MMORPG: The Tales Of Souls

Chapter 275

Sick Woman saw that someone was calling her. And the call was on video. If it was a normal call using the voice, she wouldn"t mind.

The problem was that the other side made a video call. The other problem was also that the other side is her mother making the call.

(What do I do??? If I don"t answer, mom will think something is wrong. What do I do??? If only he didn"t have his hand on my breast...) Sick Woman was nervous about the situation. She didn"t know what to do at the moment.

(If I don"t answer soon, my mom will be worried and curious) Sick Woman had her finger next to the b.u.t.ton, but she couldn"t press it.

Suddenly, Liu Yang moved and b.u.mped Sick Woman"s arm, she pressed the b.u.t.ton to answer the call.

The call was answered. A screen appeared along with an image of a middle-aged woman. She was beautiful, but her face still showed the marks of middle age.

"My dear daughter, has something happened? You took too long to answer the call "Sick Woman"s mother looked at her daughter curiously. For it was rare for Sick Woman to take the call.

"Mom, I was a little busy now, that"s why I took so long to answer the call" Sick Woman made up some excuse. She didn"t dare to say that she was lying in bed with a man.

Since they were both skinny, Sick Woman"s body covered Liu Yang"s body. She also raised the image slightly and did not show Liu Yang"s arm squeezing Sick Woman"s breast.

"I see… My dear daughter, you need to rest too. Working all the time is bad for your health, you know that, right? " Sick Woman"s mother didn"t know what was going on, she just thought that her daughter was working too hard on the administration of the two cities along with the other three girls.

"Mom, I"m fine. My job is not very difficult and there are also many NPCs helping me to do the administration. "

"My dear daughter, you also need to remember your health. Your dad and I are worried that you"re spending more time at the game than usual. Are you hiding something from us? " Sick Woman"s parents were concerned about her.

After joining Rose"s group and start to manage the two cities, Sick Woman spent much more time in the game than in the real world. Before, she only played for a few hours before going out and resting. Now, she played for almost ten hours before leaving, sometimes even more than that.

Sick Woman"s parents thought there was something about the game that made her want to keep playing. The couple was happy with that, as Sick Woman found something to do besides being lonely inside the house.

But also worried because of the great time she is spending on the game.

"Hiding? As well? Mom, I have nothing to hide from you and dad. "Sick Woman was nervous because of her mom"s question.

At the same time, Liu Yang"s hand that was hugging her came down and touched her private cave through her skirt.

Sick Woman froze because of the shock, she felt her body being electrocuted. She didn"t know what to do or how to act at this moment. Her mother was watching her standing and with a shocked face.

"My dear daughter, did something happen? Are you sick? Your face is completely red and I am seeing smoke coming out of your head. Are you alright?" Sick Woman"s mother started to get nervous. Because her daughter was acting very strange.

"No mother. I"m not sick or anything. I just have a little problem here. This is nothing serious." Sick Woman tried her best to control herself and stay calm. But it was very difficult, one of Liu Yang"s hands was squeezing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s while the other hand was inside her skirt and squeezing her panties.

"My dear daughter, you are lying to me. Since when did you start doing this? Tell mommy lies." Sick Woman"s mother was upset to see her daughter acting this way. She knew her daughter very well and understood that she was hiding something.

"Mom. It"s true, I"m not lying. I just have a little problem, you don"t have to worry "


"My dear daughter, I will believe ..." Before Sick Woman"s mother could finish speaking. She felt a lightning strike her body when she saw something appear beside her daughter"s face.

"Mom, what happens? Why did you suddenly stop talking? " Sick Woman did not know what had happened and asked. She saw her mother standing with a shocked face.

"..." She didn"t answer her daughter"s question. It took her a sometimes to regain consciousness before speaking embarra.s.singly.

"My dear daughter, I did not know that you were in the middle of an important matter. I will say goodbye now, we will talk later. But remember to be careful when you"re in the real world. "Sick Woman"s mother spoke hurriedly before hanging up. She looked embarra.s.sed about something.

"What happened to leave mom like that ??" Sick Woman wondered. But the answer was on her side. 

When Sick Woman looked to the side, she froze instantly. Before her face was completely red like a ripe tomato.

(I don"t believe my mom saw me in this situation. She must be believing that I"m spending more time in the game because of this pervert. And there"s nothing I can do to change that… My mom will already tell my father ... I don"t know what will happen anymore ...) Sick Woman started to think too much until she got a headache.

(Forget about it ... If anything has to happen, it will happen ...) Sick Woman put the consequences aside and fell asleep in Liu Yang"s warm embrace.

The two looked like a perfect couple in this situation even though Liu Yang"s hands were touching her precious parts. Sick Woman has already taken his hand out of her skirt and put it back on her belly.

In the real world ...

"Husband!!! husband!!!! I need to have a serious talk with you !!!! Open the door !!! " A middle-aged woman started to knock on the wooden door in a hurry. She was very agitated, but her face was happy and a little embarra.s.sed because of something.

Looking at the woman"s appearance, we can see that she was similar to the image of the Sick Woman"s mother within the game. Contrary to her image before, she looked slimmer and more beautiful than in the game.

"Wife, what happened? Why are you agitated like that? And why is that smile on your face? " A middle-aged man opened the door because of his wife"s haste. He was curious about what left his wife like that.