MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 164

After the five skeletons were defeated, the door to the next hall opened. Liu Yang collected the sphere formed by the black smoke and kept it in inventory.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The group went to the next room.

When they entered the hall, the scene was the same as before, the place was dark but soon lit by the torches. The room was the same as the previous two.

Ding… Ding… Ding… Ding…

"Welcome to the Third Challenge"

"Beat the five Desert Archers to advance to the next room"

"The opponents level will be according to the number of group members and their levels"

"Counter: 0"

As before, the message disappeared, but the counter stayed. A few seconds later, five skeletons wearing torn leather clothes emerged, each holding a wooden bow with an arrow clip at its back. They stood side by side in a row, each skeleton a meter apart.

Desert Archer Skeleton (Level 140 - Boss)

HP: 70,000

MP: 50,000

Strength: 3000

Agility: 5000

Vitality: 700

Dexterity: 3000

Intelligence: 1000

Physical Attack: 3500

Magic Attack: 1500

Physical Defense: 2500

Magic Defense: 2500


Explosive Shot - The archer shoots an exploding arrow as it hits the target, dealing 100% magic damage + 100% physical damage.

Quick Shot - The archer shoots five arrows in succession, dealing 50% of the physical damage on each of them.

Explosive Trap - The archer places an invisible trap around it to trap the targets, the trap explodes five seconds later and deals 150% physical damage + 150% magic damage.

Skeleton Fury - Increases physical and magic damage by 200%.

The strategy used was the same as before.

But before Liu Yang could walk toward the skeletons, he was stopped by Little White, it jumped on him to prevent him from walking.

"Little White, what happened?" Liu Yang was surprised by this action of Little White, he understood that something was wrong.

"Auuu" Little White could only howl to speak since it could not speak human language. Liu Yang couldn"t understand what Little White was trying to say, and could only scratch it head about it, Little White just rolled its eyes when it saw that and walked toward the skeleton.

"Little…" Liu Yang wanted to stop Little White, but when he saw that it was sniffing something and suddenly swerved from a certain spot. Liu Yang finally realized what was happening, Little White could detect hidden traps because of its ability to sniff treasures.

Little White approached fifty feet from the tip skeleton, it immediately turned and looked at Little White with those white-flame eyes, then the skeleton made very fast movements, its bow was raised and five arrows were fired, this one it was the Quick Shot skill, five blue numbers appear over Little White"s head, it began to slowly retreat to attract the skeleton, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750.

The skeleton began to follow Little White"s footsteps, for the aggro had been attracted, but it had no scope to attack. As the skeleton moved twenty meters away from the group of skeletons, Little White attacked with all its abilities.

Light Penetration, Furious Claws, Light Burst and Spheres of Light.

The first ability was to charge and attack with great speed, after getting close enough, the second ability was to take down the target, then the abilities were only to deal damage to the target. The skeleton was quickly defeated by Little White and its combination of skills.

After defeating the skeleton, Little White walked over to Liu Yang and showed a triumphant face.

"Good wolf" Liu Yang patted Little White"s head as a reward.

"Auuu" Little White howled happily before going to the girls to get buffs again.

"Nina, use your skills again," Liu Yang asked.

"Yes, young master" Nina used her skills again.

"Roar" Little Blue grunted at Little White.

"Auuu," Little White replied.

The two animals were talking a little.

Nina finished using her skills and the two beasts finished talking.

Little White did its job again, it was the one who defeated all the skeletons again.

The group was slowly advancing in the halls, the next halls were the same as the previous ones, and the calculation of skeleton levels was also the same, the only thing that changed were the opponents.

In the fourth hall, the opponents were the warriors, wizards, and archers together, the total skeletons became fifteen. This fight was quite dangerous because the skeletons were no longer in line, each was separate.

Liu Yang had to be very careful when attracting only one of the skeletons, sometimes he attracted two, despite the danger, Little White managed to defeat them all.

The group leveled several times during the journey through the halls, the ones that leveled the most were Sophie and Little Blue, both managed to reach the level above 100. Sophie was easier to reach that level, but it was harder for Little Blue because it had to share the experience with Liu Yang, Little White, and Liu Yang"s adventurer set.

Little White was doing all the work on its own and started to get exhausted, so the group had to make a long stop for Little White to regain energy.

Liu Yang had a great banquet after the group completed the fifth hall, he made all kinds of foods for the group to enjoy.

The skeletons of the fifth hall were much stronger than the previous four, although there were only five, they were the Commanding Skeletons, though they were still leveled to the levels of each of the group members. Commanders were twice as strong as previous skeletons.

In this match, Little White didn"t fight alone, Liu Yang, Nina, and Sophie also helped, but it was quite dangerous because the skeleton had area attacks. Little Blue couldn"t attack yet because it was very weak, level 103, a skeleton strike had a chance to give Little Blue instant death. Liu Yang didn"t want to take that risk and asked it to stay on the sidelines for now.

After the hard and dangerous battle, everyone sat on the floor and rested, Liu Yang started cooking after that.

Three days later…

Liu Yang and his group had been within the instance for more than three days, with each room they faced, the harder the enemies were, as their levels were rising. Fortunately, the group had two levels 1 horse that could not level, which greatly reduced the difficulty.

After many battles of life and death, the group finally arrived in the tenth and last hall. In addition to the experience gained in defeating the skeletons, the group received the spheres made from the black smoke, they got nine spheres in total.

The tenth hall was different from the previous nine halls, the hall was majestic and elegant, many decorations were scattered throughout the hall. The place looked like the royal hall of a castle.