight a creature .

Both groups followed the tracker through the forest, but this walk did not last long . Around, many sharp eyes were seen .

"Formation" The commander and leader shouted, they felt a chill down their spine when they felt those sharp glances .

Roar !!!!!!!!!!! Roar !!!!!!!!!!! Roar !!!!!!!!!!!

Dozens of roars were heard, the creatures began to appear in the darkness of the corners of the trees . The creatures that appeared were: wolves, snakes, bears, frogs, these creatures were big as giant animals . The wolf, bear, and frog was the size of a car, while the snake was five feet high and ten feet long . These creatures were very large .

Forest Guardians (Level 250 - Elite)

(d.a.m.n !!!!!!!) Everyone exclaimed in their minds when they saw these dozens of creatures staring at them as if they were preys .

Those who were most desperate were the players, as they saw that the creatures were Elite tier . Players were at levels 300 and below as it was the limit for the quest .

This is because Nina statuses have been upgraded to level 250 and Elite tier .

"Leader, what are we going to do? This amount of elite creatures will not be easy to deal with . "One of the players spoke in the chat, he was already nervous about this situation, he and several others .

"We will just follow the NPCs, if they attack, we will help them, otherwise we will do nothing," The leader said, he would try his best to protect his subordinates . Because it was better to sacrifice the NPCs than the players .

"Adventurers, this is the time for you to prove your worth . Check if these creatures are aggressive or not . "The commander ordered, he would sacrifice the players in place of the NPCs, this was part of the quest .

(d.a.m.n !!!!!!! Shameless NPC !!!!!) The players exclaimed in their minds .

"Alright" The leader held back from shouting, he gritted his teeth and started leading his teammates forward, the tracker was a little ahead to guide them .

Everyone was walking slowly as they followed in the footsteps of Liu Yang"s group .

With every step they took, they were feeling as if a mountain were pressing on their bodies, the pressure was too great, the murderous look of the creatures always left a chill on each one"s spine .

Beads of sweat were falling like a waterfall on everyone"s faces .

As they walked, the heavy sensation grew, this was because the creatures were getting closer and closer to the group . Before the creatures were five meters away, now they were one meter away, the murderous look was too heavy for the players to bear . Some were almost breaking .

"Hold on, it seems our challenge is to withstand this murderous pressure as we walk . The creatures will not attack us unless we attack first . "The leader said in the chat, he realized this after this walk .

"Leader, this is hard, some of us won"t hold out for long" One of the players spoke in the chat, many of them were almost on edge because of the pressure . It was not something physical that hit their bodies, but their minds .

The challenge this time was to withstand the mental pressure and move on to the end, which was where Liu Yang and his group were .

A few more minutes later…

Several lights appeared in the group of players, this was the forced disconnect, the players" mind could not stand and be forced to logout .

(f.u.c.k!!!) The leader exclaimed in his mind when he saw this scene . He realized that this quest would be a great failure, he could not understand how Liu Yang and his group made so much progress .

After the leader saw this scene, his mind also collapsed and he was disconnected from the game . Before his image darkens, a notification appears in his view: Quest Failed .