MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 25

Liu Yang was excited to saw the chest and immediately touched because he did not want to waste precious time thinking about other things. The moment Liu Yang hit the box, a system sound echoed in his mind.

Ding ... Ding ...

"Opening Chest"





The percentage was rising slowly, Liu Yang could not stand up or move, otherwise, progress will be stopped, and he would have to do it again. Fortunately, Liu Yang could still move his head, from his position, he could see that the ant was near the entrance of the cave and Little White was already in the entrance waiting.

Looking at the progress, Liu Yang saw that it was already at 50%, after calculating the time, Liu Yang saw that he had enough time to open the chest and pick up the item.
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When the percentage reached 90%, the ant arrived at the entrance, but could not pa.s.s, the ant tried to walk but was. .h.i.t the wall, after a few attempts, the aggro was reset and the ant began to turn and walk back to the hole.

While it was in the middle of the way, the progress of Liu Yang reached 100%.

Ding ...

"Open Chest"

"Let"s see what"s inside the chest" Liu Yang did not have much time, so he just took a look at the contents of the chest. Inside the chest there was only a small box of old wood and nothing else, without much thought, Liu Yang quickly picked up the box and threw it in the inventory and left the hole, the chest closed automatically.

Ding ...

"Acquired Mission Item"

Not paying attention to the system"s notification, Liu Yang ran up to the wall and stood there, he did not want to move, as he feared that he would attract the aggro of the giant ant. Sometime later, the ant slept in the hole again, and Liu Yang started to walk while leaning against the wall.

When he reached the entrance, Liu Yang was covered in cold sweat, because he knew that if he had done something wrong, he would be dead. Opening the inventory, Liu Yang was happy when he saw the wooden chest. Looking at the mission, he saw that it was complete and needed to be delivered to the spirit of the entrance of the anthill.

Looking back at the time, Liu Yang saw that he stayed inside that spot for almost six months, looking at the inventory, Liu Yang"s eyes were s.h.i.+ning as he achieved an absurd wealth. But he knew it would be suspicious if he sold all these Black at once, Liu Yang thought of a good plan to sell these things.

Little White was wagging the tail as it looked at Liu Yang, it was waiting for the reward for the things it did before. Liu Yang knew this and stroked its head.

"Good Wolf"


The two men and animal rested a little before leaving, Little White entered the cage while Liu Yang used the Returning Scroll to return to Steel City. After tearing the parchment, a glow covered Liu Yang"s body and then disappeared, Liu Yang was teleported back to town.


In the center of Steel City was a square that had a s.h.i.+pping stone, several lights shone and a large group of people appeared, there were those who were wearing s.h.i.+ny and powerful armor, while others were wearing a black cloak that covered their bodies.

One of these people in black left the square and headed for the city bank, he stored some things before going to the auction house of the city. The black person took a while before leaving and headed toward the exit of the city and return to the anthill. This person dressed in black was Liu Yang.

After returning to the city, Liu Yang went to the bank save ninety-nine percent of the Black, he would sell only ten of these and save the money. If Liu Yang traded the gold coins for real money, he could earn some real-world money. But that would attract suspicions, because how could anyone who was playing New Earth for less than a month in the real world get so much money?

To avoid problems, Liu Yang left the money and his items stored in the bank, as it was better than carrying these things in his inventory. If he were killed, such things could fall, and it would be very tragic for him to fall into one of the Black, he could be the target of all the guilds of the human kingdom. Thus, Liu Yang preferred to save and sell slowly.

The entrance of the anthill was totally different from before since there were not only beginner players in the place. There were also thousands of high-level players who belonged to the great guilds of the human kingdom.

All these people were in place for only one purpose, the entrance into the alley, for a certain rumor spread, but no one knows the origin. This rumor said that the entrance into the alley was the place where the creatures that drop Black Sh.e.l.l were.

No one knew if this rumor was true or not, but one thing they knew, was that the alley contained many secrets. Because of this, the entrance and interior of the anthill were crowded with high-level players, some even killed those who were beginners for pleasure. But soon after, they would be killed immediately.

Why was it fun to kill a player who was level 10 using the power of someone who was at level 500? None, for many, was considered wholly immoral and shameful. Doing something like that was extremely embarra.s.sing to those who came from powerful guilds.

Those who were low-level were allowed to enter the ant hill, but only on the first level, because the transition zone, where the alley was, was closed only to elite members of the great guilds, as they were still trying to open the door, but without success.

Liu Yang was one of those who managed to get in because he would go to the first zone, but if he came near the middle zone between the first zone and the second, he would be dead. Counting that Liu Yang did not go to that place, he would be well, luckily, the spirit was in the first zone.

After entering the anthill, Liu Yang ran towards the spirit, in the middle of the way, he saw a large group of people wearing s.h.i.+ny armor while riding on wild beasts, these beasts were mounts.

Spirit was still in the same place as before, when he saw Liu Yang coming, the spirit became anxious.

"Young adventurer, you"re back. Could you find the wooden sculpture? "The spirit asked in an excited voice.

"Mr. Spirit, I do not know if I found the wood sculpture, but I found this." Liu Yang showed the ancient wooden box to the spirit.

"Young adventurer, I thank you for finding it, the wooden sculpture is inside that box, allow me." The spirit spoke a few things and the box emitted a small brightness before breaking, and a wooden sculpture was shown. The sculpture had the appearance of a man holding a sword and a s.h.i.+eld.

Ding ... Ding ... Ding ...

"Acquired Wood Sculpture"

"Complete Quest"

"Acquired experience"

"Young adventurer, I thank you for helping me find my wooden sculpture, but can I ask you for another favor?"

"If it"s within my reach, I"ll try my best to help you"

"Young adventurer, I"d like you to take the wooden sculpture to my wife"s grave in the Steel City cemetery."

Ding ...

"Quest: Delivering the Wood Sculpture - The spirit wants you to take the sculpture to the grave of his deceased wife, when he was still alive, the spirit came to the anthill to retrieve the sculpture, but was killed. Now he can not take the sculpture back, it"s up to you to do it. Rank D. Requirement: Find the wood sculpture. Reward: ?? "

"Accept - Decline"

"I"ll deliver the sculpture to the grave," Liu Yang said.

Ding ...

"Quest Accepts"