MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 195

Rose, Little Thorns, and Tears on Sky were already traveling through the Red Sands Desert, since that day, it was given the money back to Rose, she bought all the missing materials to build the city. The materials on the list were already delivered to the mailbox by the guild, she just had to go to the mailbox and pick up the items.

The trip started a few days ago, the group consisted of only three members, the three girls. To avoid suspicion and being followed by undesirable people, the three girls went to Edge City on different days and at different times, they met sometime later in the desert.

The trip to the Red Sands Desert will take a few months at the slowest, and a month at the fastest. The girls used the fastest way, they rented transport vehicles, which was built by the engineers, this skill was part of the manual skills.

After Liu Yang made his request for them to build the city, the presentation of the new member was postponed, the girls would meet in the desert, the four girls. In the Red Sands Desert to be exact.

While the girls were traveling through the desert to get to Liu Yang"s estate, he was traveling through the White Sands Desert, the desolate place of the white elf kingdom, for there was another Super World Boss as ruler.

Liu Yang and his group did not dare to confuse this territory, they wanted to cross the desert as soon as possible. Before any members of the white elf race could find them.

While all this was happening in the human kingdom, something else was happening in the orc kingdom.

The orcs were beings with great innate strength, their skins were greenish, and their bodies were large and muscular, whether male or female, but there were also some exceptions where orcs were born thin and small like humans or elves. This type of orc was hara.s.sed because, in their standard of beauty, orcs had to be big and strong.

The orc culture was similar to the barbarian culture, where the strongest fist was the ruler, they lived in medieval castles and thatched tents. The orc kingdom was surrounded by hot, deserts, finding forests or rivers was difficult but not impossible. Because of this, the places that had forests and rivers were where the great cities of the kingdom were.

But it was different for the capital, as the capital is the most powerful city in the kingdom, it needed to demonstrate power and sovereignty, because of that, the capital was built in one of the kingdom"s deserts.

The capital was surrounded by gigantic steel walls, the main gates were always closed to maintain order in the city. The climate on the site was heavy because of the pressure exerted by the kingdom"s soldiers, the kingdom"s capital was also the military capital of the kingdom. The great orc armies were training through the desert.

The royal palace was in the city center, the busiest place in the kingdom. Millions of orcs were running and pacing, in various places, you could see fighting between orcs. The orc kingdom was the only one of the four kingdoms that could be fought within the cities.

The royal palace was built with black iron that absorbs the heat of the sun, so the interior was hot as an oven, for the palace dwellers, this was a kind of exercise to withstand the hards.h.i.+ps of the desert.

In the royal hall, you could see the orc warlord, and his family was eating and talking, along with other more powerful members of the kingdom. They were all NPCs, but some players had a good relations.h.i.+p with the orc warlord.

The group was eating in peace, but everything changed a few seconds later.

The warlord"s face turned serious and shouted immediately.

"Get ready !!!!" Everyone was surprised when they heard that shout and saw the warlord raise his giant ax. Everyone understood that an enemy had entered the room. NPCs and players took out their weapons and began buffing to increase battle power.

"Who dares to break into the royal palace? Show up! "The warlord shouted, but no one spoke up.

"Hehe… Warrior chief, the security of this palace is much weaker than before, I didn"t even need much effort to get in the front door, besides, everyone is already dead anyway" A dangerous voice echoed throughout the hall. Before black smoke appeared on the floor and turned into two people, one was wearing a black cloak while the other was a skeleton wearing a hood.

"Who are you?" The warlord spoke gravely, he realized that the other side was someone extremely dangerous. NPCs and players were shocked by this development.

"Who am I? You just need to know that I am the one who calls myself as "The True." The skeleton spoke indifferently, to it, everyone in the place is already dead.

"You… it"s not possible !!! You should be dead !!! "The warlord was shocked and scared to discover the ident.i.ty of the skeleton, he knew who he was.

"It seems you know who I am, but that doesn"t change the fact that you will die and a new age will come to the orcs kingdom, an age of destruction and death. Kill !!! "The skeleton ordered.

After the order of the skeleton, millions of black shadows appeared in the room and began attacking the NPCs and the players.

"Get Away!!!" The warlord shouted to his family, his wife activated an enchantment that covered the two youngs, the two then disappeared.

"Honey, as your wife, I will die with you !!!" The warlord"s wife began making hand stamps and thunder began to appear in the hall.

"Attack !!!" The NPCs and players began fighting the dark shadows within the room.

Since the players were different from the NPCs, they could see what those shadows were, who the skeleton was, and the person who was dressed in the black cloak.

The shadows were souls corrupted by negative emotions, the skeleton was a Super World Boss called "The True", could not see its first name. But the one wearing the black cloak was different, the players couldn"t see any information from him, but they knew one thing, he was a player too. It scared everyone.

Because they understood that this was a quest, when the skeleton appeared in the hall, the players in the hall were given a quest, which was to try to hold the fight until reinforcements arrived, if they succeeded, the rewards would be extremely valuable. But if they failed, they would suffer great consequences, the quest could not be refused.

But no matter how hard they fought, the players and the NPCs were dying one by one. In a few minutes, in the hall, there were only four people, the warrior chief and his wife, the player dressed in the black cloak and the skeleton.

"Looks like it"s time for you to say goodbye." The skeleton waved its skeletal finger.

"Ahhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The couple began to scream in agony, their souls were being removed from their body by force.

Their bodies began to tear, blood began to flow like a waterfall.

Two white spheres appeared in the skeleton"s hand, and two sinister glares appeared in the two eye socket.

"Two are gone, now, six more to go" The skeleton disappeared after taking the two souls, the player also left, but before that, accepted a notification that appeared to him.

Ding… Ding…

"World Announcement"

"The kingdom of orcs changed their dynasty, the king, queen and royal guards were killed by a mysterious being. A new battle for ascension to the throne will begin, players of the orc kingdom must choose one of the five candidates and support him during the battle to become the war chief.

"As the dynasty change is about to begin, all players in the orc kingdom will receive fifty percent experience for a month within the kingdom. But this will require choosing a new warlord."

The turbulent and b.l.o.o.d.y times in the orc kingdom are about to begin.

The worst happened inside the royal palace of the orc kingdom, but why didn"t the guardians help the warrior chief and his family? That answer was simple, they are the guardians who protect the kingdom unless something threatens the kingdom, the guardians will not appear.

This worldwide announcement shook all four kingdoms, even the players of the orc kingdom did not know what had happened inside the palace.

Each guild and family of the orc kingdom is meeting to know which candidate they will support to become the warrior chief. Only those at the banquet in the room knew that the royal couple"s children were still alive, and they were the sixth candidates, and these groups will look for the two young and help them rise to the throne.