MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 266

(It looks like it"s time to go to the federation and explore the place where only experts can enter) Liu Yang thought. His biggest dream was to enter that place, but after so many things he did, that dream diminished a little.

"Princess, I will be going to the federation after I finish working out some things." Liu Yang imagined that war will also take place in the human kingdom. He had to be prepared.

"I also need to sort out some things before I go to the city of white elves in the federation. If fate allows, we will both meet in some city of the federation someday "The princess said goodbye to Liu Yang.

"Princess, I hope to see you again someday too" Liu Yang also said goodbye to the princess.

"I asked the king to reward you for your help during this ordeal. He will reward you in the best possible way. See you someday, my friend "The princess disappeared with the white tiger.

Ding ...

"Your relations.h.i.+p with the princess is good"

"Roar !!!" The tiger roared in thanks.

"Alexali, Little White, Little Blue, Little Black, you can come back too. Our task is over. "

"Roar !!!!!" The four beasts roared before returning, only Little White sided with Liu Yang.

"Auuuu" Little White was concerned about her mother.

"You don"t have to worry about her, she"ll be fine" Liu Yang stroked Little White"s head. She just licked his face like a dog.

"Hehe ... Let"s go back, you"re tired after this heavy fight" Little White didn"t want to go back to the cage, she wanted to be gone for a while.

Liu Yang released the other two beasts so he wouldn"t look unfair. The four went back to the hotel room. The three beasts shrank to be the size of cute cubs. They looked like cute cub beasts.

While Liu Yang rested in the hotel room, players and NPCs from the kingdom of the white elves continued the battle against the creatures. They fought bravely until the end.

The biggest enemy had already been defeated and fled, if players could not beat the wave of creatures, they would be throwing their faces away.

Thus, they all fought with maximum motivation to win the quest for the kingdom.

The images of Liu Yang and the princess"s fight against The True and the dark elf were filmed by the players and posted on the forums of the four kingdoms and in the federation.

Everyone who watched the battle of the five armies that took place in the kingdom of the white elves was shocked by what they were watching. For something that happened was insane.

A meeting of seven beings from Tier G.o.d, this type of scene was unique since the creation of the game, there was never a moment like this. n.o.body believed the images at first, but after realizing that it was footage of the war, even the most skeptical believed in the video.

All players understood that those two players wearing black robes could become two of the greatest players in New Earth history. Especially the player who showed two G.o.d Tier contract beasts. He was more insane than the other side, which had only one, but it looks like she lost the corpse.

The four kingdoms were doing everything possible to try to discover the ident.i.ties of the two, but it was very difficult to find information about the two.

The human kingdom was not yet facing a war, but each guild was already preparing for the worst because if there was war in each of the other kingdoms, the human kingdom will also have one. That was a certainty, but it is not known when it will happen.

Because of anxiety and fear, the big shots were spending a lot of resources to increase the guild"s fighting power as quickly as possible.

The guilds of the four girls also asked for resources for them, as they had a large amount of money in their safes. Because they did nothing but manage the two cities to make more money.

Despite investing part of the profits to improve the two cities, the investment always returned several times more than the amount invested.

In the real world ...

In a country called Union Independent State. This place had such a name because it did not influence by any other country or the four regions.

This was the country where members of the four races live without prejudice and with complete freedom. It is the only place in the world where marriage between beings of different races is accepted.

The country was not very large, but it had a large population and was the most technological and magical place in the world. The country was on a large island near the ocean.

The cities were decorated with all kinds of ornaments and on the streets, members of the four races walk freely and without any problem.

The capital of the union was the largest city in the country and the location of the New Earth research and development center. The company that created the game is called Infinity History, the company was founded after the peace treaty was signed.

The company was gigantic and was the size of a small town.

People of the four races ran from side to side while carrying folders, bags, and many other things.

The central building was in the middle of the company and all other regions had roads that connect to the central building.

Inside the meeting room, there were a total of eight, two for each race, they were the board directors of the company and were discussing something about a certain subject.

Each of the members was already old and with white hair. It was time for them to find their respective subst.i.tutes.

"We have an important meeting today to talk about the recent events in New Earth. Have you read the reports yet? " An elf man spoke in a hoa.r.s.e tone.

"Yes," The other seven responded.

"Let"s recap first to see if everyone understood the situation" The old elf took the remote control and turned on the projector on the table. An image was projected on the wall.

The video of the war that took place in the kingdom of the white elves was shown. The scenes where Liu Yang, Princess Lyna, The True, and the dark elf were fighting each other. The video was only a few minutes long.

When the video ended, the group returned to the discussion.

"What do you think about that?"

"I think this player was very lucky. Just that, luck" An old man commented. He didn"t think it was weird that someone was lucky to play a game. This has always happened on many occasions.

"Does anyone else have an opinion?"

"I also think it was luck, but at the same time, this player needs to be determined to do what he did. Not just anyone can do that. A person without determination would not get that kind of contract beasts." Another commented.

"I think he knows what he"s doing. The quests involving The True and the souls are some of the quest chains that change the history of the four kingdoms and even the federation. Thus, those two players are close to releasing the next Update Path for the game. " Another commented.