MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 248

Booooooom !!!!!! Booooooom !!!!!! Booooooom !!!!!! Booooooom !!!!!!

Dozens of explosions occurred when the traitorous leaders gave the orders to attack Little White. The shots were focused only on it.

(Little White, use Star Race !!!) Liu Yang ordered when he saw the hundreds of magic cannon shots going towards Little White.

Little White"s body shone a powerful white light, the silhouette of a galaxy covered its body.

Shuoooo !!!!

Little White"s running speed exploded again, but this time it was much faster than before. It seemed to have teleported forward so fast that she ran.

"What is this wolf ??? !!!!! How can it be so fast ???? !!!! " The leaders shouted.

(Little White, keep running and don"t stop !!! Grow up !!!!)

Little White"s body began to grow. Before its size was the size of a motorcycle, now its size was like an elephant.

"What is it???? What kind of wolf is this ??? This is no ordinary wolf !!!!! Kill that wolf !!!!!!! "

(Blow up the s.h.i.+ps !!) Liu Yang sent the message to his ally.

Booooom !!!!! Booooom !!!!! Booooom !!!!!

Pang !!!! Pang !!!! Pang !!!!

The traitors" fleet of wars.h.i.+ps were hit by several powerful explosions, the s.h.i.+ps ended up colliding with each other and this hindered their shooting.

"Who made this????!!!!!"

"Attack!!!" The Allied leaders shouted they decided to attack the traitors and try to destroy their wars.h.i.+ps.

Little White was already very far and close to the capital, chasing him and the princess would be very difficult. So they chose to attack the traitors.

Liu Yang continued to follow from behind, but he was still a long way from Little White after it used its running skills. He saw that after running for so long and being hit by several explosions, Little White was already getting tired.

(I need to hurry up !!! Healer, use the Speed ​Enchantment!!!!) The healer waved his hand.

A light covered Liu Yang"s body. Suddenly, his running speed exploded. He was running about ten times faster than before.

(Come back. This speed increase will last a minute. It is enough for me to catch Little White and the princess) Liu Yang saved the souls and ran at full speed.

Boooooom !!!!! Boooooom !!!!! Boooooom !!!!!

The s.h.i.+ps still continued to fire towards Little White, but as it was going further and further, the shots missed. The s.h.i.+ps need to move forward to hit, but it was stopped by the allies.

"Chase them !!!!!!!!!!!"

"You are not going anywhere !!!!"

Little White had already covered five kilometers and there are still five kilometers to go. But it was already at its limits.

(Little White, come back) The princess fell to the floor and started running when Little White went back to the cage.

"Princess, are you okay?"

"Yes, the explosions did not affect me. Only Little White was affected "

"Yes. It looks like the plan worked. Now comes the difficult part. The and the most powerful players of the traitors must be waiting at the entrance to the city "

"Will the plan work?"

"Yes. We just need to keep them distracted "


Liu Yang got to the princess"s side, the two started running together. They were noticed by those who were after them.

"Die!!!!!" A traitor tried to attack Liu Yang, as he did not know who the princess was.

"It won"t be that easy !! Taunt !!! " Liu Yang summoned the Warrior"s Soul, and he used the taunt on the

"Kill him !!!" The other four souls appeared and attacked. The player died instantly from the attack of the five.

"Princess, are you ready ??"


"We will use our last item"


Liu Yang took the princess"s hand and took something from his inventory.

Click ...

Liu Yang squeezed the item. The item shone and turned into a small wooden boat. The two jumped in.

"Princess, hold on tight !!!! Activate maximum speed !!! " Liu Yang shouted.

The boat flashed and shot forward. This boat belongs to Liu Yang"s hidden ally.

Shuooooooooo !!!!!!!!!

The boat"s speed was very fast and it looked like a beam of light moving forward.

Five kilometers ... Four kilometers ... Three kilometers ... Two kilometers ... One kilometer...

When the s.h.i.+p reached a kilometer away from the capital, its speed gradually started to decrease. But it was still fast.

"Die!!!!" A group of players suddenly appeared at the entrance to the city, they began to cast spells towards Liu Yang.

Several lights shone and spears of fire, spheres of water, black clouds and many other things emerged.

An ice barrier appeared in front of the boat.

Pang !!!!

The boat collided with the barrier and stopped. At that moment, the spells were cast and the skills of the archers were used.

Boooom !!! Boooom !!! Boooom !!! Boooom !!!

Shuoooo… Shuoooo… Shuoooo… Shuoooo…

Dozens of attacks. .h.i.t the scene.

Crack… Crack… Crack…

Smoke was raised and the wall began to crack and break.

Boooom !!

When the wall broke a large hole was shown, but no sign of Liu Yang or the princess.

"Where are they ??? !!!!!"

"The princess hasn"t been killed yet !!!!"

"Up there!!!!!!!!" One of them screamed when he looked at the sky.

A black shadow in the sky was flying towards the capital. It was a giant blackbird. It was Little Black.

"Cannons. Fire!!!!!!!!"

"Little Black, dodge !!!"

Cuaaaa !!!!!!!!!! Little Black stretched its wings and began to deflect attacks from the magic cannons on the ground.

Booooom !!!!!!

Cua !!!!!!

A cannon shot struck near Little Black, it was injured in the attack. As a Legendary creature, it had high status and managed to survive the shot.

Above the capital, a large fleet of wars.h.i.+ps appeared. They were the s.h.i.+ps of the traitors who arrived from other cities.

"Little Black, fly at full speed !!!"

"Cuaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!" Little Black was irritated by being shot. It will show them who is the king in the sky.

Its wings were spread to the limit, a red and b.l.o.o.d.y glow covered Little Black"s body. Its third eye was opened.

Cuaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Little Black roared fiercely and shot forward like a projectile.

Shuooooooo !!!!!!!

"Stop them !!!!!!!!!!!!" The cannons began to fire wildly towards Little Black, but the shots missed.

Little Black"s current speed was much faster than before. And the players on the wars.h.i.+p could not keep up.

Five hundred meters… Four hundred meters… Two hundred meters… One hundred meters…

"It won"t be that easy !!!" Someone suddenly appeared behind Liu Yang.

The player wearing a mask and leather clothes stabbed Liu Yang with his dagger covered with paralyzing poison.

"s.h.i.+t!!!!" Liu Yang screamed when he saw the symbol of paralysis in his character. He couldn"t move.

"Little Black, use the Black Feather Storm !!!"

"Cua !!!!!!!" Little Black"s body began to radiate red and black light. Black feathers started to emerge around everyone before turning into a black feather tornado.

"Die!!!!" The attacked towards the princess, but before he could attack. He saw a brown sphere in her hands, he knew what it was.

Boooooooom !!!!!!!!