MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 187

The next day, Liu Yang was woken up by the sound of the calling system, someone was calling him.

Opening his eyes, Liu Yang saw Rose"s picture, she was calling him to know how he was and what he was doing. The two met two days ago, but neither sent a message after that, even in the game.

It annoyed Rose, she thought Liu Yang was very irresponsible for not sending a single message, she regretted not making things harder for him at school.

"h.e.l.lo ..." Liu Yang answered, the image on the other side was shown, he saw that she was smiling, but a cold and malicious smile. Liu Yang knew he was in trouble at the moment.

"Liu Yang, don"t you have anything else to say?" Rose said with a threatening tone, if Liu Yang didn"t say anything that might slow her mood, he would suffer some consequences in the future. She was calling him by name because of that because she usually calls him a shameless boy or anything.

"My dear Rose, how are you?" Liu Yang realized that Rose was very angry because he didn"t send her and Little Thorns any messages. The two girls were upset with Liu Yang because of this.

"So you still remember who I am and what my status is. I thought you forgot after so long without calling or texting me, "Rose said wryly.

"My dear Rose, I couldn"t send any message because I"m doing a very difficult quest right now" Liu Yang tried to explain. It was true that he was doing an extremely difficult quest, but at the moment, his situation was quite relaxed.

"I see ... So tell me, what kind of difficult quest are you doing?" Rose looked sharply at Liu Yang, though it was a simple image of his screen, he could still feel the menacing pressure coming from her gaze.

"Well…" But before he could speak, a lazy voice was heard beside him.

"Young master…" Alexali"s voice was relaxed and ecstatic, it seemed like she had a good night"s sleep after a long session of bed activities.

A thin and slender arm wrapped around Liu Yang"s neck, this image was seen by Rose.

"Ohhh… Liu Yang, it looks like you"re doing a difficult quest right now…" Rose"s face had a little disappointment as she saw that Liu Yang was sleeping with another woman in the game. But this disappointment was quickly hidden.

If Liu Yang had talked to her about this before, Rose could still accept, even if reluctantly, but Liu Yang was sleeping with other women behind her, how would she not be sad about it?

Liu Yang managed to see the moment that Rose"s face was disappointed and saddened by this scene, but he could only sigh about it.

"Honey, call the other girls, they are with you, right?" Liu Yang made a bold decision at the time, he had already done many things behind Rose"s back and always hid many things from her. He would at least give a reasonable explanation for her as her man.

"Liu Yang, you ..." Rose didn"t know what to say at that moment, she saw her man in bed with another woman, but now, did he want the other girls to see him too? What was he trying to do? Rose didn"t know.

"Call them, at least Sister Thorns, she needs to know that too, since she"s my lover too. As for Tears on Sky, you decided if she can see it or not. "Liu Yang said solemnly, he would tell Rose some important things, but not everything is clear, just a few points.

"Girls, come here a moment," Rose called, it looks like the two girls were already at the scene. She did it because she wanted to hear Liu Yang"s words.

In a few moments, Tears on Sky and Little Thorns appeared on the screen, they were surprised to see Liu Yang lying on the bed while a slender arm was wrapped around his neck, both girls realized that the arm belonged to a woman.

A trace of disappointment appeared on Little Thorns"s face, and a glint of disgust appeared on Tears on Sky"s face. Little Thorns was sad because she was Liu Yang"s lover, but he was sleeping with other women and didn"t even tell her. Tears on Sky was feeling disgusted because Liu Yang"s current situation was his brother"s, he was always cheating on his fiancee with the secretary.

"Big sister, this is…" Little Thorns was curious to know what was going on.

"Liu Yang will give us an excuse for being caught in the act with another woman. I called you here to know what he will say, he told me that this was part of a difficult quest he was doing. "

When the two girls heard Rose"s words, they had strange looks on their faces. How was this situation a difficult quest? They could not believe it.

(If you want to lie, at least tell a more plausible lie) That was the thought of the two girls.

"Are you three in Rose"s hotel room? Or somewhere else? Is anyone else but you in place? "Liu Yang wanted to confirm that there was no one but them inside the room.

"No, there"s only the three of us in the room," Rose replied, her hotel room was a private place that only she and the people she trusts can enter.

"All right. Look closely. "Liu Yang moved a little to the side, the call camera also moved.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Liu Yang moved a little closer to Alexali, he wanted to show the girls the name and her status. The first thing that paid attention to them was the beautiful young girl next to Liu Yang, they didn"t bother to look at her name or anything else.

The vision of the three girls was focused on Alexali, as the camera was showing only the faces, they could not get the rest of her body.

(Beautiful !!!!!) That was the thought that the three girls had when they saw Alexali"s face, like a created design, every trace of her face was perfect and without imperfections.

The three of them even felt a little inferior at the beauty of Alexali, a few seconds later, they realized that she was an NPC to see the green HP and MP bar, and besides some information.

The moment the three of them saw the information beside Alexali"s name, the three girls froze from the shock. They never imagined that the NPC who was sleeping next to Liu Yang was a G.o.d tier NPC.

Liu Yang saw the shocked face of the three girls and was pleased with that, at least they could understand a little about his situation. Liu Yang would not tell what he was doing, there was no need to do that, the girls managed to understand a little about his difficult quest.

"My dears, what did you think?" Liu Yang asked casually.

"Shameless boy, where are you now?" Rose asked she changed her tone and the way she called Liu Yang. She never imagined she would see a tier G.o.d NPC that way. Most striking was that this NPC was sleeping with his man while they were talking.

Little Thorns was thinking that Liu Yang had gotten a relations.h.i.+p with Alexali, as they couldn"t be in the same bed without having something like that. Little Thorns began to wonder what Liu Yang had to do to achieve this relations.h.i.+p.

Tears on Sky was surprised to see this scene, she began to think about the amazing things that Liu Yang has done so far, since the day they met a few months ago. Before long, Liu Yang was able to do things that no one else she knew could do. This marked his image in her mind and heart, especially since they were still rumored to be lovers.