MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 193

After Tears on Sky finished talking to her father, she returned to her room and entered the game again. The place where she was was Rose"s hotel room when she arrived, the girls were still in the hotel.

"Little sister, how was the conversation with your father?" Rose figured that Tears on Sky would talk to her father about it.

"A casual conversation, I won"t have much trouble with that." Tears on Sky knew it wouldn"t be as easy as the way she said it, but it wouldn"t diminish her motivation.

"Okay, it looks like we can start our plan already. That perverted boy permitted us to build a village or small city on the territory he got. We can go there if you want. "Rose was eager to see the territory that Liu Yang gained.

"Yes let"s go. Has he given us the coordinates? "

"No, he said it would surprise us all three. I"ll ask him now. "Rose sent the message to Liu Yang.

"What kind of place do you think is best for building a town or village? He"s asking me that. "Rose was confused that Liu Yang had asked that.

"Big sister, it looks like the territory that boy got is not as small as he says he is." Tears on Sky came to this conclusion after hearing Rose"s words.

"I thought about that too, but let"s see what that perverted boy has to show. What kind of place do you think is best? "

"I prefer a bit far from the cities, but that can be accessed with a transport stone, this can increase profits, moreover, the territory he gained is independent we don"t need to pay taxes to the government. That"s a big help already. "Little Thorns spoke her opinion.

"Yes, having the city a little distance from another is a good thing, it will force players to use the transport stone or they will have to travel long distances, but we also need to know if the location has something that can attract players, otherwise it will be useless. "

"I will ask him what the location is like so we can decide"

"Yes, this is the best option"

Rose again sent messages to Liu Yang, she wanted to know what was the territory he gained, he replied with the coordinate of the place and said that everything around it belonged to him. These words were easy to understand.

When Rose put the coordinates on the map and saw where it was shown, she was shocked and paralyzed. Never in her dreams was this the territory Liu Yang had achieved.

Little Thorns and Tears on Sky were surprised when they saw Rose"s gaze, they understood that the territory was extraordinary.

"Big sister, what kind of territory did that boy get?" Tears on Sky asked curiously, Little Thorns was also curious about that.

"Look" Rose opened the world map and showed it to the girls.

"These are the coordinates of the place, and everything around the place belongs to him too." Rose placed the coordinates, the place that appeared was almost at the end of the human kingdom.

Big words were written over the place: Red Sands Desert.

"Big sister that"s…" Tears on Sky couldn"t believe what she was seeing. Little Thorns had to pinch her arm to see if he was dreaming or not. Although not in pain, she confirmed that she was not dreaming.

"Yes, I was surprised when I saw that too. Looks like that perverted boy had helped that G.o.d-tier NPC to defeat the Diamond Snake. "Rose said cheerfully, she never imagined that Liu Yang would be the legendary player who had this achievement. Defeat a Super World Boss by himself. But it was a pity that she and both girls" thoughts were wrong, Liu Yang didn"t have to fight Silali, they just did bed activities.

"Big sister, this does this territory even more amazing, we can build a big city and attract large numbers of players, besides, only those who have permission from the perverted boy can build cities in the territory. This makes us the first and only ones to have a city in the desert since no one could build a city there because it was governed by the Diamond Snake. "

"Yes, that is our advantage over the other guilds and groups, and besides, the city will belong only to us, our group and no one else."

The three girls were extremely happy because of this surprise, Rose and Little Thorns would give Liu Yang a small reward. Tears on Sky didn"t have the guts to do what the other two girls do, so it was going to do something else with Liu Yang.

"I will take my share of the money from the sale of one of the Black Sh.e.l.l, and buy all possible materials to build a big city. The desert will become one of the busiest places for months to come as the Super World Boss, who ruled the place was defeated. "

"Yes, let"s hurry up and plan the city, hire the employees and build as soon as possible. Many players must already be traveling through the desert looking for new items, as it was very dangerous before. "

"Big sister, I"ll take my savings and hire the employees, since I don"t have as much money as you do." Tears on Sky said awkwardly, she wasn"t as rich as Rose after she sold one of the Black Sh.e.l.l. If it were before, both were still at the same level of wealth.

"Let"s go" The three girls joined hands and each used the return scroll to return to town and make preparations.

Rose returned to the Luminous Forest guild headquarters, she would take the money that belongs to her.

Tock… Tock…

"Come in." Wisdom Tree"s voice echoed from inside the room.

"Dad, I want to ask something" Rose came into the room, she saw that her parents were looking at the guild doc.u.ments.

"My dear daughter, what do you want?" Wisdom Tree was curious to know what his daughter wanted, she rarely asked him for anything.

"I want my share money of the Black Bark sale, I want it in platinum coins or materials." Rose sat in the chair across from her father"s desk and spoke.

"My dear daughter, how much?" Wisdom Tree was surprised by his daughter"s request.

"I would like to take it all, or eighty to ninety percent of my share of the sale."

"My dear daughter, you know this is impossible at the moment. We don"t have that much money in the guild vault, we only have the items that are worth that value. "Wisdom Tree was shocked when he heard his daughter"s words, Furious Leaf was curious to know what Rose would do with such money.

"I know that, but is it possible to give me at least half of it? Or give me building materials? "

"My dear daughter, are you building a village or something?"

"Yes, but the amount of materials I need is a lot"

"How much?"

"Enough to build a big city"

"My dear daughter, did you get territory?"

"No, I"m borrowing from someone else, I"ll have to pay a little rent later"

"My dear daughter, is it worth it?" As a businessman, Wisdom Tree needed to see the value of the investment, even if the money belonged to his daughter, he could not give that absurd amount as if it were nothing.

"Yes, very worth it"

"How much?"

"One thousand percent"

"I see ... My dear daughter, do you need any outside help?"

"No, this work is something my group is doing. Each of us will use our own money. "

"I see… Honey, it looks like our precious daughter is starting to enter the business world"

"My dear daughter, where is the place you will build the city?"

"Secret. When construction is over, I will speak. "

"All right. Just give me the number of materials needed and I will send it to you. "

"Here" Rose was already prepared, she handed the scroll containing all the information about the materials needed for the construction of the city.

"This is…" Wisdom Tree and Furious Leaf were shocked when they saw that large amount of material. What was their daughter trying to build? They did not know.

"The scroll has only the materials, the other members of the group will get the employees to build the city"

"My dear daughter, this project is ambitious. Are you sure it will work? "Wisdom Tree trusted his daughter, but what her project was insane. He had no confidence in whether to make a profit or not.

"Father, mother, trust me. This project will yield a lot of profits, it will yield so much that even the guild will want part of this city. "Rose said, she knew that the other greedy members of the guild will try to force her to hand over some of her gains to the guild.

"My dear daughter, I will not let that happen. This project is something you are doing on your own and has nothing related to the guild, none of them can force you to deliver anything. What"s more, you"ve already contributed a lot to the guild, because of the Black Sh.e.l.l, no one has a right to anything in this city. "Wisdom Tree said solemnly, he will not let the other guild members force his daughter to surrender her belongings.

"Thanks, dad" Rose was happy with that.

"My dear daughter, good luck with your project. In a few hours, all materials will be mailed. "

"Thank you," Rose thanked him and left the room.

Sometime after she left…

"Honey, what do you think?"

"I don"t know, her project is very ambitious and expensive. But I don"t know what kind of property she got, but it must be very large and profitable. To make her want to spend so much, it shows that there must be something of value here, but I don"t know what it is. "

"Let"s just wait then"


The couple had a brief conversation before reading the doc.u.ments again.