MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 243

"Perverted human, you are taking advantage of me !!!" The younger princess"s dissatisfied voice was heard. She and Liu Yang were flying over Little Black while a large fleet of s.h.i.+ps from the allies and traitors were after them.

The younger princess was sitting in the front, while Liu Yang was behind her with his arms around her waist. In the same way that he took advantage of the older princess, he was doing with the younger princess.

The allies were attacking the traitors, while the traitors were attacking Little Black. The traitors" objective was simple: If they take down Little Black and the princess falls to the ground, the quest will be completed.

Because of this, they invested in a total attack, but they also needed to watch out for allied attacks.

"Little princess, you need to hold on. We will go down and travel through the mountains, in this type of place it is better to walk than to be flying "


The pair had already traveled for several hours after they fled the Crystalline Lake City. Little Black flew at high-speed from the beginning. This gave them time to go very far.

The instant the players saw Little Black flying, the big shots immediately boarded the wars.h.i.+ps and chased the blackbird. Before the traitors could embark, they were stopped by the allies.

In order not to spend too many resources, one easy thing can be done: Block the way.

A crowd of allied players blocked the way out of the city. Thus, no traitorous player was able to go to the place where the wars.h.i.+ps were parked.

Unlike ordinary chariots and mounts, wars.h.i.+ps must be anch.o.r.ed somewhere special in the city. This place was outside the city, like a type of s.h.i.+p parking. Because of this, players must leave the s.h.i.+p to enter the city.

Due to the mult.i.tude of players blocking the way and the prohibition of fighting within the city. Traitors were trapped inside the Crystalline Lake City.

The only way to chase Liu Yang and the princess was to send another chase group. This gave Little Black time to fly very far.

Wars.h.i.+ps lacked transport skills and can only fly to the designated location.

Thus, the nearest city with a place to park s.h.i.+ps is a seven-day journey on foot. Using the transport stone does not take even a second. The problem was that the allies also blocked the transport stones in Crystalline Lake City.

The only way for traitors to chase Liu Yang was to warn other players to chase him. This is what happened. But until that happens and the s.h.i.+ps set sail, Liu Yang has already traveled for almost three hours.

"Princess, we are on Mountain of Silver Eagle. Although this place does not have many creatures, the steep mountains are deadly. When we pa.s.s this mountain and the Plains of the Heavenly Winds, we will reach the capital "Liu Yang looked for information about the mountain during the trip. He read something interesting about the mountain.

Silver Eagle Mountain was a leveling spot for 200-300 level players, for top-level players, that place was a piece of cake. But there was one thing that made the mountain a dangerous place, the narrow and steep pa.s.sages.

The name of the mountain came from the creatures that live there, silver-colored eagles.

No matter the level of the player, if anyone of them falls from the mountain, death was certain. But it was still a good place to level, many low-players were at the leveling place.

To prevent someone from using wars.h.i.+ps to attack the mountain and level unfairly. The developers prevented wars.h.i.+ps from flying close to the mountain.

"Do you have any skills or magic ??" Liu Yang asked.

"Yes, I do have some trapping skills"

"What kind of traps?"

"Explosive, paralyzing, freezing, slippery and other types of traps"

"I see ... Can these traps be invisible?"

"No, but they can be camouflaged using the terrain. Does that work? "

"Yes. That will do. Let"s hurry up. " Little Black landed high on the mountain, there was no other player in the place.

(Summon Souls !!!!) Liu Yang summoned the five souls, but this time, he summoned only one tank, two archers, a wizard, and a healer.

Since the players on the site were low level, archers can kill them quickly, even if they are tanks.

"What are you doing?" Lymseia was curious to see Liu Yang covering the souls with the black robes. She imagined that these were Liu Yang"s summons.

"I am covering my summons, this is for our opponents to think that we are in a group. You should use that too "Liu Yang handed the princess a cloak.

"Are you ready?"


"Let"s run. Try to keep up with me "Liu Yang and the group of souls started running. The princess followed Liu Yang closely.

The formation was as follows: The warrior in the front, an archer, Liu Yang, princess, and the healer in the middle, magician, archer in the back. The image looked like a strange pyramid.

"Attack them !!" Liu Yang ordered souls. During the race, he encountered several groups of traitors fighting the Allies. Since they were of low levels, the two archers only need one attack to kill each one.




Each of the traitors received high damage for each arrow of souls. That startled us at first, but they soon realized that a group of high-level players was pa.s.sing by.

It didn"t take long for information about the princess to be on Mountain of the Silver Eagles to spread to the big shots.

A great raid was set up to kill the princess on the mountain. All entrances and exits were occupied by allies and traitors, these places were divided equally.

The weakest players were the first to go in search of Liu Yang and the princess. The two were hiding on the mountain.

Traitors need only buy time until the end of the quest. They would win that way.

The allies needed to hurry and help the princess to reach the capital. Otherwise, they lose.

"Little princess, did you set the traps?" Liu Yang was high up on the mountain and looking at the crowd around him. He saw that they were entering a group.

"Yes. The traps are installed, I could only install a thousand. If I had more time, I could have installed a lot more "The princess only managed to install this amount because of the time.

"This is enough. We just need to keep them busy while we getaway. " Liu Yang still had eight days to complete the quest. His trip and rest at the princess" mansion lasted just over two days.

The path after the mountain was the most difficult, as the Plains of the Heavenly Wind had no places to hide and to make matters worse, the place was very long. The only thing Liu Yang can do is run on the road or fly.

"Ward, if you want, I can also set up traps while I walk."

"Can you do that too?" Liu Yang was surprised to hear that.


"Let"s get going then. This will advance our work. The only ones who can activate and take damage are the traitors, right? "

"Yes. Only they can activate the traps. The allies are helping us, so I have no reason to harm them "

"Okay. Let"s walk "Liu Yang started walking while the princess walked behind him.

The princess was throwing wooden b.a.l.l.s along the way. These b.a.l.l.s were the traps she creates with her powers.

Liu Yang was feeding the princess potions so she can create more traps.

The path taken by the pair was left with tens of thousands of dangerous traps along the road.