MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 259

Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!!

Millions of lights flashed in the sky before millions of explosions were heard. Spells and abilities were used before it hit targets.

"Attack with maximum power!!!!!"

"Don"t hold back !!!!!"

"Use everything !!!!"

"Release everything in the creatures !!!!!"

"Move faster !!!!!"

"Don"t stand still !!!!!"

"Why do these screams make it look very weird ???"

Screams echoed across the battlefield, screams of motivation. Although it sounds a little strange and ambiguous for the occasion.

Some have even stopped attacking because of the shame caused by ambiguous words, especially women. But in the end, everyone calmed down and attacked again with full force.

Among millions of players, Liu Yang was just pacing back and forth while ordering souls to attack the nearest creatures.

The Critical Moment was already at 50%, souls were attacking non-stop using spells and abilities. Liu Yang has lost count of how many times he has strengthened souls to improve their power.

So far, Liu Yang was unable to earn any contribution points because he was unable to defeat the creatures. 

As Liu Yang was at level 500, their souls were also at level 500, so the damage varied widely between creatures. The first two, souls still manage to cause 6,000 - 8,000.

But the third creature that appeared in the second wave, souls can only take about 5,000 or less.

Because of the lack of damage, Liu Yang was unable to acc.u.mulate points, but he didn"t care. Because that was not his goal.

The battle went on for two and a half days until the second wave was won. The big shots didn"t have a chance to relax because the investment they made depends on the result of the quest.

If the quest fails and the kingdom is destroyed, several tens of years invested in the game would be totally wasted. n.o.body wanted that.

Only those envious players who had nothing and envied influential groups who were not fighting to their full potential.

When the last creature was defeated, the system sound echoed to everyone.

"The second wave defeated. The last wave will start in twenty-four hours "


The players were relieved to know that they will have another day to rest before the last wave appears.

Everyone took advantage of the rest time to relax and rest before the last battle. Everyone understood that the last battle will be the most difficult of all.

"The time has finally come." Liu Yang was already at the hotel again. The Critical Moment was already at 100% and the bow of the former princess was already s.h.i.+ning and pulsing strongly, this shows that the former princess was already ready for combat.

Liu Yang completed the quest, the quest to endure until the princess builds her body. Now, he just needs to call on her to help in the fight.

All the great shots of the elven kingdom made every possible effort for the last stage, as it was the most difficult of all. If they go through this, the quest will be completed.

Each guild leader was doing as much planning as possible so that nothing went wrong during the last wave.





Ding… Ding…

"The last wave will begin"

Black Poison Mutant Elf: 0 - 500,000

Deadly Poison Mutant Beast: 0 - 100,000

Soulless Elf Slave: 0 - 10,000

Evil Spirit: 0 - 500,000

Boooom !!!!! Boooom !!!!! Boooom !!!!! Boooom !!!!!

The creatures started charging from the beginning, their speed was extremely fast.

The fourth creature that appeared was a black, distorted shadow. That was an evil spirit.

Liu Yang knew what that is. He has purified this kind of soul before.

When the players saw the large number of creatures that they had to defeat, they were shocked and scared. Because the amount was insane, it was much greater than the two previous waves.

But that didn"t stop them from charging forward and attacking.


"Whoa !!!!!!!!"

The tanks charged towards the great wave of creatures. But a strange thing happened.

The evil spirit was in front and was the first to hit the tanks. However, no one spirit suffered damage. Only tanks suffered damage and died.

"What was happening???!!!"

"Why are these black shadows not damaged ??? !!!"

"Do you have to use magic to defeat these things ??? !!!!"

"Use the magic of the light element !!!!"

The battlefield was illuminated by white lights, the healers and the holy magicians used their magic to try to defeat the evil spirits.

"It worked!!!! The light defeated these black shadows !!!! "

"Use light magic to kill these creatures !!!!"

"This is not enough !!!! We have few users of the magic of light !!!! "

Not even high-level players can deal with evil souls because they lacked light skills, only a few of them did, but not everyone can handle hundreds of thousands.

"It looks like it"s time to use the bow" Liu Yang clenched his teeth and made his decision.

A giant, s.h.i.+ny bow was taken from his inventory. The crowd around him was shocked when he saw this.

(This is a legendary item !!!!) Many players imagined this, as they had never seen such a beautiful and powerful bow before.

"Princess, I summon you !!!!!!" Liu Yang screamed and raised his bow before pulling on the string.

When Liu Yang"s words were heard, the players understood that the bow was not a piece of equipment, but a summoning item, a quest item.

Shuoo !!!!!!!!

The instant Liu Yang released the rope, a strong white light shot up to the sky like a powerful shot.

All players looked towards the light in the sky in the northern part of the city. The light was so bright that it was impossible to look directly at it.

Suddenly, millions of arrows of light shot in the four directions of the city and hit the two million evil spirits.

"Weiweroiqrqiqwpoqwpeow !!!!!!!" Evil spirit began to scream and writhe in pain before disappearing into the air. All evil spirits suddenly disappeared.

"The Evil Spirits were defeated !!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Who made this????!!!!!!!!!!"

"It was that player with the giant bow !!!!"

"He said something about summoning someone and suddenly, the strong light flew towards the sky !!!"

Everyone looked at the bow in Liu Yang"s hand as if they were looking for some kind of treasure. They understood that the bow was a quest item, otherwise, the souls would not have been easily defeated.

Envy and jealousy arose in their hearts quickly, if they had the bow, they could have defeated all those souls and obtained millions of points. But the situation was not like that, Liu Yang received no point for defeating the evil spirits because it was not he who did it, it was the princess.

"Go forward !!!! The leaders want to talk to you !!! " A group of players in bright clothes surrounded Liu Yang. They belong to influential groups.