MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 176

Sometime after Tears on Sky left the room, Xiao Yuhan also left, he returned shortly after with the other two girls, Rose and Little Thorns, as the two were lady and maid, the two were always together.

When the two appeared, the reaction of the boys was the same, they looked at the pair with hot eyes. While the girls in the cla.s.s had glances of envy, jealousy, and admiration, these emotions were not only because of their beauty but also their influential backgrounds.

"h.e.l.lo, my name is Katty Greenwood, but also known as Rose in New Earth. Nice to meet you. "Rose introduced herself and bowed before the students.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"h.e.l.lo, my name is Tiana, but also known as Little Thorns in New Earth, nice to meet you." Little Thorns also introduced herself and bowed before the students.

"Miss Greenwood, you also chose some candidates to take the guild selection tests, right?" Xiao Yuhan was excited about this, his cla.s.s already had five highlighted students, he hoped he could have more.

"Yes, I looked at and a.n.a.lyzed every information in the reports before deciding on those that have a lot of potential in certain areas. If the chosen one is not satisfied with the area I chose, the chosen one may ask to change areas, but the test will be different. You need to remember this, each guild area has a different test. "Rose said solemnly, she looked at all the students in the room. As her gaze drifted to the corner of the room where the windows were, Rose saw a pair of eyes peering in her direction.

At that moment, she felt as if time had stopped, even though within the game they had some differences, those differences didn"t stop Rose from realizing who that person was.

The man who stole his first kiss and his heart, the man who traveled to another kingdom(this is a lie) and get one of its most precious items for her, the man she met only at random, in the end, they became lovers. He was Liu Yang, even if Rose was out of the game, she would still recognize him, part of that was that she had already seen his picture in the school doc.u.ments.

Little Thorns was also looking at Liu Yang the same way Rose was, for he was also the man who stole her heart and her first kiss. Liu Yang was not showing emotions on his face, he seemed to be seeing some person in front of the cla.s.s internally, Liu Yang was very happy to see the two girls, they were his lovers, at least in the game.

Liu Yang was looking at the two girls with those dead but innocent eyes, the same eyes he looked at Tears on Sky. He was very tired from the sleepless night.

Rose understood that she couldn"t do anything excessive this time, but that doesn"t mean she wouldn"t do anything. Rose wanted to punish Liu Yang for not talking to her all this time and worrying about where he was. But she wouldn"t do that at school, as it could attract some suspicion and he would have a lot of problems, Rose decided to punish him later.

"Does anyone have any questions ??" Xiao Yuhan asked. Since no one raised their hand, he asked Rose to speak the names.

"Do any of you have a problem having your name revealed?" The teacher asked again. No one raised their hands again.

"Miss Greenwood, you could announce the names," Xiao Yuhan asked courteously.

"According to each of your information, I was able to find qualified people to take the guild base test. As I said before, you may decline if you feel that the area I have indicated is not correct, you may ask to change the test. The names I chose are Li Qing, Sun Lei, Zhao Yan, Fan Zexi, Su Huang, .... "Rose spoke the ten names she thought had the basic requirements for taking the screening test.

Like Tears on Sky, Rose chose Liu Yang"s friends, they both did it because of him, if not for that, they wouldn"t be chosen. The only one most likely to be called was Zen Hi, as it came from a slightly above average background.

"Do any of you have any questions about the names Miss Greenwood calls?" Xiao Yuhan asked he was glad that at least fifteen students in his cla.s.s were able to catch the eye of Rose and Tears on Sky.

Students who had the names called showed extremely happy faces, some did not even believe they would be called, others were confident about it. Those who were not called could only be envious and jealous at the same time, they could only sigh about it.

Many students accepted that they were not chosen because the test for their skills test was not opened, even if this is not true.

No student spoke on this subject, they understood that Rose must have recommended them according to their personal information. If the remaining students failed to catch the attention of the two girls, it means they did not meet the requirements, or the correct test for them has not been opened yet.

"Do any of you have any other questions?" Some students raised their hands after Xiao Yuhan asked.

"You may ask." The teacher pointed to the girl who raised her hand.

"Miss Greenwood, how did you meet your boyfriend?" The young woman asked what was the question everyone was curious about, especially the girls. They also wanted to find a young man brave enough to go into another kingdom and take a gift to give them.

What happened to Rose and Little Thorns, that was any girl"s greatest wish, to find someone who would struggle to conquer them. Many girls in Liu Yang"s cla.s.s also dreamed about it.

"This question is a bit personal, I think it might bother Miss Greenwood." Xiao Yuhan was a little awkward when he heard his student"s question.

"Mr. Xiao, I have no problem answering that question," Rose said casually, she wanted to take this opportunity to talk a little about it since Liu Yang was present.

"If Miss Greenwood doesn"t mind, that"s fine." Xiao was relieved by this, he thought his student"s question had irritated Rose. The girls became more attentive when they heard Rose"s confirmation, Liu Yang also paid more attention to her.

"I can say that our meeting was just a coincidence, when I met him, he was just someone who was pa.s.sing through a certain place. At that time, I never imagined we would be together. The time I spent with him may be short, but that was enough to win my heart.

To me, he is a shy and unreliable person, as he had some rather strange att.i.tudes. I just realized that he was someone trustworthy a few days ago when he sent me that gift. At that moment, I thought, If I didn"t catch him, I"d be a stupid woman.

Since he is also striving to have a relations.h.i.+p, I must strive for that too. I can"t leave him alone on this journey. "Rose spoke casually, her words full of love and affection, she couldn"t say much about it, but every word was her honest feelings. Little Thorns felt the same way too.

The two girls always thought Liu Yang was a strange and unreliable person but after that day. They realized that he worked hard for both of them, and only a stupid woman wouldn"t want a man like him.

Liu Yang listened carefully to Rose"s words, he felt touched by her words, he understood that she and Little Thorns belonged to him, and they would do their part to maintain this relations.h.i.+p. Liu Yang started to think of some things about that, he should also take some responsibility after the things that happened.