MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 227

Over the next few days, Nina dreamed of new people, people she didn"t even know. This started to scare Nina, as it was impossible for her to suddenly have that kind of dream.

Nina was already getting scared by this situation.

For the next few days, Nina cried again because the young man whispered a few words to her in her dreams.

"Nina, we are with you from now on" Around the young man were three other girls and six more beasts.

The ten were looking at her with friendly looks, but it was not possible to see their faces. This was deduced by Nina by the way the young man spoke to her.

Over the next few days, Nina began to try to understand the meaning of her dreams. She started to ask the older members of the village, but it was useless, no one was able to give a concrete answer to her.

Everyone said the same thing: That everything she was seeing inside the nightmares was just nightmares.

Despite being aware of this, Nina was already getting worried about this subject, because every day, she always had the same dreams and nightmares about those unknown people.

Until a few years pa.s.sed ...

Nina was already twenty years old, she grew up to be a beautiful woman, the most beautiful woman in the village. Many young people want to marry her but were unable to get close to her because of her distant and strange aura. Nina was disturbed by the dreams and nightmares she has had so far, for several years in a row she dreamed of the same thing and the same people that she never saw.

One day, a carriage appeared in the village. The carriage belongs to a n.o.bleman who came from the big city. The people in the village came to greet the visitors.

The youth of the village was placed in the front to greet visitors to see if they could get their attention. Because they can have a better life in the city.

The people who got out of the carriage were a middle-aged man and a handsome-looking young man. The instant the young man saw Nina, he fell for her beauty.

The middle-aged man wore a butler suit while the young man wore fine, elegant clothes from a n.o.ble gentleman.

"Miss, can I know what your name is?" The young man approached Nina and bowed. He was being courteous in his behavior.

"My name is Nina. It"s a pleasure to meet you "Nina"s current appearance was a little different than usual, she had dark circles and a pale face. The past few years have been very difficult for her because of the strange dreams and nightmares she was having every day. Some people in the village even avoided her because of this.

Nina only accepted to appear at the place after much insistence from her parents. They wanted her to see new people.

"Nina ... It"s a beautiful name" The young man couldn"t hide the l.u.s.t in his eyes when he looked at Nina"s body. Despite living like a peasant, Nina grew up very well. The other women in the group were jealous and envious of Nina, they knew she was the most beautiful of all, even with her sickly appearance.

"Young master, you cannot get too close to these people. They can contaminate the young master "The middle-aged man scolded the young man. He has seen this happen many times.

"Young master???" Nina was stunned after hearing those two words.

"Yes, I am a young master from a great family in the capital," The young man thought that Nina was talking to him.

"Young master ..." Nina murmured again. Those two words were exploding in her mind thousands of times.

The speeches of the people in her nightmare started to come together little by little.

"Young master, is Nina beautiful today?"

"Young Master, you also have to take care of Nina"

"Young master, Nina also wants some affection"

"Young master…"

"Young master…"

"Young master…"

"Young master…"

"Nina, from now on, the young master will always be with you"

"Perverted girl, I"m with you too"




"H iin in in hinir"

"Hiin in in hinir"

All the phrases spoken by people close to her in her dreams and nightmares have been heard. The things she said and heard.

"Young master… How could I forget that? Young master… All of you are with me…"Nina started to cry when she remembered the things she had forgotten. She promised herself she would never forget Liu Yang and the others.

Nina looked up and saw that everyone was smiling happily at her. It looked like they were happy to see that she remembered.

"My dear daughter" Nina"s mother gave her a warm hug.

"Mother, father ... The uncles and aunt ... My friends ..." Nina started to sob again when she remembered that her parents, relatives, and friends were already dead.

"My dear daughter, we are happy to know that you are well and living a good life together with good friends. You need to appreciate that and never forget them "

"My dear daughter, your friends are waiting for you. We may be dead, but we will always be by your side, no matter where you are. Because we will always be in your heart. " Nina"s father also hugged her.

"Nina, you grew up. Now, is the time for you to live your life "

"Nina, show the world your strength and beauty. Make us proud of you "

"Nina, we will always be with you. Do not forget that"

"Guys... I ..." Nina started to cry again when she realized it was time to say goodbye. She couldn"t stand the feeling of pain and sadness again from watching her parents, relatives, and friends leave again.

"Nina, we may be dead. But we will always pray for your safety. Besides, you have great friends who will always be with you, right? Your real friends "

"Yes. They will always be with me ... "Nina sobbed. She tried to contain her tears to show a beautiful face on her farewell.

"My dear daughter, this is our farewell. Remember, we will always be with you "

"Yes, mom. I will never forget you all"Everyone smiled beautifully during the farewell.

"Mom, dad ... Goodbye ..." Nina closed her eyes. Her world started to go white before dark.

At the challenge site ...

Nina"s lashes trembled. Her eyes were opened slowly, the image of a young man looking at her was the first thing she saw.

"Nina, did something happen?" Liu Yang wiped away her tears. He did not know what she saw or experienced within the dream.

"Young master? Where I am?" Nina couldn"t quite remember things before she pa.s.sed out.

"Nina, you are still at the challenge site. Are you okay?" Liu Yang was concerned about Nina.

"Yes, young master. I am fine. I just said goodbye to some people very important to me "Nina huddled in Liu Yang"s chest. He hugged her and let her calm down.

"Everything is fine now. We are with you"

"Yes, young master ..." Nina fell asleep in Liu Yang"s arms. She was mentally tired.

A strong light shone and a sword appeared in Nina"s hands. The blade was one meter long and ten centimeters wide, the handle was ten centimeters long.

Golden light can be seen s.h.i.+ning around the blade at one time or another. The drawing of a lion drawn on the blade was s.h.i.+ning brightly before erasing

Roar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Booom !!!!!!!!

A lion"s roar was heard and echoed throughout the human kingdom. A pillar of light shone and shot up towards the sky, the image of a roaring lion was formed before disappearing.

Ding ... Ding ... Ding ...

"Quest Complete"

"Nina became the new ruler of the human kingdom"

"Would you like to have your name on the kingdom"s announcement?"

"Yes - No"


"Human Kingdom Announcement: The player by name, x.x.xx.x.xX, has completed the quest for succession to the throne of the human kingdom. A new ruler will rule the human kingdom. The player"s achievements will be saved in the hall of fame "