MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 223

White clouds completely covered the mountain as the cold wind blows in all directions. But quickly, the weather was already changing, black clouds, rain, and thunder cover the sky. In another instant, snow and the penetrating cold.

This was the climate at the top of the mountain where the Temple of Kings was located.

If someone looks down, that person would have a cold spine because of the height.

Players began to appear and fill the entrance to the temple. Within hours, the players who resisted until the end finally made it to the temple.

The Temple of Kings was gigantic and had four floors, the temple was made entirely of stone. A majestic and ancient aura could be felt, the two gates at the front were made of stone with various designs of humans wearing armor holding weapons.

The temple doors were not yet open for players and NPCs to enter.

"The Heavenly Gates will open soon. Get ready to enter. Only those who are with your companions can enter "A message appeared to everyone on the scene.

"The gates will open !!!!"

"Let"s go!!!"

"It seems that everyone needs to be with the NPCs for this"

The players were excited to enter the place, the players who didn"t have the NPCs, they brought them in some way, some were still hiding.

The gates were opened slowly. When the players looked inside, they saw that there was only great darkness. This shocked them all, as it was different than usual.

"What is happening???!!!!"

"Why is dark??? Has anything changed ???? "

"It looks like the challenge this time around will be very different than usual"

Many conversations and screams echoed after seeing that the interior of the temple had changed. None of them knows why this happened, but none of them backed down.

The players who were accompanied by the NPCs started to enter the temple, they disappeared into the darkness after entering.

It took a few hours for everyone to enter, the players who did not have the NPCs were the last to enter, they took the NPCs from some before entering.

"Welcome to the Temple of the Kings. Here rests the weapon of the ruler of the human kingdom. If you pa.s.s the challenge, you have the right to inherit the throne. Your partner has the right to help you get through this ordeal, him and his resources. " A message appeared after Liu Yang and Nina entered the temple.

Before entering the temple, Liu Yang took her out of the dwelling ring. That way, he could enter without a problem, and Nina"s pursuers could only track her after she entered the temple.

The place where Liu Yang was was like a battlefield, where he and Nina were the only two alive while the other side was full of enemies. An army of the undead was on the other side waiting to charge.

"The challenge is simple: Defeat the army of the undead to be able to inherit the weapon."

Ding… Ding…

"Quest: Inheritance Challenge: The Supreme Guardian of the human kingdom has proposed a challenge for you and Nina, you both need to defeat one hundred thousand undead to pa.s.s the challenge. You can use all of your resources to help Nina. Rank: ?????????

Reward: Nina will become the ruler of the human kingdom (if she wants to), her rank will rise to G.o.d.

Objective: Defeat 100,000 living dead.

Failure: Loss of the right to inherit the throne. "

"Quest cannot be refused"

"Can the challenge begin?"

"Yes - No"

"Nina, are you ready?" Liu Yang turned and looked at her.

"Young master, I"m afraid ..." Nina was not confident in completed the challenge.

"Silly girl, did you forget that we are with you? You are not alone anymore "Liu Yang embraced Nina gently and lovingly.

"Young master ..." Nina was welcomed into Liu Yang"s warm embrace. The insecurity was disappearing after remembering that she was no longer alone and that she had friends around.

The hug lasted for some time before Nina left.

"Young master, give me some encouragement" Nina removed her clothes. Her beautiful naked body appeared before Liu Yang.

After so long without doing activities and seeing Liu Yang doing with other women. Nina felt envy and jealousy, now, she also wanted to do before the battle.

"Nina, I will encourage you in every possible position" Liu Yang pushed Nina down.

"Master, encourage me too !!!" Silali left the ring in the middle of the duo"s activities. As she was a Liu Yang"s contract beast, she was one of his resources and could go out onto the battlefield. 

Sophie and Alexali cannot leave the ring because they had a master and slave contract with Liu Yang, but that did not count as his resource. They were third parties.

The only things that counted as a resource were potions, items, and contract beasts. The rest was considered a third party. 

The trio did activities for several hours before lying on the ground to look at the dark sky. They were very tired, mainly Liu Yang, he had to satisfy a wild beast like Silali. She was a tireless and insatiable beast.

"Nina, are you ready?" Liu Yang and Nina got dressed, both were using their new level 500 gear. The gear Liu Yang bought from Veola.

"Yes, young master. Nina is encouraged and prepared "Nina was wearing a set of white cloth clothes with blue stripes. Its charm has been taken to a new level. She was graceful and pure as a maiden.

The set was for the healer cla.s.s, but only NPCs can use it.

Liu Yang was wearing a set of light armor, as the Master of Souls cla.s.s was a magical cla.s.s, but had no forms of attack. Only helpers who can attack.

Thus, Liu Yang chose a set that increased defense and vitality but did not need much Strength to use.

"Young master, give me a good luck kiss" Nina hugged Liu Yang and kissed him on the lips. The two hugged and kissed for some time.

"Are you ready?" Liu Yang continued to hug Nina, he didn"t let go after the kiss.


"The challenge can begin"

Ding ...

"The first wave will start. Get ready "The system message appeared.

Pang !!!!! Pang !!!!! Pang !!!!! Pang !!!!! Pang !!!!!

Thousands of sounds of guns. .h.i.tting the ground were heard, the undead began to charge towards the pair. Their speeds were fast, they looked like people running.

Looking away, Liu Yang saw the information about the skeletons they were carrying.

Warrior Skeleton (Level 1 - Normal)

(Level 1 !!!!!) Liu Yang was shocked to see that all the skeletons were at level 1. But after a brief thought, he realized why.

(It looks like the level and rank of the undead will gradually increase. For it would be insane to kill a hundred thousand high-level creatures. A player would not have enough resources for that)

"Young master, they are getting closer" Nina was unable to perceive the skeleton levels. She was nervous to see that a large number of skeletons running towards them.

"Silly girl, stay calm. I"m here with you"

"Yes, young master"

"Guys come here!!!" Liu Yang shouted.