MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 199

The chart was quite explanatory and easy to understand.

Liu Yang marveled at this discovery, he realized that it was more practical to learn how to do things without the system to increase the efficiency of the items created. But the big problem was: How long would it take to be able to create level 1 items? Liu Yang did not know.

The lecture continued slowly…

Song Xinyue showed some other examples of using other manual skills without the help of the system.

Liu Yang paid close attention to the lecture, he didn"t want to miss anything, that kind of subject was something the school didn"t teach and the student had to learn by himself or someone to teach. At each moment, new inspirations popped into his mind over Song Xinyue"s talk.

The lecture lasted a total of two hours, while the other two hours would be for a debate on the topic. Since Liu Yang had many curiosities, he asked Song Xinyue.

The young man who came to observe her was not happy with this situation, as Song Xinyue was responding and talking happily with Liu Yang. The pair talked for a while before they broke up.

Song Xinyue finished her lecture and began to pack up, she was glad to have someone interested in her work, Liu Yang thanked her and left the room, he had many new ideas about manual skills.

The lecture week was the most productive week Liu Yang has had since began, he wanted to test all kinds of theories that were spoken in the lectures he had attended.

At first, Liu Yang had a hard time doing things without the help of the system, his food got pretty bad, and the size of meats and vegetables got different sizes. This showed how hard it was to get used to cutting ingredients without the help of the system.

Over time, Liu Yang began to get better at using the knife to cut.

So was Liu Yang"s lecture week, during the day he went to school to listen to the lectures and come up with new ideas. During the night, Liu Yang tested the theories in practice, he stayed in the hole with the girls all this time.

A week spent in the real world, that was a month in the game.

In a spot in the middle of the white elven forest, a hole was cut in the ground and a person dressed in a black cloak appeared. He was Liu Yang, after staying a month in the hole, he finally came out to level.

The girls hid in a different place, as Liu Yang didn"t want to draw too much attention, he asked Alexali and Silali if they had any way to hide at all. Both had a dwelling ring that only NPCs could enter, the dwelling ring was a small house within a ring.

Liu Yang was surprised by this and asked to see the effects of the ring.

Dwelling Ring - A ring that contains the s.p.a.ce of a house within.

Restriction: Only Alexali or Silali may active.

The ring was created especially for the two sisters, and only they could wear it. But since Liu Yang was their master, he managed to get the girls and the horses inside while he traveled.

The trip through the woods was smooth, but Liu Yang was feeling that something was wrong, because he couldn"t find any creatures and the mood was strange.

(What"s going on? Have I stuck in another quest again?) Liu Yang was looking from side to side, but he couldn"t find anything, the only thing he felt was the strange feeling around him.

Shuoooo… Shuoooo… Shuoooo…

A strong wind began to blow through Liu Yang"s body, he felt a cold down his spine because of it.

"What happened?" Liu Yang was surprised by this sudden event, he didn"t know what was happening.

"Young master, someone is trying to talk to you" A light came out of Liu Yang"s finger and turned into Alexali. As a tier G.o.d NPC, she had some powers no other NPC had. Unlike her younger sister, Silali, Alexali was an NPC and not a creature.

"Alexali, do you know who is calling me?" Liu Yang was surprised to hear those words. This was the first time he had appeared in the kingdom of white elves, how was it possible to have someone calling him?

"Young Master, it seems that the Kingdom Guardian is calling the young master. It has some kind of request to make. "Alexali was surprised by the words she was speaking, she knew the situation of the four kingdoms and couldn"t understand why Liu Yang was being called by the guardian of another kingdom.

"Alexali, why is the guardian calling me? Am I not someone from another kingdom? "

"Young Master, the guardian wants to ask the young master a favor, in return, it will help us with some things within the kingdom of white elves. The guardian didn"t say why it chose the young master, it just said that it"s part of destiny. "Alexali didn"t know why the guardian wanted Liu Yang"s help, she just understood that Liu Yang had something that attracted the attention of the guardian of the kingdom of white elves.

"What kind of favor?" Liu Yang understood that something was going on, but he didn"t know what it was, he could just move on and try to figure out what was going on.

"The guardian wants the young master to find a young woman" Alexali realized what was going to happen next, Liu Yang also understood. For the guardian to ask them to find someone, that person would be the likely heir to the kingdom.

"Alexali, does the guardian want me to find the heir of the kingdom? Why doesn"t it ask someone from the white elf kingdom for that? "

"Young Master, the guardian wants you to find the heir. As for why it was making this request, it did not speak, the guardian only said that this is something called destiny. "Alexali did not know what the white elf kingdom guardian meant.

"Destiny…" Liu Yang muttered that word, he remembered some things in the past. Before, Liu Yang got some information about his cla.s.s and special quests, but he never understood what his cla.s.s was.

The only thing he heard from the NPCs was that he would someday find out what a master of souls was. This discovery made Liu Yang think that the meaning of the master of souls is much greater than he thought.

"Alexali, ask the guardian if I just need to find the heir or I will need to do something else."

"Young Master, it seems the situation is the same as Nina"s. The young master will need to help the heir gain approval to become the ruler of the kingdom, in exchange for this, the young master will receive a property in the kingdom of white elves and the free pa.s.s to travel the kingdom without restriction and punishment. "

"I see…" Liu Yang was surprised by the reward

Ding… Ding…

Quest: In Search of the Heir to the White Elf Kingdom - For the Guardian, finding you is like destiny, because of that, it has chosen you for this arduous and dangerous task. The princess of the kingdom of white elves is missing, it wants you to find her and run away with her as far as possible. Rank: SSS.

Requirement: To be the heir to Herman, the Master of Souls.

Reward: Unoccupied property in the kingdom of white elves, free pa.s.sage to travel the kingdom at no charge, and removal of punishments when dying within the kingdom.

Failure: Loss of all levels.

"Accept - Decline"

(What ???? !!!! Loss of all levels ??? !!!!) Liu Yang was extremely shocked when he read what would happen if he failed. The consequence was insane.

(This quest is SSS rank, for something like that, the challenges are extremely difficult or even impossible ...)

"Alexali, the dwelling ring, can it contain people of other races?" If that were possible, Liu Yang would be more likely to complete the quest.

"Yes, it is possible to put anything in as long as it does not fully occupy the s.p.a.ce." Alexali understood what Liu Yang meant by his words.

"I accept the quest"


"Quest Accepted"