MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 166

Liu Yang was surprised when he saw the updated skeleton information, and only one word appeared in his mind.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

(Impossible !!!) That was the only word that appeared in Liu Yang"s mind, looking at those statistics, he understood that they could never defeat the skeleton. With each sword cut, any of the four could be defeated instantly.

So the only thing Liu Yang could think of after seeing this information was: Hang on for five minutes.

"Little White, Little Blue, come back" Liu Yang kept the two beasts in the cage, they could do nothing at the moment, and could still delay things.

"Young Master, what"s the plan?" Nina understood many things after seeing the skeleton information, the group only needed to survive for five minutes to win the challenge.

"Nina, you just need to use all your healing and protection skills on me and you. When the effects are over, you can use the ability to continue the effects again. "

"Yes young master" Nina began to use all her protective skills on her and in Liu Yang, several lights began to cover their bodies.

"Are you ready yet?" The skeleton asked it gave Liu Yang and Nina time to make their preparations.

"Yes," They both spoke at the same time.

"Then we can start." The skeleton snapped its bone fingers, and the timer began to slow.



"Do you want to be the ones who are going to attack or will I do it?" The skeleton asked casually, it was not bothering to waste a little time, for it, this dispute was already a victory.

"I will," Liu Yang said, he pulled his Adventurer Sword from its sheath and began to charge.

"Young man, let"s see what you can do." The skeleton was excited to see this scene, it seemed it had not fought for a long time and wanted to feel what it was like to fight again.

Clang !!!! Zzzzzzz !!!!

A sound of metal colliding with metal was heard as Liu Yang"s sword clashed with the silver sword of the skeleton. Sparks were appearing from the friction between the two blades.

"Young master, watch out !!!" Nina shouted when she saw the skeleton raise the golden sword.

"Too late" The skeleton spoke with a funny tone. The golden sword slashed towards Liu Yang"s head, but suddenly the skeleton stopped attacking Liu Yang and changed the direction of the attack, the skeleton placed the sword on its back, as if defending itself from something.


A squeak was heard as something slid through the golden sword, looking at the back of the skeleton it was possible to see a big silver wolf, the wolf was Little White, Liu Yang summoned it when he was attacking the skeleton.

Liu Yang took this opportunity to move away from the skeleton when Little White saw it, it also stepped back and returned to Liu Yang"s side.

"Young man, that was a smart tactic, but it"s a shame you"re fighting a combat expert." The skeleton said, it was surprised by Liu Yang"s tactic, but it was just that and nothing more.

"Little White, come back" Liu Yang called Little White back into the cage.

"Young master, what are we going to do now?" Nina didn"t know what to do at that moment, the only thing she could do was support Liu Yang as he fought.

"Nina, let"s keep attacking head on and retreating. We just need to buy as much time as possible, our goal is not to defeat the skeleton, but to stay alive until the five minutes pa.s.s. "Liu Yang said, he looked at the timer and saw that there were still four minutes and thirty seconds left.

"Yes young master" Nina used her protection skills again to apply the effects of the buffs again, this again increased the time of the effects.

"Young people, if that"s all you have, I think it"s a waste to continue this fight." The skeleton spoke with a tone of loss, it was not impressed by Liu Yang"s skills.

"Old skeleton, we are starting. Little White, let"s go !! "Little White appears next to Liu Yang, he held his sword in attack mode and charged towards the skeleton, Little White also charged along with Liu Yang, both would attack the skeleton at the same time.

"Protective Barrier !!! Self Recovery !!! …"Nina began to cast her supportive skills on Little White, this was to increase its powers and chances of survival.

"Show me what you can do." The skeleton spoke with an amused tone, it was wondering what Liu Yang could do to defeat it or take the time.

"Little White, left attack" Liu Yang ordered, he went right, the two would attack opposite sides. Liu Yang"s sword blade began to s.h.i.+ne a white light, that was the sacred attribute, Nina enchanted his weapon with the sacred power.

"Auuu" Little White activated the Light Penetration and Furious Claws ability. The Charger speed and Little White has increased greatly.

"Come on !!!!!" The skeleton screamed, it raised both swords toward the duo.

Boom !!! Clang !!!! Zzzzzz !!!!

An explosion occurred when the Light Penetration ability struck the skeleton but did no damage, the skeleton managed to block the ability with the sword. At that same moment, Liu Yang"s blade collided with the golden blade of the skeleton, sparks began to emerge as the two blades slide between them.

But one thing surprised the skeleton, when Little White used the Light Penetration ability, it didn"t activate the Furious Claws, it activated during the charge. It confused the skeleton, it thought the glow in Little White"s claws was part of the Light Penetration, but it wasn"t.

Boom !!!

The Furious Claws. .h.i.t the body of the skeleton, and because of the special effects of the ability, it fell to the ground with its back down. This sudden event stunned the skeleton, it did not imagine that it could happen.

Liu Yang and Little White did not rest, they took advantage of the skeleton"s stunning moment and began attacking with every possible skill.

Light Burst, Energy Burst, Furious Claws, Shrine, Heal, Sacred Ground, Furious Bite, b.l.o.o.d.y Claws.

Little White, Nina, and Little Blue attacked with all the skills they had at that time. Liu Yang could only cut with the sword because he had no active ability.

Liu Yang released Little Blue so it can help deal damage, as it was already above 100, the damage dealt by Little Blue was reasonable. Nina also used her abilities that had special effects against creatures that were undead. The amount of damage the group was dealing with was quite high.

But that does not mean that the group would be able to defeat the skeleton in less than five minutes, on the contrary, Liu Yang understood that the skeleton could defeat all of them if it wanted to, but it did not do that, because there was a script to follow.

Since the skeleton was on the ground, it could not activate any of its abilities and could only stand the damage it was receiving. Several red numbers were appearing over the skeleton"s head.

When Liu Yang saw that huge amount of damage dealt, he was surprised and happy that if they could keep up this pace until the end, it would still be impossible because time was too short.

However, not everything was as in the plans, when Little White was going to use the Furious Claw again to drop the skeleton to the ground. The skeleton activated Skeleton Fury and made it immune to negative effects.

"Everyone, get away !!!!" Liu Yang shouted after seeing this scene, he understood that it was very dangerous to be near the skeleton at this time.

"Now, it"s my turn," The skeleton said furiously, it was furious that it had been humiliated by a group of young people. Since no negative effects could hit it, the skeleton began to charge toward Little White, as it had the biggest aggro.

"Little White, Little Blue, come back !!" Liu Yang shouted in a hurry, the situation was dangerous. After the two animals disappeared from the room, the skeleton went after its next target, Nina, as it dealt a great deal of damage to the skeleton.