MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 173

A few days pa.s.sed in the real world, three days to be precise.

The day before, the school where Liu Yang studied was notified that the three girls would appear at the school. 

When Liu Yang heard this, he could only accept that his time had come. Internally, Liu Yang was happy to have the chance to meet the three girls in the real world, for some reason he added Tears on Sky to the group again, as in the delusions created by World Jewel.

Last night, Liu Yang couldn"t sleep well, he didn"t know if it was nervous to visit or meet the girls, or it could be both together. So Liu Yang had a bad night"s sleep and he woke up with a sore body.

By dawn, his parents saw that his eldest son was in a very poor state, eyes full of dark circles and messy hair. They just laughed at this vision and thought that Liu Yang was nervous to see influential people visit his school.

"My dear son, eat your breakfast before it gets cold. Your situation is very common when your father and I were young, we also received such visits to our schools. Although we couldn"t get the attention of these groups, we were able to contact some of them, even for a short time. "

"Your mother is right, you just need to get used to it. My dear son, you are already in the last year of high school, and this kind of visit is common in schools. Influential groups usually pay more attention to those in their soph.o.m.ore year, since it"s the year most of them turn sixteen and start playing the game, you"re an exception because of a few things that happened."

"Your father is right. My dear son, if you are lucky like your father, you can get a government job as an employee. Your father got this job because he helped a little of these people who are part of this influential government-related group. "

"Yes, mom ..." Liu Yang answered vaguely and discouraged, he had a bad night"s sleep and to make matters worse, his body was all sore.

Liu Yang began to eat the bread on the table while watching the news on television.

According to the news, the World Jewel in the kingdom of the dark elves has been found but has not yet been achieved, for the jewel"s guardian was an extremely powerful skeleton dragon whose level and tier were question marks. And the jewel that was in the kingdom of the dark elves was the Blue Jewel.

Hearing this news, Liu Yang was not surprised, for the Orange Jewel"s guardian was also the same.

"Son, you will be late if you take longer to eat," Liu Yang"s father said after looking at his.

"I"m leaving" Liu Yang quickly ate the bread and drank the orange juice before leaving.

When Liu Yang arrived at school, he saw that seniors and junior students were tidy, they tried to look more presentable to the public than usual, even though they were wearing uniforms.

Liu Yang"s colleagues looked the same, their hair is neat, their clothes and shoes clean. Compared to his colleagues, Liu Yang looked a little poor, his hair was messy and his face was dead from a bad night"s sleep and his sore body.

"Liu Yang, what happened ?? You look worse than usual. "One of the three colleagues asked, he found it funny that Liu Yang was all messed upon such an important day.

"I had a lot of trouble sleeping…" Liu Yang didn"t play much the night before, as he and his group were just cleaning up the skeleton king"s treasure room. He disconnected earlier than usual and tried to sleep, but it was a pity it didn"t work out.

"Looks like you had the same problem as me," Another said, though his words didn"t match his appearance. His face was glowing, his hair and clothes neat.

"You"re just talking bulls.h.i.+t. Just looking at your appearance, you had a great night"s sleep and came prepared. Compared to our fellow Liu Yang, he seems to have been playing all night and doing difficult things. "Another said, he seemed more honest with his words, but his appearance showed something else, he was also tidy in the same way as the others.

"You may be talking that way, but each of you is tidy ..." Liu Yang couldn"t finish talking, he lowered his head and closed his eyes, he was very sleepy.

Tong… Tong… Tong…

Before his cla.s.smates could say anything, the bell rang, the students sat in their seats, and the teacher entered shortly after. He was also tidy like his students.

"Good morning my dear students, today is an important day that can change the lives of some of yours. According to the information the gave me, the school showed some of your information to our visitors, I hope you don"t mind that. Another thing I would like to talk about, our visitors can"t show up at this time in the morning because of some setbacks, they will show up later. So for now, we"ll have our normal cla.s.s as usual. "

After Xiao Wuhan finished speaking, he looked at his students and saw that none of them bothered to have the information shown to the three girls. He was relieved by that.

Xiao Wuhan just had this to talk about as informative before cla.s.s. His cla.s.s started without a problem.

Some hours later…

Tong… Tong…

The bell rang again, to warn that it was already in range.

"My dear students, you can eat, I just received the message that our visitors have arrived. They"re in the"s office checking your information and seeing which one of you can get a chance to be tested. "Xiao Yuhan spoke with a cheerful tone, he was glad to see that his students would have a chance to join a famous group. After finis.h.i.+ng speaking, he left the room, letting the students talk.

"Looks like the time is coming, but before that, let"s eat." One of them said.

"We will. I"m already getting hungry after this tiring cla.s.s "

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The lunch break was over, and the students returned to their tables and chairs. Xiao Wuhan came in shortly after, behind him was a beautiful young woman, she wore a white dress with light blue stripes, looked like the sky with white clouds. Her black hair slid over her shoulders to back, her face was thin and elegant. The young girl was Tears on Sky.

Liu Yang was surprised to see her, he didn"t need to think much about the girl"s ident.i.ty, as she looked the same within the game. Liu Yang did not imagine that she would appear first, he imagined that the person who would appear would be Rose or Little Thorns.