MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 268

(Hey, Liu Yang. What level are you on now?) A private message suddenly appeared in Liu Yang"s chat. He saw that it belonged to Zen Hi or Sauron Jedi.

(I"m not leveling too much. I stopped by to do my deliveries) Liu Yang replied.

After finis.h.i.+ng matters with the girls and having fun with them in bed, apart and together. Liu Yang went back to doing his job as a deliveryman. Due to his high level and wealth, he did all the quests quickly and leveled his status to a rank A deliveryman.

He just needed to use the transport stone to get to the nearest location and then use one of the three mounts to travel.

On the way, the souls defeat the monsters quickly while he walked casually. This greatly increased Liu Yang"s efficiency in delivering things. He always received the top score because of the speed and care when delivering the items. This made him move up the ranks much faster. 

To reach to the S rank, Liu Yang needs to make hundreds of dangerous deliveries to the federation.

(Li Qing and Zhao Yan are with me, we are doing a quest together with a group of friends from our guild. Do you want to join us?)

(What is the level requirement? I don"t know if I"m at a low level or not) Liu Yang didn"t know whether or not to accept this offer.

The three were his cla.s.smates who were chosen to be tested in the guilds of Rose and Tears on Sky. They pa.s.sed the test and agreed to be part of the minor guild.

From that day on, their levels exploded. Before, they were only at level 200 - 250, now, they were already at level 450-499.

The trio was shocked by the leveling speed they had. They played New Earth for over a year and had only reached 200 levels, but they leveled another 250 levels in just one year. This was too fast.

For everyone knows that with each level raised, the next one was much more difficult.

This situation happened because players of level 500 and above took the trio and some other players to level in zones of level 500 and above. The extra experience was very great because of more than three hundred levels above. So it was very easy to level.

The method was simple. As the level between the players could not be more than one hundred and fifty. Level 500 players were not in the group, they were third parties who only lured monsters like s.h.i.+elds of flesh while level 350 players attacked. The experience was divided for the group, except for level 500 players, as they did not attack.

The youngest players of the big shots were leveled this way, quick and practical. While ordinary players were forced to defeat monsters and do quests every day to gain some experience. The difference between the levels of leveling was very large.

(The minimum level is 350)

(I can help, but before I need to finish a delivery, I"m doing my job as a delivery man) Liu Yang didn"t speak his true level, he just said he could help.

(Liu Yang, have you managed to level up to level 350? That was too fast) Zen Hi was surprised. He didn"t know that Liu Yang was already at level 500 and that he was hiding that fact.

(Yes. I"m at level 400, a group of good players helped me level up.)

(Ohh ... You are very lucky. It is very rare to find such a group today. Have you chosen your cla.s.s yet? Or are you still without a cla.s.s yet?) Liu Yang"s three friends don"t know that he had chosen his cla.s.s. They still think he was cla.s.sless.

(I"m out of cla.s.s yet. I"m still trying to figure out what kind of cla.s.s I want to have.)

(I see ... Anyway, you can show up here. The place we are going to be is in the Golden Desert, we are in the Diamond Scale City. If you appear there in half an hour, we can put you in the group)

(Okay. I"ll try. I need at least fifteen minutes.)


"Here are the receipts for the deliveries. All of them." Liu Yang returned to the delivery post" headquarters to return the receipts signed by the receivers. Whenever he made a delivery, he needed to come back and show that the delivery was made correctly.

"Very well. You did a good job, your new rank will be A ++. To move up to the S rank, you need to get to A +++ and then go to the delivery office in the federation. "

"I thank you for that"

"Go to the counter to get your reward. You deserve it because of the hard work "

"Thank you, boss" Liu Yang went to get his rewards from deliveries.

The deliveries that Liu Yang made were in dangerous places and full of powerful creatures. As he was with his group of powerful souls and beasts. Walking on dangerous terrain has become a walk in the park. Very easy.

"I think I"m going to meet those three now. I haven"t seen them in a few months. I hope they are struggling to get stronger "Liu Yang tore the parchment and went to the City of Diamond Scales.

A light covered his body before disappearing.

(Where are you guys?) Liu Yang asked he was at the girls" mansion. His Save Point in the city was his room.

(Liu Yang, have you finished your deliveries? That was quick. We are in front of the auction house in the main square, some members are buying some things before leaving.)

(Okay, I"m going. I"m just going to get a few things first)


Liu Yang left the mansion and went to the bank to save some and get other things.

Liu Yang wanted to disguise himself and not show his true level to his friends. He saved the level 500 equipment he had purchased from Veola and took level 350 - 400 equipment that he had received in the delivery man quest.

Although it seemed simple to make a delivery, the dangers during the trip were very great. The rewards that Liu Yang received for making A and A + rank deliveries were very generous.

Level 350 equipment was the same status as level 400 equipment, while level 400 equipment had the same status as level 450. The reward was worth the hard work.

Liu Yang changed all his equipment, the set of armor, rings, necklace, bracelet, sword, and s.h.i.+eld. He looked like a powerful player with the new items, but it was just the appearance.

His level of 500 items was much more powerful.

Despite wearing all of this, Liu Yang still wore a mask that completely covers his face. He didn"t want to be found out easily.

Finis.h.i.+ng changing his equipment and taking potions and a little money. Liu Yang went to meet his friends that he hadn"t seen in a few months since the holidays began.

The main square of the city was packed with players, everyone was shouting for a group or selling things on the street. The city became one of the busiest places in the kingdom, second only to the capital of the kingdom.

(I"m already here in the main square, where are you guys?) Liu Yang sent the private message.

(I"m waving, can you see?) Liu Yang started looking towards the auction house and saw a player wearing cloth clothes waving his hand at random.

(Are you the one who is strangely waving your hand?)

(How is it weird? I"m waving normally. Did you get to see me?)

(Yes. I"m already going)