MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 217

The Lands of Fire continued in the same way as three or four years ago. The Crystal Hunt event was also taking place at the time, as the first time Liu Yang left the training ground.

The city was fully decorated in a festive mood. Banners, balloons, dancers and many other things.

A lot of novice players can be seen walking around, while veteran players gathered in the squares to chat and sell things. Many were already waiting for the beginning of the biggest event in the city: The Crystal Hunt.

Currently, Liu Yang was walking around the training ground and recalling the memories of when he was a novice practicing with all kinds of weapons. In order not to be recognized, Liu Yang was wearing a black cloak that covered his body.

The place where he was going was Miss Veola"s mansion, he was still allowed to enter there.

"Stop and identify yourself" The guards crossed blocked the entrance when they saw someone suspicious.

"This is my identification" Liu Yang showed a brooch with a strange design drawn.

"I apologize for the inconvenience" The guards bowed and apologized.

"Don"t worry about it, this is your job." Liu Yang said goodbye and entered the mansion.

"Dear guest, you were already waiting" A maid appeared at the entrance and invited Liu Yang into the mansion. Miss Veola already knew that Liu Yang had arrived.

"Show me the way" Liu Yang was surprised to find that she had already been discovered.

The maid guided Liu Yang to the lady"s private room.

"Miss, I brought the guest"

"You can go out"

The maid bowed to Liu Yang and left. He entered shortly thereafter.

The moment he entered, the sweet, fragrant smell could be felt. Liu Yang was feeling like he was in a flower garden.

At the back of the room was a beautiful woman wearing a tight red dress, a faint touch of makeup could be seen on her face. She was more beautiful than before, she was Miss Veola.

"Ward, are you finally back for a visit? That lady was already getting lonely "She joked.

"Miss Veola, I"ve been a little busy this whole time, forgive me for that." Liu Yang scratched his head and spoke vaguely.

"What kind of subjects do you have today? You didn"t come here just to talk to me, did you? "

"You must know that the Adventurer"s Set must have a level limit, right? And that needs to be updated to break that limit "

"Ohh ... Ward, have you reached the limit yet?"


"I see ... I can help you with this matter, but I need some materials and your blood to do this"

"What kind of materials?"

"Wait a minute, I"ll look for the list here" Miss Veola opened the drawer and started looking, she took a while to find a paper.

"These items"

Ding… Ding…

Quest: Upgrading the Adventurer Set: To upgrade the Adventurer Set, Miss Veola needs some items to do this. Rank: F

Necessary items: Low-Quality Refining Stones - 1200, Low-Quality Strengthening Stones - 2400, High-Quality Refined Iron - 4800, Blood - 10 liters, Coins - Ten million gold coins "

"Accept - Refuse"

(These items are cheap, but the quant.i.ty of them is absurd, the gold coins are also many. It looks like the next update will be much more expensive than the first) Liu Yang looked at the quest and reflected. Upgrading the Adventurer Set would be a very expensive thing.

"Okay, I will bring these items" Liu Yang agreed, he needed to level the set, as it was his most powerful equipment for the future.

"Quest Accepted"

"I thank you for trusting me to do this task. I will be waiting for your return "

"See you later" Liu Yang left the mansion and went directly to the bank before going to an auction house.

Buying items at the auction was easy, Liu Yang just needed to list the items he needed and the system was already looking for him. He quickly purchased all the necessary items.

As the items were of low quality, the price was not very expensive, only a few dozen or hundreds of copper coins. After buying everything he needed, Liu Yang returned to the mansion.

"Miss, I brought the items"

"They are the people who will take your blood. Sit back and relax "

Liu Yang was already sitting on the couch, while three maids appeared, two made deep cuts on him, while the third was healing. Liu Yang"s HP decreased and increased while the blood was stored in a large barrel.

The blood draw took some time to finish.

"Miss, why did you bring me here?" Liu Yang asked curiously, Miss Veola took him to her room.

Liu Yang smelled a sweet and delicate smell when he entered the room. After a.n.a.lyzing it for a while, he realized the room was large with a double bed, bookcase and fully decorated with expensive things.

"Here, we can talk with more privacy. Sit down "The lady spoke mysteriously. The two sat facing each other while sitting at a table.

"What kind of private affairs do you want to talk about?"

"I would like to know what your adventure was like. Did you enjoy being a Master of Souls? " Miss Veola"s tone was ominous. Chains pinned Liu Yang to the chair.

"!!!!!!!" Liu Yang was shocked when he heard her words. He never imagined that she already knew about this subject.

"Ward, you must be wondering how do I know about this, right?" The lady got up and walked around Liu Yang from behind while her fingers roamed over his body.

Liu Yang could only nod in agreement, he was unable to speak or move.

"From the moment you took the box inside the mountain" Miss Veola sat on Liu Yang"s lap, the two of them were facing each other. She spoke mysteriously.

(Did she know all along ?? Who is she ??? She must be a very important NPC to meet Herman. Her scent is amazing while her thighs are soft) Liu Yang wondered.

His mind was thinking of something else, the feeling that Miss Veola"s body was very good for Liu Yang. He even got hard unintentionally.

"Ward, even in a situation like that, can you still hard? You are a perverted boy, "she said in amus.e.m.e.nt, as she moved her body back and forth. This further stimulated Liu Yang"s little friend.

(This witch ... She is trying to provoke me in some way ... If I could move ...) Liu Yang was cursing Miss Veola in his mind.

(Master, if you want to push this witch, you can. She is trying to get the master to do this.) Alexali"s voice echoed in Liu Yang"s mind.

(Why would she do that?)

(Because she is a Spirit of the Spiritual World, but she gained a body and lives like an ordinary human, but she has a time limit that she can live in this world before she is forced to return to the spirit world, I think the time is running out. This woman must want the master to make a contract with her) Alexali knew a few things about Miss Veola.

(Alexali, do you know her?)

(I"ve heard stories about her. This woman is a spirit that Herman brought from the Spirit World, but he never made a contract with her, he gave her a mission: to wait for his heir)

(Is that why she knows I received the box?)

(Yes, she is the person who is waiting for the person who took the box and completed the inheritance. But I don"t know why she is trying to seduce the master. If she wants to go to bed with the master, the master can push her hard)

(Just do it. She"s asking for it) Silali was more playful than Alexali, she did something insane from inside the ring.